Evolution. Pfffft

Here are 4 beneficial mutations. (one I have already mentioned)

from: 4 Beneficial Evolutionary Mutations That Humans Are Undergoing Right Now

"Beneficial mutation #1: Apolipoprotein AI-Milano

Heart disease is one of the scourges of industrialized countries. It's the legacy of an evolutionary past which programmed us to crave energy-dense fats, once a rare and valuable source of calories, now a source of clogged arteries. But there's evidence that evolution has the potential to deal with it.

All humans have a gene for a protein called Apolipoprotein AI, which is part of the system that transports cholesterol through the bloodstream. Apo-AI is one of the HDLs, already known to be beneficial because they remove cholesterol from artery walls. But a small community in Italy is known to have a mutant version of this protein, named Apolipoprotein AI-Milano, or Apo-AIM for short. Apo-AIM is even more effective than Apo-AI at removing cholesterol from cells and dissolving arterial plaques, and additionally functions as an antioxidant, preventing some of the damage from inflammation that normally occurs in arteriosclerosis. People with the Apo-AIM gene have significantly lower levels of risk than the general population for heart attack and stroke, and pharmaceutical companies are looking into marketing an artificial version of the protein as a cardioprotective drug.

There are also drugs in the pipeline based on a different mutation, in a gene called PCSK9, which has a similar effect. People with this mutation have as much as an 88% lower risk of heart disease.

Beneficial mutation #2: Increased bone density

One of the genes that governs bone density in human beings is called low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5, or LRP5 for short. Mutations which impair the function of LRP5 are known to cause osteoporosis. But a different kind of mutation can amplify its function, causing one of the most unusual human mutations known.

This mutation was first discovered fortuitously, when a young person from a Midwest family was in a serious car crash from which they walked away with no broken bones. X-rays found that they, as well as other members of the same family, had bones significantly stronger and denser than average. (One doctor who's studied the condition said, "None of those people, ranging in age from 3 to 93, had ever had a broken bone.") In fact, they seem resistant not just to injury, but to normal age-related skeletal degeneration. Some of them have benign bony growths on the roof of their mouths, but other than that, the condition has no side effects - although, as the article notes dryly, it does make it more difficult to float. As with Apo-AIM, some drug companies are researching how to use this as the basis for a therapy that could help people with osteoporosis and other skeletal diseases.

Beneficial mutation #3: Malaria resistance

The classic example of evolutionary change in humans is the hemoglobin mutation named HbS that makes red blood cells take on a curved, sickle-like shape. With one copy, it confers resistance to malaria, but with two copies, it causes the illness of sickle-cell anemia. This is not about that mutation.

As reported in 2001 (see also), Italian researchers studying the population of the African country of Burkina Faso found a protective effect associated with a different variant of hemoglobin, named HbC. People with just one copy of this gene are 29% less likely to get malaria, while people with two copies enjoy a 93% reduction in risk. And this gene variant causes, at worst, a mild anemia, nowhere near as debilitating as sickle-cell disease.

Beneficial mutation #4: Tetrachromatic vision

Most mammals have poor color vision because they have only two kinds of cones, the retinal cells that discriminate different colors of light. Humans, like other primates, have three kinds, the legacy of a past where good color vision for finding ripe, brightly colored fruit was a survival advantage.

The gene for one kind of cone, which responds most strongly to blue, is found on chromosome 7. The two other kinds, which are sensitive to red and green, are both on the X chromosome. Since men have only one X, a mutation which disables either the red or the green gene will produce red-green colorblindness, while women have a backup copy. This explains why this is almost exclusively a male condition.

But here's a question: What happens if a mutation to the red or the green gene, rather than disabling it, shifts the range of colors to which it responds? (The red and green genes arose in just this way, from duplication and divergence of a single ancestral cone gene.)

To a man, this would make no real difference. He'd still have three color receptors, just a different set than the rest of us. But if this happened to one of a woman's cone genes, she'd have the blue, the red and the green on one X chromosome, and a mutated fourth one on the other... which means she'd have four different color receptors. She would be, like birds and turtles, a natural "tetrachromat", theoretically capable of discriminating shades of color the rest of us can't tell apart. (Does this mean she'd see brand-new colors the rest of us could never experience? That's an open question.)

