

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
SMH- experts have been telling me, some directly and some indirectly, since I was old enough to read that I shouldn't smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, breathe, eat what I enjoy eating (I weigh 145 lbs soaking wet, I'm 5 ft 6 1/2 in tall) use chemicals for cleaning that might make me sick, that 2 airplanes brought down 3 bldgs in near identical fashion at near free fall speed and that terrorist and drug cartels are gonna kill me, the police are for your protection, politicians are on the up and up- the war on drugs is a good thing, the war on terror is better, the war on poverty is necessary for securing my liberty and laws protect my liberty (from what they can't explain) but, these are the lies "experts" have been telling me for a long time-

I'm a proponent of, knowledge evolves- I know as well, that requires an open mind- experts are close minded- in spite of all the dire consequences experts say I'll suffer if I don't do as they say (which makes them feel better), I'll turn 73 the 19th of this month-

It occurs to me, a non-formally educated, rube, who knows knowledge evolves, that maybe, just maybe studying why it is I've lived as I have, for as long as I have so their (the experts) knowledge could evolve- seems to me, that would go a lot farther in the humanitarian effort than telling me what makes them feel good does.

Oh, I don't drink alcohol- I out grew the desire to escape reality in my early 30's- I don't even do prescription drugs, never mind non-prescription- I'll do something for a cold, now and then, but not often. 2 years ago I developed some sort of allergy that makes me sneeze a lot and my nose get runny- but, not ill. 2 years ago I developed my FIRST AND ONLY allergy- yet, I don't pay attention the the "expert" and get chastised for not doing what makes them feel better- experts my ass-

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