Exorcist draws parallels between deep state, media, demons


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Exorcist draws parallels between deep state, media, demons

An excerpt:

"PINE BLUFF, Wisconsin, December 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — In a recent podcast with the U.S. Grace Force, exorcist Father Chad Ripperger provided reflections on how demonic activity has appeared to manifest itself in ongoing election fraud.

He also provided encouragement to Catholics and other Christians on how to fight back.

Podcast co-host Father Richard Heilman introduced the author and speaker as “an exorcist … (who) does a lot of counseling for other exorcists,” and asked him where he believes the devil is impacting the current crisis.

“I think (the devil) is using people quite a bit,” Ripperger replied. “I think that’s the principal difficulty that we have — people who are, for lack of a better way of putting it, that they’re basically in league with him. They believe the same things that he does. They want the same goals.”

The founder of the Doloran Fathers mentioned a 50-part series he previously released that demonstrates how “communism and … its psychology is identical to diabolical psychology.”

“I think what we’re seeing now is that there’s some stark comparisons in the behavior of some of these people and in what I’ve seen (from demons) in (exorcism) session(s),” he said."


I completely agree with the author of the article. We've been discussing this sort of thing since 2016—the tendency of Donald Trump haters to flip from even tempers to bloodlust crazy-eyed between breaths at the mere mention of our President's name in any positive light. Same applies for mainstream media talking heads who for the past four years have been throwing all decorum of professional journalism in the trash whenever or wherever they discuss Donald Trump. But, I believe this pandemic of mass demon possession has spread now even to many believers in Christ and other non-radical leftist Americans. Almost everywhere I travel by automobile other drives are total maniacs; they have no patience or regard for their own lives or the lives of others—even families—and they're always head down texting at stop signs and traffic lights. Mass possession is the perfect explanation for the prevailing mass madness of our Age. What a joyous time to be alive!
There is most definitively a pagan materialism dominating nearly everything on the left and a lot of the so-called 'Right' this century and the last, very similar to the madnesses and frenzies of mass murders that overtook such 'cultures' as the Aztecs and other pagans since Ur; see the mass murders under Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Hitler for similar pagan insanities, and the current fad for murdering babies that pre-occupies 'Progressives' here; the Xian bashing and obsession with legitimizing bizarre sexual fetishes is part of the same cult-like hysteria over-running an entire political party here in the U.S., and the commies certainly can't claim it's 'modern rationalism' at work among their fellow vermin, it's a genuine hate driven mental illness on a massive scale.
Exorcist draws parallels between deep state, media, demons

An excerpt:

"PINE BLUFF, Wisconsin, December 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — In a recent podcast with the U.S. Grace Force, exorcist Father Chad Ripperger provided reflections on how demonic activity has appeared to manifest itself in ongoing election fraud.

He also provided encouragement to Catholics and other Christians on how to fight back.

Podcast co-host Father Richard Heilman introduced the author and speaker as “an exorcist … (who) does a lot of counseling for other exorcists,” and asked him where he believes the devil is impacting the current crisis.

“I think (the devil) is using people quite a bit,” Ripperger replied. “I think that’s the principal difficulty that we have — people who are, for lack of a better way of putting it, that they’re basically in league with him. They believe the same things that he does. They want the same goals.”

The founder of the Doloran Fathers mentioned a 50-part series he previously released that demonstrates how “communism and … its psychology is identical to diabolical psychology.”

“I think what we’re seeing now is that there’s some stark comparisons in the behavior of some of these people and in what I’ve seen (from demons) in (exorcism) session(s),” he said."


I completely agree with the author of the article. We've been discussing this sort of thing since 2016—the tendency of Donald Trump haters to flip from even tempers to bloodlust crazy-eyed between breaths at the mere mention of our President's name in any positive light. Same applies for mainstream media talking heads who for the past four years have been throwing all decorum of professional journalism in the trash whenever or wherever they discuss Donald Trump. But, I believe this pandemic of mass demon possession has spread now even to many believers in Christ and other non-radical leftist Americans. Almost everywhere I travel by automobile other drives are total maniacs; they have no patience or regard for their own lives or the lives of others—even families—and they're always head down texting at stop signs and traffic lights. Mass possession is the perfect explanation for the prevailing mass madness of our Age. What a joyous time to be alive!