And we have evidence that just this has happened on rare occasions. In one study of color discrimination, at least one woman showed exactly the results we would expect from a true tetrachromat."

Now, how about my question? You can answer it. If you do I will continue. But the idea that you expect answers from others, while refusing to answer their questions is ridiculous and hypocritical.

When creationists discuss mutations, we are talking about RANDOM mutations and not specific or environment-based mutations. Regardless, no new genetic information is added to the article's examples. Evos like to think all genetic variations come from mutations when this isn't the case. They often ignore other sources of genetic variation such as genetic recombination, natural genetic engineering and gene transference.

As an example of mutations being harmful is the case of Michael Phelps, the multi-Olympic gold medal winner is swimming.

"Phelps has a number of fortuitous physical endowments that have enabled him to dominate like no other. Simply put, he is the perfect swimmer.

Here's what Phelps has going for him:
  • Most people have a wingspan that matches their height. Not Phelps. He may be 6'4" tall, but his arms extend outward to a total of 6'7".
  • The average shoe size for a person the size of Phelps is 12; he wears a size 14 which gives him a 10% advantage over the competition.
  • He also has a larger than average hand size which allows him to move more water.
  • Phelps is double-jointed in the chest area; this enables him to extend his arms higher above his head and pull down at an angle that increases his efficiency through the water by as much as 20%; this also allows him to have quicker starts and turns.
  • He has proportionately short legs relative to his long, powerful trunk; this large upper body is the engine that powers his long arms. Moreover, his unique physique reduces drag through the water and allows for maximum propulsion.
  • Phelps has a greater-than-average lung capacity allowing him to execute his underwater dolphin kicks longer than the competition.
  • He has a genetic advantage that cause his muscles to produce 50% less lactic acid than other athletes. This means he can work at higher work loads for longer periods.
  • With a low body fat of 4%, he is better able to convert his effort into speed.
Looking at this list it's as if Phelps was designed to swim."

Sentient Developments: Michael Phelps: The 'natural' transhuman athlete

However, his being double-jointed is a type of skeletal mutation and one that could cause a major problem in his future such as Marfan syndrome. Then again, it may not be a random mutation in that he was gifted through genetic recombination or gene trasference.
Tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. Which has been land locked for over 6 million years yet is still it's same old tasty self.
View attachment 115740

Coelacanth, thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago. Until science found out locals consider them tasty too and looking just like their 66 million year old ancestors.
View attachment 115741

We may complain about freezing temperatures, but most cold snaps leave us little worse for the wear. That’s not the case for a common lizard living on the Texas-Mexico border, which, in just the span of a few months, underwent a dramatic genetic transformation in response to cold weather. In fact—in one of the most detailed examples of rapid evolution to date—a new study shows that just one cold snap can change the way green anoles’ muscular and nervous systems respond to temperature.

Why does the left hate science?

Saying a person from Miami would have difficulty in the Alaskan tundra and saying it is genetic evolution that caused that is one of the most laughable scenarios to date.

And yes, I switched lizards to people. Just to show how ludicrous your argument is.
Here are 4 beneficial mutations. (one I have already mentioned)

from: 4 Beneficial Evolutionary Mutations That Humans Are Undergoing Right Now

"Beneficial mutation #1: Apolipoprotein AI-Milano

Heart disease is one of the scourges of industrialized countries. It's the legacy of an evolutionary past which programmed us to crave energy-dense fats, once a rare and valuable source of calories, now a source of clogged arteries. But there's evidence that evolution has the potential to deal with it.

All humans have a gene for a protein called Apolipoprotein AI, which is part of the system that transports cholesterol through the bloodstream. Apo-AI is one of the HDLs, already known to be beneficial because they remove cholesterol from artery walls. But a small community in Italy is known to have a mutant version of this protein, named Apolipoprotein AI-Milano, or Apo-AIM for short. Apo-AIM is even more effective than Apo-AI at removing cholesterol from cells and dissolving arterial plaques, and additionally functions as an antioxidant, preventing some of the damage from inflammation that normally occurs in arteriosclerosis. People with the Apo-AIM gene have significantly lower levels of risk than the general population for heart attack and stroke, and pharmaceutical companies are looking into marketing an artificial version of the protein as a cardioprotective drug.

