Experts Close to Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) Claim They Have Confirmations of Biden Administration's Collusion With the Taliban

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

Doctor of Military Sciences Sivkov: the Taliban do not let refugees into the airport at the request of the Americans

"The Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) may have stopped allowing Afghan refugees into Kabul airport at the request of the Americans.

Konstantin Sivkov, Doctor of Military Sciences, in a conversation with, suggested that the United States would not have time to get all of its people out of Afghanistan by August 31, so they decided to ABANDON their former allies in the country.

The Taliban have stopped letting Afghan refugees to the airport in Kabul, although they promised not to interfere with the evacuation.

Also, the Taliban had previously made a pact with the U.S. under which all U.S. military personnel must leave the country by August 31.


Sivkov stressed that the Taliban is an extremely heterogeneous movement, with some moderate voices aimed at establishing a theocratic Islamic state along the lines of Iran. But there are also groups oriented toward extremist expansion outside Afghanistan.

"For them, Afghanistan is a platform with which to solve geopolitical problems. They rely on the support of the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other figures who do not want the country to come to a normal regime so that Russia and other former Soviet countries can exist peacefully without the expansion of radical Islamists.

These extremists need to destabilize the situation," the expert said. - There are intelligent, educated people who just want to live normally, and there are WARLORDS whose only ambition is ONLY to gain and use power.

The military expert suggested that the decision to prevent refugees from entering the airport could have come not from the central government of Afghanistan, but from some part of the "Taliban elite," which wants all those who worked with the United States during the pro-American puppet regime to be punished.

"The civil war in the country is far from over. So one should not look for deep meaning in their actions," Sivkov noted.

The doctor of military sciences also recalled that the Taliban set a condition, according to which all American troops must be withdrawn by August 31.

But the problem is that the airport of Kabul has an extremely limited capacity and has not been upgraded for a long time, and therefore it can take only a very small number of planes. As a result, the United States lost the opportunity to evacuate the planned number of people from the country but did not want worldwide condemnation.

"They will leave all the Afghans who cooperated with them, who want to leave Afghanistan even at the cost of their own lives. But in order to meet the Taliban's demand, the Americans decided to simply flee, betraying all those who hoped to be saved

My guess is that THEY MIGHT have AGREED with the Taliban to allow only Americans into the airport.

And that is the most plausible option. The U.S. surrenders its allies as waste material. I would advise the Ukrainians, Saakashvili, the head of Moldova and others to keep this in mind," Sivkov concluded.

Earlier, the State Department published a document in which 60 countries urged to ensure the safe exit from Afghanistan of foreign citizens and Afghans who want to leave the country.

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace warned all nations of the world to expect an influx of Afghan refugees. Canada, Albania and Kosovo have announced their willingness to accept people fleeing the country that the Taliban have seized.


I am well acquainted with Professor Sivkov's military research, as well as his ability to access to information of a "classified" nature.

His research is exceptionally meticulous, and his predictions tend to come true.

Recent statements by some Democratic American politicians, published by the corrupt media controlled by the Democratic Party political top brass, also point to SECRET collusion against Afghan government fighters and commanders.

If the top Democrat politicians are really determined to destroy the United States, it must be admitted that one can hardly imagine a greater discredit to our country in the eyes of the world.

Source: В России обвинили американцев в сговоре с талибами
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Just a Russian hit piece to further denigrate the US. No reason to put any stock in it, as it completely ignores that the Taliban's actions do not require US approval or requests. Their immediate interests are to stabilize and strengthen their position as the government of Afghanistan.
Just a Russian hit piece to further denigrate the US. No reason to put any stock in it, as it completely ignores that the Taliban's actions do not require US approval or requests. Their immediate interests are to stabilize and strengthen their position as the government of Afghanistan.

I am afraid we are all VERY much misled by the corrupted media, and the nightmare we have been watching in Afghanistan - with hundreds of thousands of guns, thousands of Humvees, dozens of functioning helicopters and planes left behind - is the beginning of a new political game by political zealots from the top of the Democratic political elite.

By the way, it is in vain that you speak so unflatteringly of this scientist. Nationalism, chauvinism, and xenophobia only dull the capacity for sound and adequate analysis.

And let's not forget: Taliban is a "child" of the U.S. intelligence services, under the cover of ISI.
Just a Russian hit piece to further denigrate the US. No reason to put any stock in it, as it completely ignores that the Taliban's actions do not require US approval or requests. Their immediate interests are to stabilize and strengthen their position as the government of Afghanistan.
Umm no....The talibans actions DO REQUIRE that the US allow them...........Biden is allowing this nonsense instead of taking out taliban and in fact purposely arming the taliban to do this.
Just a Russian hit piece to further denigrate the US. No reason to put any stock in it, as it completely ignores that the Taliban's actions do not require US approval or requests. Their immediate interests are to stabilize and strengthen their position as the government of Afghanistan.
I saw that a long time ago. What took you so long, Russia?

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