Exonerated man walks free after 21 years in prison.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The exonerated Jeff Titus, 71, was greeted with hugs and handshakes as he left the Lakeland Correctional Facility on Friday. He posed for photos with his attorneys and the sons of the original detectives on the murder, who approached the Michigan Innocence Clinic to take up Titus’ case.

there are a lot of free men and women in prisons, and there are a lot of criminals in prison. The juries are human with their one life experience. It's terrible for a free man or women who spend time in prison for something they didn't do. I find a lot of those.

Unless you have undying proof of said crime you shouldn't have people in prison.
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"The justice system is not perfect, and when we learn of new evidence which causes us to lose confidence in a conviction, it is our obligation to act swiftly."

Far too often that still does not happen.

Hastings was then officially charged with a special circumstance of murder and the D.A.'s office wanted him to get the death penalty. It later denied Hastings' petition for DNA testing as evidence to prove he is innocent in 2000.

You can't act swiftly when you refuse to act in the first place.

Instances of a corrupt system are exposed in these kinds of cases but what we rarely ever do is hold those who were accountable for those corrupt actions accountable.
Unless you have undying proof of said crime you shouldn't have people in prison.

Nowadays with so much photo recordings, DNA analysis and other forensics tools it is more likely that evidence is more reliable than it was in the past.

Just look at Kyle Rittenhouse as an example. Unlawfully charged with murder. Without all the recordings of the event all that a jury would have heard would have been eyewitness testimony. A lot of that testimony would have come from members of the filthy mob that attacked Kyle. A jury could have very well reached a different conclusion.
(1) EVERYONE in prison says they are innocent. The Innocence Project gets thousands of letters from prisoners claiming innocence and 99% of them are bogus. It is a MYTH that our prisons are filled with innocent people who were railroaded.

(2) Many people who are exonerated are factually guilty, but the evidence that convicted them, or the means that were used to obtain it are later questioned. But they still get out.

(3) No DA or AG wants to admit that a mistake was made, and they will only do it when SOMEONE ELSE was in charge at the time, and there's no way around it.

(4) The classic case of guilty people being exonerated is the case of the Central Park 5, who were convicted largely based on confessions that were made, with parents and lawyers present. (NOTE: You don't do that when you are truly innocent). Their case was brought up when a SIXTH rapist confessed from his prison cell, and the political whores in NYC claimed that this person - whose DNA was actually found on the victim - proved the CP5 were "innocent." But this is total BS. At the trial of the CP5 it was acknowledged that the DNA didn't match any of the CP5, and that there was a sixth rapist who was still at large.

Not only were they "exonerated," they all received large cash "reparations" from NYC for their trouble.

You will not find a worse case of miscarriage of justice - in that direction.
(1) EVERYONE in prison says they are innocent. The Innocence Project gets thousands of letters from prisoners claiming innocence and 99% of them are bogus. It is a MYTH that our prisons are filled with innocent people who were railroaded.

(2) Many people who are exonerated are factually guilty, but the evidence that convicted them, or the means that were used to obtain it are later questioned. But they still get out.

(3) No DA or AG wants to admit that a mistake was made, and they will only do it when SOMEONE ELSE was in charge at the time, and there's no way around it.

(4) The classic case of guilty people being exonerated is the case of the Central Park 5, who were convicted largely based on confessions that were made, with parents and lawyers present. (NOTE: You don't do that when you are truly innocent). Their case was brought up when a SIXTH rapist confessed from his prison cell, and the political whores in NYC claimed that this person - whose DNA was actually found on the victim - proved the CP5 were "innocent." But this is total BS. At the trial of the CP5 it was acknowledged that the DNA didn't match any of the CP5, and that there was a sixth rapist who was still at large.

Not only were they "exonerated," they all received large cash "reparations" from NYC for their trouble.

You will not find a worse case of miscarriage of justice - in that direction.
If you think people cannot be coerced into making false confessions then you don't know anything about people.
I don't think you can be coerced into a false confession when your parents AND your attorney assist in the process. 95% of convictions are based on a truthful guilty plea, which is given in exchange for a favorable sentence.
The exonerated Jeff Titus, 71, was greeted with hugs and handshakes as he left the Lakeland Correctional Facility on Friday. He posed for photos with his attorneys and the sons of the original detectives on the murder, who approached the Michigan Innocence Clinic to take up Titus’ case.

there are a lot of free men and women in prisons, and there are a lot of criminals in prison. The juries are human with their one life experience. It's terrible for a free man or women who spend time in prison for something they didn't do. I find a lot of those.

Unless you have undying proof of said crime you shouldn't have people in prison.
Judge not, lest ye be judged.HB
Don't wait on a judge, If ya see it taking place,cap the motherfucker LM
The exonerated Jeff Titus, 71, was greeted with hugs and handshakes as he left the Lakeland Correctional Facility on Friday. He posed for photos with his attorneys and the sons of the original detectives on the murder, who approached the Michigan Innocence Clinic to take up Titus’ case.

there are a lot of free men and women in prisons, and there are a lot of criminals in prison. The juries are human with their one life experience. It's terrible for a free man or women who spend time in prison for something they didn't do. I find a lot of those.

Unless you have undying proof of said crime you shouldn't have people in prison.

Then there would be nobody in prison.

You want perfection and don't realize that it is impossible, and your version would result in anarchy.

Remember the justice system isn't just to protect us from the criminals, it's to protect the criminals from us.

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