There are also drugs in the pipeline based on a different mutation, in a gene called PCSK9, which has a similar effect. People with this mutation have as much as an 88% lower risk of heart disease.

Beneficial mutation #2: Increased bone density

One of the genes that governs bone density in human beings is called low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5, or LRP5 for short. Mutations which impair the function of LRP5 are known to cause osteoporosis. But a different kind of mutation can amplify its function, causing one of the most unusual human mutations known.

This mutation was first discovered fortuitously, when a young person from a Midwest family was in a serious car crash from which they walked away with no broken bones. X-rays found that they, as well as other members of the same family, had bones significantly stronger and denser than average. (One doctor who's studied the condition said, "None of those people, ranging in age from 3 to 93, had ever had a broken bone.") In fact, they seem resistant not just to injury, but to normal age-related skeletal degeneration. Some of them have benign bony growths on the roof of their mouths, but other than that, the condition has no side effects - although, as the article notes dryly, it does make it more difficult to float. As with Apo-AIM, some drug companies are researching how to use this as the basis for a therapy that could help people with osteoporosis and other skeletal diseases.

Beneficial mutation #3: Malaria resistance

The classic example of evolutionary change in humans is the hemoglobin mutation named HbS that makes red blood cells take on a curved, sickle-like shape. With one copy, it confers resistance to malaria, but with two copies, it causes the illness of sickle-cell anemia. This is not about that mutation.

As reported in 2001 (see also), Italian researchers studying the population of the African country of Burkina Faso found a protective effect associated with a different variant of hemoglobin, named HbC. People with just one copy of this gene are 29% less likely to get malaria, while people with two copies enjoy a 93% reduction in risk. And this gene variant causes, at worst, a mild anemia, nowhere near as debilitating as sickle-cell disease.

Beneficial mutation #4: Tetrachromatic vision

Most mammals have poor color vision because they have only two kinds of cones, the retinal cells that discriminate different colors of light. Humans, like other primates, have three kinds, the legacy of a past where good color vision for finding ripe, brightly colored fruit was a survival advantage.

The gene for one kind of cone, which responds most strongly to blue, is found on chromosome 7. The two other kinds, which are sensitive to red and green, are both on the X chromosome. Since men have only one X, a mutation which disables either the red or the green gene will produce red-green colorblindness, while women have a backup copy. This explains why this is almost exclusively a male condition.

But here's a question: What happens if a mutation to the red or the green gene, rather than disabling it, shifts the range of colors to which it responds? (The red and green genes arose in just this way, from duplication and divergence of a single ancestral cone gene.)

To a man, this would make no real difference. He'd still have three color receptors, just a different set than the rest of us. But if this happened to one of a woman's cone genes, she'd have the blue, the red and the green on one X chromosome, and a mutated fourth one on the other... which means she'd have four different color receptors. She would be, like birds and turtles, a natural "tetrachromat", theoretically capable of discriminating shades of color the rest of us can't tell apart. (Does this mean she'd see brand-new colors the rest of us could never experience? That's an open question.)

And we have evidence that just this has happened on rare occasions. In one study of color discrimination, at least one woman showed exactly the results we would expect from a true tetrachromat."

Now, how about my question? You can answer it. If you do I will continue. But the idea that you expect answers from others, while refusing to answer their questions is ridiculous and hypocritical.

When creationists discuss mutations, we are talking about RANDOM mutations and not specific or environment-based mutations. Regardless, no new genetic information is added to the article's examples. Evos like to think all genetic variations come from mutations when this isn't the case. They often ignore other sources of genetic variation such as genetic recombination, natural genetic engineering and gene transference.

As an example of mutations being harmful is the case of Michael Phelps, the multi-Olympic gold medal winner is swimming.

"Phelps has a number of fortuitous physical endowments that have enabled him to dominate like no other. Simply put, he is the perfect swimmer.

