Executed without pity: Shocking moment wounded female Israeli soldiers cowering under a table after being injured by a grenade are shot dead by Hamas


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Female soldiers are heard wailing in pain and fear as the attackers surround them, brandishing Kalashnikov assault rifles.

For a moment it looked as though the gunmen had reconsidered their actions, approaching the desk behind which the women were cowering and pulling away an office chair as they spoke in relatively calm tones.

But it quickly became apparent that the attackers were simply making way for a clean execution.

Like most of the videos, thank goodness, it's been edited.

Here's a thought.....Put the unedited videos on Oprah/The View and make the soccer moms watch this shit. Let them know what the real world is actually all about. They have no idea what their fate would be if shit kicked off here with animals like those.

Level Gaza flat. Bulldoze it all into the ocean. Build resorts. Profit!

Female soldiers are heard wailing in pain and fear as the attackers surround them, brandishing Kalashnikov assault rifles.

For a moment it looked as though the gunmen had reconsidered their actions, approaching the desk behind which the women were cowering and pulling away an office chair as they spoke in relatively calm tones.

But it quickly became apparent that the attackers were simply making way for a clean execution.

Like most of the videos, thank goodness, it's been edited.

Here's a thought.....Put the unedited videos on Oprah/The View and make the soccer moms watch this shit. Let them know what the real world is actually all about. They have no idea what their fate would be if shit kicked off here with animals like those.

Level Gaza flat. Bulldoze it all into the ocean. Build resorts. Profit!
What part of war do you not understand?
will you post videos of gaza children/women dying with such gusto?

As bad as death by airstrike may be. Purposeful exection is something entirely different. DOnt even try to make a comparison. They tortured children to death in their homes... THAT and was 100 percent preventable.
Israelis have no choice but to make airstrikes in retaliation. If they do nothing Hamas still attacks. The video is simply to show that Hamas has no regard for life. As bad as you want to paint Israelis... their medical teams will treat injured Hamas members, well at least until now perhaps. But yes they offer medical assistance to enemy combatants, You think Hamas.... these animals who tied up children and burned them to death would do that?
I think not, there is no equivelency.
if they are shown, i wont shed a tear. More gaza women and children die by strapping bombs on, because Hamas uses them as walking bombs. Do you cry when that happens?

Yes and if Israel opened the gates of Gaza and let the Palestinians there out.. allow them to mingle in Israel proper, do we think they would have one grain of gratitude?.. I think they would react the same way they did when Israel handed them Gaza in the first place. Iran would ship over crates of suicide belts, knowing that this would be a big opportunity to kill Israelis.
Dumb American leftists here obviously dont care about that, or they are really that dumb.
There would be no children dying if not for rockets fired at civilians

Ahh but they expect Israel to respond proportionally. So that means Israel needs to develop some shitty rocket to fire back, and they also need to supply Hamas with an Iron dome system. Only then will the college girls be satisfied.
handle what? slaughter of humans? i have seen it before so its not shocking or confusing....but still shameful
I guess you never got up close and personal with someone on the other side of a barrel just about ready to blow your head off? It is either you or them, the collateral damage that happens in war, is just war. Hamas started the fighting(Palestine voted for Hamas to lead them) and now the dumbass Arabs need to be punished for their vote.
Ahh but they expect Israel to respond proportionally. So that means Israel needs to develop some shitty rocket to fire back, and they also need to supply Hamas with an Iron dome system. Only then will the college girls be satisfied.
I grew up in the 1960s when we, the United States, had developed an anti ballistic missile, missile. At the time it would of stopped the CCCP (Soviet Union) from putting their missiles on US citizens thus killing hundreds of thousands of people, while our nuclear missiles would of landed and destroyed the Soviet Unions ability to wage war. But our fucking bleeding heart liberals, back then said it wasnt fair, so we dismantled our ABMs and thus the MAD(Mutual Assured Destruction) became a policy. That is how fucking stupid the leftist are.

Oh yeah, as long as it isnt them. Many of those leftists would of been in bomb shelters thus living through the hell, the rest of US would of endured...
I grew up in the 1960s when we, the United States, had developed an anti ballistic missile, missile. At the time it would of stopped the CCCP (Soviet Union) from putting their missiles on US citizens thus killing hundreds of thousands of people, while our nuclear missiles would of landed and destroyed the Soviet Unions ability to wage war. But our fucking bleeding heart liberals, back then said it wasnt fair, so we dismantled our ABMs and thus the MAD(Mutual Assured Destruction) became a policy. That is how fucking stupid the leftist are.

Oh yeah, as long as it isnt them. Many of those leftists would of been in bomb shelters thus living through the hell, the rest of US would of endured...

I know back then at least, there was a contingent of them who always admired communists and wouldn't have minded living under that system.

Female soldiers are heard wailing in pain and fear as the attackers surround them, brandishing Kalashnikov assault rifles.

For a moment it looked as though the gunmen had reconsidered their actions, approaching the desk behind which the women were cowering and pulling away an office chair as they spoke in relatively calm tones.

But it quickly became apparent that the attackers were simply making way for a clean execution.

Like most of the videos, thank goodness, it's been edited.

Here's a thought.....Put the unedited videos on Oprah/The View and make the soccer moms watch this shit. Let them know what the real world is actually all about. They have no idea what their fate would be if shit kicked off here with animals like those.

Level Gaza flat. Bulldoze it all into the ocean. Build resorts. Profit!
So this alleged incident can only be addressed by murdering a million children?

Cool morals, bro.
Could be real , could be staged .
Perhaps the women were literally in pieces , if it ever happened , and were put out of their misery .
Careful, before rushing to conclusions .
Mossad plus mad dog Budanov are quite capable of inventing such material .
Once upon a time, a soldier killed a soldier.

Meanwhile coward terrorists continue bombing thousands of civilians including children and women..
So this alleged incident can only be addressed by murdering a million children?

Cool morals, bro.
Alleged? No wonder Marxists are so hated on this planet.


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