I too started noticing about ten years ago how the American left turned demonic. Tech, media, Hollywood, and millions of ordinary people essentially serve Satan, even though they don't believe in him. For the left, lying and cheating comes natural. It's their natural way because their spiritual father, Satan, is the father of those things.
The link is not working for me and I can't find the article on their site.
Exorcist draws parallels between deep state, media, demons

An excerpt:

"PINE BLUFF, Wisconsin, December 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — In a recent podcast with the U.S. Grace Force, exorcist Father Chad Ripperger provided reflections on how demonic activity has appeared to manifest itself in ongoing election fraud.

He also provided encouragement to Catholics and other Christians on how to fight back.

Podcast co-host Father Richard Heilman introduced the author and speaker as “an exorcist … (who) does a lot of counseling for other exorcists,” and asked him where he believes the devil is impacting the current crisis.

“I think (the devil) is using people quite a bit,” Ripperger replied. “I think that’s the principal difficulty that we have — people who are, for lack of a better way of putting it, that they’re basically in league with him. They believe the same things that he does. They want the same goals.”

The founder of the Doloran Fathers mentioned a 50-part series he previously released that demonstrates how “communism and … its psychology is identical to diabolical psychology.”

“I think what we’re seeing now is that there’s some stark comparisons in the behavior of some of these people and in what I’ve seen (from demons) in (exorcism) session(s),” he said."


I completely agree with the author of the article. We've been discussing this sort of thing since 2016—the tendency of Donald Trump haters to flip from even tempers to bloodlust crazy-eyed between breaths at the mere mention of our President's name in any positive light. Same applies for mainstream media talking heads who for the past four years have been throwing all decorum of professional journalism in the trash whenever or wherever they discuss Donald Trump. But, I believe this pandemic of mass demon possession has spread now even to many believers in Christ and other non-radical leftist Americans. Almost everywhere I travel by automobile other drives are total maniacs; they have no patience or regard for their own lives or the lives of others—even families—and they're always head down texting at stop signs and traffic lights. Mass possession is the perfect explanation for the prevailing mass madness of our Age. What a joyous time to be alive!
The problem with your post is that religious lunatics such as yourself have become mainstream under Trump. Like seriously, the devil? Trump is the Messiah and the rest of us suffer from a "pandemic of mass demon possession". That's so imbecilic as to question your sanity. Get help.

Isn't it peculiar to you how that everything Satan supports (per the bible), leftists support?
Exorcist draws parallels between deep state, media, demons

An excerpt:

"PINE BLUFF, Wisconsin, December 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — In a recent podcast with the U.S. Grace Force, exorcist Father Chad Ripperger provided reflections on how demonic activity has appeared to manifest itself in ongoing election fraud.

He also provided encouragement to Catholics and other Christians on how to fight back.

Podcast co-host Father Richard Heilman introduced the author and speaker as “an exorcist … (who) does a lot of counseling for other exorcists,” and asked him where he believes the devil is impacting the current crisis.

“I think (the devil) is using people quite a bit,” Ripperger replied. “I think that’s the principal difficulty that we have — people who are, for lack of a better way of putting it, that they’re basically in league with him. They believe the same things that he does. They want the same goals.”

The founder of the Doloran Fathers mentioned a 50-part series he previously released that demonstrates how “communism and … its psychology is identical to diabolical psychology.”

“I think what we’re seeing now is that there’s some stark comparisons in the behavior of some of these people and in what I’ve seen (from demons) in (exorcism) session(s),” he said."