Here's what Phelps has going for him:
  • Most people have a wingspan that matches their height. Not Phelps. He may be 6'4" tall, but his arms extend outward to a total of 6'7".
  • The average shoe size for a person the size of Phelps is 12; he wears a size 14 which gives him a 10% advantage over the competition.
  • He also has a larger than average hand size which allows him to move more water.
  • Phelps is double-jointed in the chest area; this enables him to extend his arms higher above his head and pull down at an angle that increases his efficiency through the water by as much as 20%; this also allows him to have quicker starts and turns.
  • He has proportionately short legs relative to his long, powerful trunk; this large upper body is the engine that powers his long arms. Moreover, his unique physique reduces drag through the water and allows for maximum propulsion.
  • Phelps has a greater-than-average lung capacity allowing him to execute his underwater dolphin kicks longer than the competition.
  • He has a genetic advantage that cause his muscles to produce 50% less lactic acid than other athletes. This means he can work at higher work loads for longer periods.
  • With a low body fat of 4%, he is better able to convert his effort into speed.
Looking at this list it's as if Phelps was designed to swim."

Sentient Developments: Michael Phelps: The 'natural' transhuman athlete

However, his being double-jointed is a type of skeletal mutation and one that could cause a major problem in his future such as Marfan syndrome. Then again, it may not be a random mutation in that he was gifted through genetic recombination or gene trasference.
Those are not genetic mutations he listed. They are submissive genes that already exist becoming dominant.
Tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. Which has been land locked for over 6 million years yet is still it's same old tasty self.
View attachment 115740

Coelacanth, thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago. Until science found out locals consider them tasty too and looking just like their 66 million year old ancestors.
View attachment 115741

We may complain about freezing temperatures, but most cold snaps leave us little worse for the wear. That’s not the case for a common lizard living on the Texas-Mexico border, which, in just the span of a few months, underwent a dramatic genetic transformation in response to cold weather. In fact—in one of the most detailed examples of rapid evolution to date—a new study shows that just one cold snap can change the way green anoles’ muscular and nervous systems respond to temperature.

Why does the left hate science?

Saying a person from Miami would have difficulty in the Alaskan tundra and saying it is genetic evolution that caused that is one of the most laughable scenarios to date.

And yes, I switched lizards to people. Just to show how ludicrous your argument is.
You disagree with 98% of all scientists so stfu

Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun

Al Gore was talking about how Miami streets were flooded and the fish were swimming in the streets and it's due to global warming. Are you still a denier?
Tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. Which has been land locked for over 6 million years yet is still it's same old tasty self.
View attachment 115740

Coelacanth, thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago. Until science found out locals consider them tasty too and looking just like their 66 million year old ancestors.
View attachment 115741

We may complain about freezing temperatures, but most cold snaps leave us little worse for the wear. That’s not the case for a common lizard living on the Texas-Mexico border, which, in just the span of a few months, underwent a dramatic genetic transformation in response to cold weather. In fact—in one of the most detailed examples of rapid evolution to date—a new study shows that just one cold snap can change the way green anoles’ muscular and nervous systems respond to temperature.

Why does the left hate science?

Saying a person from Miami would have difficulty in the Alaskan tundra and saying it is genetic evolution that caused that is one of the most laughable scenarios to date.

And yes, I switched lizards to people. Just to show how ludicrous your argument is.
Don't you think that is part of the process? If a person from Miami moves to the Arctic they are going to be cold but eventually get used to it. Maybe even their body will start the evolution process. It happened with the lizards. It probably happens quicker with them but it would happen to us too.

I say stick your head under water until you can breath water. Don't stop until you can.
Tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. Which has been land locked for over 6 million years yet is still it's same old tasty self.
View attachment 115740

Coelacanth, thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago. Until science found out locals consider them tasty too and looking just like their 66 million year old ancestors.
View attachment 115741

We may complain about freezing temperatures, but most cold snaps leave us little worse for the wear. That’s not the case for a common lizard living on the Texas-Mexico border, which, in just the span of a few months, underwent a dramatic genetic transformation in response to cold weather. In fact—in one of the most detailed examples of rapid evolution to date—a new study shows that just one cold snap can change the way green anoles’ muscular and nervous systems respond to temperature.

Why does the left hate science?

