Ex-Antifa Gabe Nadales Tells His Story

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Ex-Antifa Gabe Nadales Tells His Story
The #WalkAway Campaign extends beyond the Democrat Party to the even further fringes of the lunatic left, namely Antifa. Gabe Nadales was a hardcore Antifa thug, until he began to realize that his fellow moonbats were willfully ignorant and full of crap. He tells his story to Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform:

This is a reminder to always make your best effort to hate the moonbattery, not the moonbat. So long as there is life, there is hope for redemption.
Ex-Antifa Gabe Nadales Tells His Story - Moonbattery
We're trying! They're lucky the white man can take an incredible amount of shit .I have a feeling that one day we're gonna find out what those limits are.

Police Allow Antifa to Beat Up, ‘Milkshake’ Targeted Journalist.

“This story really puts the squealing by “journalists” on the left, like Brian Stelter or Jim Acosta, in context when Trump calls them “fake news.” Boohoo. Have any of the corporate media or television jesters been beaten, hit with a “milkshake” comprised of quick-setting cement, and gone to the hospital with a brain bleed?”
Attempting to throwing quick-drying cement in his eyes? These Leftwing terrorist bastards were trying to blind this young gay conservative journalist, and De Blazio compares these terrorists to young Americans who stormed the cliffs of Normandy?

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