'Evil little thing' or defender of the constitution?

32 "What about someone who says in front of others that he knows me? I will also say in front of my Father who is in heaven that I know him. 33 But what about someone who says in front of others that he doesn't know me? I will say in front of my Father who is in heaven that I don't know him.
It is hard to believe that in 2012, we still have people who want to return public prayer to school.
What religion is it promoting?

Where is the mention of Jesus or Allah?

ANY religion that refers to a Heavenly Father (not all do)...any religion that ends their prayers with Amen (not all do).

BTW...I am in support of keeping that up with the "Heavenly Father" and the "Amen" lopped off. It is just as affective as a statement of affirmation without those words, don't you think?

I agree.

I even made a similar post further back saying that without the top or bottom of it it's a good code of conduct.

But what happens to the "free exercise thereof"?

Free exercise thereof is fine....but the school is a government entity....they cannot promote any variation of religion over others...or none at all. Private individuals...private schools can go to town with their free exercise thereof....PUBLIC schools cannot.
If they want to keep their Christian prayer at a secular public school...fine...as long as prayers from all the world religions are given equal wall space.
No problem. Tell that to the schools that ban Christian prayer but promote islam, like the California school system.

How odd, my child goes to CA schools and I keep myself well informed as to the curriculum. Could you point out where the CA schools BAN Christian prayer but promote Islam? I'd really like to find out what I've been missing.

AmericanFirst....I am bumping my question about your assertions about CA schools. Have I missed your answer?
Says "Distinction between" not "separation of". Still has nothing to do about the Ten Commandments on school walls. The whole premise is that the Gov't. shall not establish a state run religion, which I agree they shouldn't. They also should not prevent any religion from exercising their rights such as the Ten Commandments in the school. Sounds like you guys are saying that public schools are Gov't. establishments?

Your ignorance is typical of most rightists on the issue. Preventing the government’s violation of the Establishment Clause does not violate the Free Exercise Clause.

Nowhere in the dogma of any religion will you find a requirement to post the Ten Commandments, or that the failure to do so violates any tenet of any faith. Since no religious practice is restricted, no violation of the Free Exercise Clause exists.

Your ignorance that public schools are part of the government – public sector – is unique to you, however.

Is Jessica Ahlquist an... "'Evil little thing' or defender of the constitution?" You decide but as for me I vote on the side of the seperation of church and state. You constitutionalists should also.

NYT: Atheist teen forces school to remove prayer - US news - The New York Times - msnbc.com

CRANSTON, R.I. She is 16, the daughter of a firefighter and a nurse, a self-proclaimed nerd who loves Harry Potter and Facebook. But Jessica Ahlquist is also an outspoken atheist who has incensed this heavily Roman Catholic city with a successful lawsuit to get a prayer removed from the wall of her high school auditorium, where it has hung for 49 years.

A federal judge ruled this month that the prayer’s presence at Cranston High School West was unconstitutional, concluding that it violated the principle of government neutrality in religion.

In the weeks since, residents have crowded school board meetings to demand an appeal, Jessica has received online threats and the police have escorted her at school, and Cranston, a dense city of 80,000 just south of Providence, has throbbed with raw emotion.

State Representative Peter G. Palumbo, a Democrat from Cranston, called Jessica “an evil little thing” on a popular talk radio show. Three separate florists refused to deliver her roses sent from a national atheist group. The group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, has filed a complaint with the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights...

I just proved to you that Madison said that seperation of churcch and state were written into the constitution by the founders.

Got any comment on that one?
Says "Distinction between" not "separation of". Still has nothing to do about the Ten Commandments on school walls. The whole premise is that the Gov't. shall not establish a state run religion, which I agree they shouldn't. They also should not prevent any religion from exercising their rights such as the Ten Commandments in the school. Sounds like you guys are saying that public schools are Gov't. establishments?

Um....sweetie? They are. You didn't know that? :eusa_eh:
My point is that libtards have claimed they are not. So which is it? Doesn't matter, the Ten Commandments are still allowed.
Says "Distinction between" not "separation of". Still has nothing to do about the Ten Commandments on school walls. The whole premise is that the Gov't. shall not establish a state run religion, which I agree they shouldn't. They also should not prevent any religion from exercising their rights such as the Ten Commandments in the school. Sounds like you guys are saying that public schools are Gov't. establishments?

Um....sweetie? They are. You didn't know that? :eusa_eh:
My point is that libtards have claimed they are not.

Hun. You are simply going to have to show me some body making such a claim. However, this is what I believe....you got busted saying something ridiculously wrong and you are trying to blame it on "some libtard said it". That's my theory.

So which is it? Doesn't matter, the Ten Commandments are still allowed.

why would the 10 commandments be allowed in a public school? Where ? and which version?

BTW: I call bullshit on the 10 commandments being allowed to be posted in a public school. You'll have to show me that one.
No problem. Tell that to the schools that ban Christian prayer but promote islam, like the California school system.

How odd, my child goes to CA schools and I keep myself well informed as to the curriculum. Could you point out where the CA schools BAN Christian prayer but promote Islam? I'd really like to find out what I've been missing.

AmericanFirst....I am bumping my question about your assertions about CA schools. Have I missed your answer?

BTW....AF....need your proof about CA schools banning christian prayer but promoting Islam.
If they want to keep their Christian prayer at a secular public school...fine...as long as prayers from all the world religions are given equal wall space.
No problem. Tell that to the schools that ban Christian prayer but promote islam, like the California school system.

AmericanFirst....looking for proof of this being anything but you lying.
A governments job is to take care of the people. That is why we elect them. As a society, there are some things that are best taken care of at the individual level and some that are best taken care of at the government level

Schools, roads, public safety are all universally acknowledged as best performed by the government

Then why do people want school choice and why do people pay to send their kids to private schools.

This statement is bunk.

As for roads.....I'd like the chance to manage our road system privately. I have no doubts, I could do it better and cheaper.

Public safety only makes sense becaue of the connection to laws and regulation. Not to mention, nobody wants three police departments in their city. That does not mean government does it best.

There is little they do reasonably well, let alone best.

What a load.
Define a libtard for us....and how many there are approximately in this country. I look forward to your answer.
A libtard is a liberal retard who thinks it is the gov't.s job to take care of the people and want bigger gov't.
A libtard assumes to know what the founding fathers wanted and what the constitution says but are so far off the mark it is pitiful. A libtard is like obamaturd who thinks he is constitutionalist yet violates it all the time.

A governments job is to take care of the people. That is why we elect them. As a society, there are some things that are best taken care of at the individual level and some that are best taken care of at the government level

Schools, roads, public safety are all universally acknowledged as best performed by the government

Unless you happen to be a parent in the Washington DC school district.
A governments job is to take care of the people. That is why we elect them. As a society, there are some things that are best taken care of at the individual level and some that are best taken care of at the government level

Schools, roads, public safety are all universally acknowledged as best performed by the government

Then why do people want school choice and why do people pay to send their kids to private schools.

The MAJORITY want this?

This statement is bunk.

Something is bunk alright.

As for roads.....I'd like the chance to manage our road system privately. I have no doubts, I could do it better and cheaper.

You DO know we've tried that already, right? It didn't work out....it took 30 days in 1916 to get from CA to NY by road.

Public safety only makes sense becaue of the connection to laws and regulation. Not to mention, nobody wants three police departments in their city. That does not mean government does it best.

There is little they do reasonably well, let alone best.

What a load.

Something is a load, alright.

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