Saying a person from Miami would have difficulty in the Alaskan tundra and saying it is genetic evolution that caused that is one of the most laughable scenarios to date.

And yes, I switched lizards to people. Just to show how ludicrous your argument is.
You disagree with 98% of all scientists so stfu

Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun

Al Gore was talking about how Miami streets were flooded and the fish were swimming in the streets and it's due to global warming. Are you still a denier?
OMG, a twofer! You use the long discredited "98% of all scientists" and think a high tide in one location means the worlds oceans have risen.

Hey shitforbrains, tell us how the ocean has risen in one location but not the rest of the world. Tell us how water does that. :laugh::rofl::lmao:
Tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. Which has been land locked for over 6 million years yet is still it's same old tasty self.
View attachment 115740

Coelacanth, thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago. Until science found out locals consider them tasty too and looking just like their 66 million year old ancestors.
View attachment 115741

We may complain about freezing temperatures, but most cold snaps leave us little worse for the wear. That’s not the case for a common lizard living on the Texas-Mexico border, which, in just the span of a few months, underwent a dramatic genetic transformation in response to cold weather. In fact—in one of the most detailed examples of rapid evolution to date—a new study shows that just one cold snap can change the way green anoles’ muscular and nervous systems respond to temperature.

Why does the left hate science?

Saying a person from Miami would have difficulty in the Alaskan tundra and saying it is genetic evolution that caused that is one of the most laughable scenarios to date.

And yes, I switched lizards to people. Just to show how ludicrous your argument is.
Don't you think that is part of the process? If a person from Miami moves to the Arctic they are going to be cold but eventually get used to it. Maybe even their body will start the evolution process. It happened with the lizards. It probably happens quicker with them but it would happen to us too.

I say stick your head under water until you can breath water. Don't stop until you can.
Getting use to cold is genetic mutation now!

Why does the left hate science so much?
If they uncovered an alien spacecraft in the arctic ice, that would be actual evidence. It would certainly be a scientific discovery.

What is not scientific is crediting an unknown, unknowable intelligence that cannot be proven to exist, with being single-handedly responsible for our biodiversity.

The discoverer of the genome has no more evidence than you do with the "it is too complex" idea. Yes, that is an issue. But to discover a problem and then simply to decide,based on zero evidence, that God had to have done it, is not scientific at all.
Nature cannot create machines on its own.

That will just be your little secret.

It would, of course, depend on your definition of "machine". The currents in the oceans change weather patterns, which add or remove water from land masses. They also circulate warmth to colder regions.
Life uses complex machines that must work perfectly in order for life to exist. It is impossible for mere chance to create such devices, even assuming a billion years.

To say a species change into another species by defects in the replication of DNA is absurd. Please point to any person in history with a birth defect that is advantages. You cannot. Nature only works in one way.

This is a living creature. Humans did not start inventing such sophisticated machinery until the 19th century.
View attachment 118860

So you have said numerous times. The problem is, there is no way for the fossil record to show differently. The mutation will simply be labeled another organism by you and your ilk.

You say "Nature only works in one way", like you are speaking from a position of knowledge. You aren't. You are guessing based on your own, very limited, observations.

I'm still waiting for you to provide any evidence supporting ID.

That is the lame ass excuse that all of you use that want to discredit ID, because it involves FAITH, you automatically say "prove it". May I suggest you look up the definition of faith.

You have evidence to "suggest" evolution, I have evidence to "suggest" ID. You can't PROVE evolution no more than I can PROVE ID. I pity you that only believes what you can see and touch, there is so much in this magnificent universe that NONE OF US has the ability to fully comprehend.

You must not know what a scientific theory is.

There is evidence for evolution

And here is evidence against intelligent design

And you may have arguments for a generic creator but not for anything written in that holy book you are carrying. There isn't an argument in that book that doesn't come with a fatal flaw. That flaw is proof, evidence, logic and reason. But it is full of wishful thinking and scare tactics.

And here is the answer to anything you say to me

Why there is no god
Nature cannot create machines on its own.

That will just be your little secret.

