
Mr. Cabbie, you seem like a level-headed fellow, but you also show signs of being a brainwashee by Obama. Don't expect us to lay back for more obfuscations, omissions, lies, and dodges for behaviors performed against the Constitution and the people of the United States. Because we're not backing down when he goes after an Amendment, a corporation, or a person.

If you look at the toll that the leftist lockstep media has done to itself, just look at their ratings against a few good neutral media persons. The leftist media has sickened America's stomach with their panderings rather than showing both sides fairly. Because of this perversion, many Americans are leaving the Democrat Party and becoming independents, before they wake up and smell the coffee. The right has been slow plodding along telling the truth all along. The press attacks the good and proffers bad idealogues as the answer to poverty. The only part about that is right, because poverty has proliferated under this administration, considering that the Food Stamp program has doubled along with other entitlements. Throwing money at the problem only makes the rich richer. You have to get in there and teach people that they have to make a living on their own. The Democrats promise something for nothing instead of teaching people to be self-sufficient. They get that from raising the national debt. It's heinous. Take a look:

The US National Debt to the Penny: 11/08/2013 ~ $17,149,154,023,335.85

That figure comes from the US Treasury Department. Obama is spending money like crazy, and he's palling up with our enemies, which will hurt us in the future. He's hiding behind racist skirts. Every time we try to have our people reason with him, he goes into the "You're a racist" diatribe like people are living in 1865. It doesn't help when an important Democrat accuses white people of murdering a million blacks by lynching. The actual figures show about 3700 lynchings over a hundred fifty year period antebellum until around 1960. Obama ends his diatribes with "I'm not negotiating." Then he blames the Republicans for shutting the government down after they've done all the giving, so he will get more money to spend. It doesn't make sense to us with a seventeen trillion dollar debt. That's all.

he is always exasperated when he is caught lying. what else is new?
That's because you might not be very well informed about libertarians.

Most libertarians are socially liberal.

I beg to differ. You might not be well informed on the socially conservative side of libertarianism either.

Google is your friend:

Libertarian conservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't need to read your Tea Party propaganda or whatever the hell else you have waiting for me as HOMEWORK.

As long as the social issues are not being infringed upon me, I could not care less what "Wikipedia" has to say.

Lol, then you shall remain uneducated about the many facets of libertarianism. Your brand isn't the only one. You wonder why I lay low so many liberals on this board? I educate myself, which it appears you choose not to do.

As they say, "ignorance is bliss."
I don't need to read your Tea Party propaganda or whatever the hell else you have waiting for me as HOMEWORK.

As long as the social issues are not being infringed upon me, I could not care less what "Wikipedia" has to say.

Where can I get Tea Party propaganda?

Is there a site I can go to?

That would be so cool!!!!

Mostly what I see out there is liberal bs and alternative news. I didn't know there was a source for "Tea Party News".


Nope. Breitbart simply posts what the mainstreamers won't.

Fact is the Tea Party doesn't produce news. The Tea Party has nothing to do with Hannity or Rush. They simply support fiscal responsibility in government.
So many candyass conservatives, making so many crying threads.

Have a good cry, conservatives. Get it all out. Feel better now? No? Then just blubber some more. Lord knows we can't stop you.

Understand, of course, that the nation is disgusted by y'all, and would prefer that you start acting like grownups instead of constantly throwing tantrums. But hey, just keep crying, and losing, if that's what makes you really happy.
Nope. Breitbart simply posts what the mainstreamers won't.

Fact is the Tea Party doesn't produce news. The Tea Party has nothing to do with Hannity or Rush. They simply support fiscal responsibility in government.

Right like that James O’Keeffe guy - another great moment in journalism brought to us by Breitbart.

^^^ Smarter than us dummies!

Nice, outing yourself as blatant troll.

Do educate us stupid people, oh great and powerful one....

I hope he's not wondering why his stupid ass is on ignore.

I dunno, he sounds kind of smart to me....

Maybe we should listen - after all, he is a "real" libertarian.

Dang it - now Eddie Izzard is playing in my head! Just the last minute.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTRjWDW3JSg]Eddie Izzard on Religion - YouTube[/ame]

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