I completely agree with the author of the article. We've been discussing this sort of thing since 2016—the tendency of Donald Trump haters to flip from even tempers to bloodlust crazy-eyed between breaths at the mere mention of our President's name in any positive light. Same applies for mainstream media talking heads who for the past four years have been throwing all decorum of professional journalism in the trash whenever or wherever they discuss Donald Trump. But, I believe this pandemic of mass demon possession has spread now even to many believers in Christ and other non-radical leftist Americans. Almost everywhere I travel by automobile other drives are total maniacs; they have no patience or regard for their own lives or the lives of others—even families—and they're always head down texting at stop signs and traffic lights. Mass possession is the perfect explanation for the prevailing mass madness of our Age. What a joyous time to be alive!
The problem with your post is that religious lunatics such as yourself have become mainstream under Trump. Like seriously, the devil? Trump is the Messiah and the rest of us suffer from a "pandemic of mass demon possession". That's so imbecilic as to question your sanity. Get help.

Isn't it peculiar to you how that everything Satan supports (per the bible), leftists support?
Taz and the leftwing are the Satan. They're the secularists; their minds are not on God but on man (Mt 16:23).
John 15:18

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."
Thanks to the moderators who deleted the responses by demonic, atheists, leftists who serve Satan and are therefore devoted to squelching any discussion of God.
Thanks to the moderators who deleted the responses by demonic, atheists, leftists who serve Satan and are therefore devoted to squelching any discussion of God.
and who might that have been as being impossible they were who died during the great event, noah and the advent for the newly proclaimed religion of antiquity ... but for those remaining in their minds a crutch from the past used for their future endeavors. k9.
...and who might that have been as being impossible they were who died during the great event, noah and the advent for the newly proclaimed religion of antiquity ... but for those remaining in their minds a crutch from the past used for their future endeavors. k9.

...and who might that have been as being impossible they were who died during the great event, noah and the advent for the newly proclaimed religion of antiquity ... but for those remaining in their minds a crutch from the past used for their future endeavors. k9.

Thanks to the moderators who deleted the responses by demonic, atheists, leftists who serve Satan and are therefore devoted to squelching any discussion of God.
satan is dead -

what responses were deleted in this thread. the moronics need their hands held by intervention when discussing their - deep state, media, demons - they disparage to others their own state of affairs and religious ineptitude.
...and who might that have been as being impossible they were who died during the great event, noah and the advent for the newly proclaimed religion of antiquity ... but for those remaining in their minds a crutch from the past used for their future endeavors. k9.

Thanks to the moderators who deleted the responses by demonic, atheists, leftists who serve Satan and are therefore devoted to squelching any discussion of God.
satan is dead -

what responses were deleted in this thread. the moronics need their hands held by intervention when discussing their - deep state, media, demons - they disparage to others their own state of affairs and religious ineptitude.

Since you don't believe in God, why do you even post here?
...and who might that have been as being impossible they were who died during the great event, noah and the advent for the newly proclaimed religion of antiquity ... but for those remaining in their minds a crutch from the past used for their future endeavors. k9.

Thanks to the moderators who deleted the responses by demonic, atheists, leftists who serve Satan and are therefore devoted to squelching any discussion of God.
satan is dead -

what responses were deleted in this thread. the moronics need their hands held by intervention when discussing their - deep state, media, demons - they disparage to others their own state of affairs and religious ineptitude.

Since you don't believe in God, why do you even post here?
Since you don't believe in God, why do you even post here?
- what responses were deleted in this thread.
you did not answer the question - that prevented your discussion, deep state, media, demons - that required removal for you to carry on in your deliberation.

the only response to yours is no such "religion" as christianity exists, why do you post here. go to politics where you belong.
...and who might that have been as being impossible they were who died during the great event, noah and the advent for the newly proclaimed religion of antiquity ... but for those remaining in their minds a crutch from the past used for their future endeavors. k9.

Thanks to the moderators who deleted the responses by demonic, atheists, leftists who serve Satan and are therefore devoted to squelching any discussion of God.
satan is dead -

what responses were deleted in this thread. the moronics need their hands held by intervention when discussing their - deep state, media, demons - they disparage to others their own state of affairs and religious ineptitude.

Since you don't believe in God, why do you even post here?
Since you don't believe in God, why do you even post here?
- what responses were deleted in this thread.
you did not answer the question - that prevented your discussion, deep state, media, demons - that required removal for you to carry on in your deliberation.

the only response to yours is no such "religion" as christianity exists, why do you post here. go to politics where you belong.

You're weird.

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