It would, of course, depend on your definition of "machine". The currents in the oceans change weather patterns, which add or remove water from land masses. They also circulate warmth to colder regions.
Life uses complex machines that must work perfectly in order for life to exist. It is impossible for mere chance to create such devices, even assuming a billion years.

To say a species change into another species by defects in the replication of DNA is absurd. Please point to any person in history with a birth defect that is advantages. You cannot. Nature only works in one way.

This is a living creature. Humans did not start inventing such sophisticated machinery until the 19th century.
View attachment 118860

So you have said numerous times. The problem is, there is no way for the fossil record to show differently. The mutation will simply be labeled another organism by you and your ilk.

You say "Nature only works in one way", like you are speaking from a position of knowledge. You aren't. You are guessing based on your own, very limited, observations.

I'm still waiting for you to provide any evidence supporting ID.

That is the lame ass excuse that all of you use that want to discredit ID, because it involves FAITH, you automatically say "prove it". May I suggest you look up the definition of faith.

You have evidence to "suggest" evolution, I have evidence to "suggest" ID. You can't PROVE evolution no more than I can PROVE ID. I pity you that only believes what you can see and touch, there is so much in this magnificent universe that NONE OF US has the ability to fully comprehend.

You must not know what a scientific theory is.

There is evidence for evolution

And here is evidence against intelligent design

And you may have arguments for a generic creator but not for anything written in that holy book you are carrying. There isn't an argument in that book that doesn't come with a fatal flaw. That flaw is proof, evidence, logic and reason. But it is full of wishful thinking and scare tactics.

And here is the answer to anything you say to me

Why there is no god

I'm still waiting to hear how water rises 12 feet in one location but not a few miles away.

If you can't answer that, explain to us how getting use to cold is a genetic mutation.
That will just be your little secret.

It would, of course, depend on your definition of "machine". The currents in the oceans change weather patterns, which add or remove water from land masses. They also circulate warmth to colder regions.
Life uses complex machines that must work perfectly in order for life to exist. It is impossible for mere chance to create such devices, even assuming a billion years.

To say a species change into another species by defects in the replication of DNA is absurd. Please point to any person in history with a birth defect that is advantages. You cannot. Nature only works in one way.

This is a living creature. Humans did not start inventing such sophisticated machinery until the 19th century.
View attachment 118860

So you have said numerous times. The problem is, there is no way for the fossil record to show differently. The mutation will simply be labeled another organism by you and your ilk.

You say "Nature only works in one way", like you are speaking from a position of knowledge. You aren't. You are guessing based on your own, very limited, observations.

I'm still waiting for you to provide any evidence supporting ID.

That is the lame ass excuse that all of you use that want to discredit ID, because it involves FAITH, you automatically say "prove it". May I suggest you look up the definition of faith.

You have evidence to "suggest" evolution, I have evidence to "suggest" ID. You can't PROVE evolution no more than I can PROVE ID. I pity you that only believes what you can see and touch, there is so much in this magnificent universe that NONE OF US has the ability to fully comprehend.

You must not know what a scientific theory is.

There is evidence for evolution

And here is evidence against intelligent design

And you may have arguments for a generic creator but not for anything written in that holy book you are carrying. There isn't an argument in that book that doesn't come with a fatal flaw. That flaw is proof, evidence, logic and reason. But it is full of wishful thinking and scare tactics.

And here is the answer to anything you say to me

Why there is no god

I'm still waiting to hear how water rises 12 feet in one location but not a few miles away.

If you can't answer that, explain to us how getting use to cold is a genetic mutation.

I'm no scientist.
Life uses complex machines that must work perfectly in order for life to exist. It is impossible for mere chance to create such devices, even assuming a billion years.

To say a species change into another species by defects in the replication of DNA is absurd. Please point to any person in history with a birth defect that is advantages. You cannot. Nature only works in one way.

This is a living creature. Humans did not start inventing such sophisticated machinery until the 19th century.
View attachment 118860

So you have said numerous times. The problem is, there is no way for the fossil record to show differently. The mutation will simply be labeled another organism by you and your ilk.

You say "Nature only works in one way", like you are speaking from a position of knowledge. You aren't. You are guessing based on your own, very limited, observations.

I'm still waiting for you to provide any evidence supporting ID.

That is the lame ass excuse that all of you use that want to discredit ID, because it involves FAITH, you automatically say "prove it". May I suggest you look up the definition of faith.

You have evidence to "suggest" evolution, I have evidence to "suggest" ID. You can't PROVE evolution no more than I can PROVE ID. I pity you that only believes what you can see and touch, there is so much in this magnificent universe that NONE OF US has the ability to fully comprehend.

You must not know what a scientific theory is.

There is evidence for evolution

And here is evidence against intelligent design

And you may have arguments for a generic creator but not for anything written in that holy book you are carrying. There isn't an argument in that book that doesn't come with a fatal flaw. That flaw is proof, evidence, logic and reason. But it is full of wishful thinking and scare tactics.

And here is the answer to anything you say to me

Why there is no god

I'm still waiting to hear how water rises 12 feet in one location but not a few miles away.

If you can't answer that, explain to us how getting use to cold is a genetic mutation.

I'm no scientist.

That's obvious with your laughable posts that defy science.
Tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. Which has been land locked for over 6 million years yet is still it's same old tasty self.
View attachment 115740

Coelacanth, thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago. Until science found out locals consider them tasty too and looking just like their 66 million year old ancestors.
View attachment 115741

We may complain about freezing temperatures, but most cold snaps leave us little worse for the wear. That’s not the case for a common lizard living on the Texas-Mexico border, which, in just the span of a few months, underwent a dramatic genetic transformation in response to cold weather. In fact—in one of the most detailed examples of rapid evolution to date—a new study shows that just one cold snap can change the way green anoles’ muscular and nervous systems respond to temperature.

Why does the left hate science?

Saying a person from Miami would have difficulty in the Alaskan tundra and saying it is genetic evolution that caused that is one of the most laughable scenarios to date.

And yes, I switched lizards to people. Just to show how ludicrous your argument is.
You disagree with 98% of all scientists so stfu

Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun

Al Gore was talking about how Miami streets were flooded and the fish were swimming in the streets and it's due to global warming. Are you still a denier?

sealybobo, we've already had Noah's Flood, so nothing to worry about. Remember the rainbow ha ha.
Also, warming like evolution, takes millions of years, if not billions, so this is just a drop in the bucket. NYT believes in myths, just like the story of Gilgamesh ha ha. Besides, the atheist scientists steal from the Christian scientists and this cry of catastrophism caused by global warming is just the thing. Atheists are usually wrong ha ha.
Also, warming like evolution, takes millions of years, if not billions, so this is just a drop in the bucket. NYT believes in myths, just like the story of Gilgamesh ha ha. Besides, the atheist scientists steal from the Christian scientists and this cry of catastrophism caused by global warming is just the thing. Atheists are usually wrong ha ha.
Ha ha usually means your joking. Are you? How do you think the first birds got here?
Tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. Which has been land locked for over 6 million years yet is still it's same old tasty self.
View attachment 115740

Coelacanth, thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago. Until science found out locals consider them tasty too and looking just like their 66 million year old ancestors.
View attachment 115741

We may complain about freezing temperatures, but most cold snaps leave us little worse for the wear. That’s not the case for a common lizard living on the Texas-Mexico border, which, in just the span of a few months, underwent a dramatic genetic transformation in response to cold weather. In fact—in one of the most detailed examples of rapid evolution to date—a new study shows that just one cold snap can change the way green anoles’ muscular and nervous systems respond to temperature.

Why does the left hate science?

Saying a person from Miami would have difficulty in the Alaskan tundra and saying it is genetic evolution that caused that is one of the most laughable scenarios to date.

And yes, I switched lizards to people. Just to show how ludicrous your argument is.
What I find amazing is a long time ago there was a creature and from that creature came reptiles, amphibians, mammals birds and fish.

We are all related if you go far back enough.
Also, warming like evolution, takes millions of years, if not billions, so this is just a drop in the bucket. NYT believes in myths, just like the story of Gilgamesh ha ha. Besides, the atheist scientists steal from the Christian scientists and this cry of catastrophism caused by global warming is just the thing. Atheists are usually wrong ha ha.
Ha ha usually means your joking. Are you? How do you think the first birds got here?

Ha ha means I'm laughing at all the people who worry about global warming and believe in evolution like Bill Nye and Al Gore. It's based on faith and one's worldview. Climate has always changed. What evidence do you have that it's happening today due to human activity instead of millions of years? Millions of years ago, there was even more warming than today, so the level of CO2 rises and falls. And how much more water is in the ocean now than the last ice age, thousand years ago and now?

What you're afraid of is global flooding of the coastline. What is the rate of water rising and what percentage is caused by humans?

>>What I find amazing is a long time ago there was a creature and from that creature came reptiles, amphibians, mammals birds and fish.

We are all related if you go far back enough.<<

The fossil evidence is very sketchy on this.
Also, warming like evolution, takes millions of years, if not billions, so this is just a drop in the bucket. NYT believes in myths, just like the story of Gilgamesh ha ha. Besides, the atheist scientists steal from the Christian scientists and this cry of catastrophism caused by global warming is just the thing. Atheists are usually wrong ha ha.
Ha ha usually means your joking. Are you? How do you think the first birds got here?

Ha ha means I'm laughing at all the people who worry about global warming and believe in evolution like Bill Nye and Al Gore. It's based on faith and one's worldview. Climate has always changed. What evidence do you have that it's happening today due to human activity instead of millions of years? Millions of years ago, there was even more warming than today, so the level of CO2 rises and falls. And how much more water is in the ocean now than the last ice age, thousand years ago and now?

What you're afraid of is global flooding of the coastline. What is the rate of water rising and what percentage is caused by humans?

>>What I find amazing is a long time ago there was a creature and from that creature came reptiles, amphibians, mammals birds and fish.

We are all related if you go far back enough.<<

The fossil evidence is very sketchy on this.
You're joking
Also, warming like evolution, takes millions of years, if not billions, so this is just a drop in the bucket. NYT believes in myths, just like the story of Gilgamesh ha ha. Besides, the atheist scientists steal from the Christian scientists and this cry of catastrophism caused by global warming is just the thing. Atheists are usually wrong ha ha.
Ha ha usually means your joking. Are you? How do you think the first birds got here?

Ha ha means I'm laughing at all the people who worry about global warming and believe in evolution like Bill Nye and Al Gore. It's based on faith and one's worldview. Climate has always changed. What evidence do you have that it's happening today due to human activity instead of millions of years? Millions of years ago, there was even more warming than today, so the level of CO2 rises and falls. And how much more water is in the ocean now than the last ice age, thousand years ago and now?

What you're afraid of is global flooding of the coastline. What is the rate of water rising and what percentage is caused by humans?

>>What I find amazing is a long time ago there was a creature and from that creature came reptiles, amphibians, mammals birds and fish.

We are all related if you go far back enough.<<

The fossil evidence is very sketchy on this.
You're joking

No, I don't think so. I suspect that he also does not believe in the theory of gravity.....
Also, warming like evolution, takes millions of years, if not billions, so this is just a drop in the bucket. NYT believes in myths, just like the story of Gilgamesh ha ha. Besides, the atheist scientists steal from the Christian scientists and this cry of catastrophism caused by global warming is just the thing. Atheists are usually wrong ha ha.
Ha ha usually means your joking. Are you? How do you think the first birds got here?

Ha ha means I'm laughing at all the people who worry about global warming and believe in evolution like Bill Nye and Al Gore. It's based on faith and one's worldview. Climate has always changed. What evidence do you have that it's happening today due to human activity instead of millions of years? Millions of years ago, there was even more warming than today, so the level of CO2 rises and falls. And how much more water is in the ocean now than the last ice age, thousand years ago and now?

What you're afraid of is global flooding of the coastline. What is the rate of water rising and what percentage is caused by humans?

>>What I find amazing is a long time ago there was a creature and from that creature came reptiles, amphibians, mammals birds and fish.

We are all related if you go far back enough.<<

The fossil evidence is very sketchy on this.
You're joking

No, I don't think so. I suspect that he also does not believe in the theory of gravity.....
I refuse to even discuss global warming with deniers same way I won't listen to people who still claim cigarettes don't cause cancer.

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