Evil flourishes because most don't have courage


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.

Simon Wiesenthal

I'm convinced of it, and I think it is all due to a lack of courage. This is why medals are given to people who display courage, because it is rare. This is why people lay flowers at the graves of people who were courageous with a nervous smile on their faces.

Most people don't have courage. In fact, the vast majority just want "safety".

This is why our freedoms continue to disappear every day, the reason why tyrants come to power. It is because people are willing to trade their freedoms away for comfort and safety. Spiritually, we then face either being thrown to the lions or giving in to the culture.

We crave freedom, but settle for safety on the plantation.

There is no fixing human nature. It is our destiny................

Thank God life is so short and we have hope of a better life afterward
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Thank God life is so short and we have hope of a better life afterward
Too bad you're getting reincarnated, lol.
Be careful what you wish for.............

In fact, Biblically two men will get sent back to draw a line in the sand.

Things will progress quickly after that to the end of days.
For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.

Simon Wiesenthal

I'm convinced of it, and I think it is all due to a lack of courage. This is why medals are given to people who display courage, because it is rare. This is why people lay flowers at the graves of people who were courageous with a nervous smile on their faces.

Most people don't have courage. In fact, the vast majority just want "safety".

This is why our freedoms continue to disappear every day, the reason why tyrants come to power. It is because people are willing to trade their freedoms away for comfort and safety. Spiritually, we then face either being thrown to the lions or giving in to the culture.

We crave freedom, but settle for safety on the plantation.

There is no fixing human nature. It is our destiny................

Thank God life is so short and we have hope of a better life afterward

Acting with courage in the moment is an easy choice—in the heat of conflict. But acting courageously in a pre-planned sense and over an extended period of time is something entirely different. Some people will summon the guts to act, but then they'll want to be forgiven for their audacity and return to their "normal" state of being. Perhaps we just don't hate the enemy enough yet to display the necessary "courage" to eradicate him. I suppose we need to develop lasting hatred and find some way to endlessly refuel it. Of course, the enemy certainly hates us enough to continuously attempt to destroy us.
Biblically two men will get sent back to draw a line in the sand.

Things will progress quickly after that to the end of days.
Brah, that makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER! lol
For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.

Simon Wiesenthal

I'm convinced of it, and I think it is all due to a lack of courage. This is why medals are given to people who display courage, because it is rare. This is why people lay flowers at the graves of people who were courageous with a nervous smile on their faces.

Most people don't have courage. In fact, the vast majority just want "safety".

This is why our freedoms continue to disappear every day, the reason why tyrants come to power. It is because people are willing to trade their freedoms away for comfort and safety. Spiritually, we then face either being thrown to the lions or giving in to the culture.

We crave freedom, but settle for safety on the plantation.

There is no fixing human nature. It is our destiny................

Thank God life is so short and we have hope of a better life afterward

Acting with courage in the moment is an easy choice—in the heat of conflict. But acting courageously in a pre-planned sense and over an extended period of time is something entirely different. Some people will summon the guts to act, but then they'll want to be forgiven for their audacity and return to their "normal" state of being. Perhaps we just don't hate the enemy enough yet to display the necessary "courage" to eradicate him. I suppose we need to develop lasting hatred and find some way to endlessly refuel it. Of course, the enemy certainly hates us enough to continuously attempt to destroy us.

Our hate of evil is not sufficient?


You may just be right!

Biblically, we are commanded to hate evil.
For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.

Simon Wiesenthal

I'm convinced of it, and I think it is all due to a lack of courage. This is why medals are given to people who display courage, because it is rare. This is why people lay flowers at the graves of people who were courageous with a nervous smile on their faces.

Most people don't have courage. In fact, the vast majority just want "safety".

This is why our freedoms continue to disappear every day, the reason why tyrants come to power. It is because people are willing to trade their freedoms away for comfort and safety. Spiritually, we then face either being thrown to the lions or giving in to the culture.

We crave freedom, but settle for safety on the plantation.

There is no fixing human nature. It is our destiny................

Thank God life is so short and we have hope of a better life afterward
There is probably some truth in what you say but I believe the real problem is that we let other people do our thinking for us. We love to follow strong political leaders who tell us what we want to hear, usually that our country is the best and our people are the greatest but we're only doing poorly because of a group (Jews, gays, immigrants, Catholics, etc. have all been cited at different times in different places) that lives amongst us and is undermining our greatness. We have faith in our religious leaders who tell us what God(s) want us to do be it convert others to our religion, remove those in our religion who we classify as heretics, etc.
Most people don't have courage. In fact, the vast majority just want "safety".

This is why our freedoms continue to disappear every day, the reason why tyrants come to power. It is because people are willing to trade their freedoms away for comfort and safety. Spiritually, we then face either being thrown to the lions or giving in to the culture.
The reason our national freedoms continue to disappear is that the people have lost control of the leadership. Prime example: There is a California Congresswoman I have loathed from the beginning. This Congresswoman is not of my District, so I had no say in her being elected. I quit voting for any Democratic Representative because I knew my representative would not be representing me, but representing the wishes of this other Congresswoman. Nor was I wrong. What I did not foresee is that this Congresswoman would soon take over every Democrat Representative across the nation., It seems no one has the power to stop her. Instead of our Democrat National Representatives representing numerous people with numerous ideas, they represent one person.

The only way the people can cease back our power is term limits, and term limits lie in the hands of Congress--i.e. one woman who has been there for decades. We are powerless. Our hands are tied. By one woman.

Now addressing the safety over freedom issue: To me, masks are a prime example. It should have always been, people who wish to wear mask should wear them, but it never should have been mandated. It has been shown time after time masks are not that effective. The double masking is a great example. If two people are each wearing a mask, isn't that already double masking? Isn't that another admission masks have not been working?

I think people are willing to pacify the terrified to a certain extent. But when the terrified seek to rule, gloves (masks) off. I can guarantee it that if we had even a minority party political leader who stood up and said, "On May 1, anyone who does not wish to wear a mask no longer must--I am calling a mask free day!" we would see at least half the population maskless. Then our other "leaders" would see this and say, "Hey, we leaders need to get in front of this" and before you know it, every day would be a mask free day for those who wanted it, while our "leaders" would claim--after the fact--they were leading the way.

We, the people, don't know how to organize. One person, a dozen people, a hundred people, cannot do this on their own. We need a mass of people who take charge and just go for it, while still being respectful of those who wish to mask up.

Finally, I think there are a great many of us who show courage in our own homes, in our workplace, in the organizations to which we belong. Our own influence is within a very few miles, even a very few meters. Courage begins there, so we should not give up or give in.
Most people don't have courage. In fact, the vast majority just want "safety".

This is why our freedoms continue to disappear every day, the reason why tyrants come to power. It is because people are willing to trade their freedoms away for comfort and safety. Spiritually, we then face either being thrown to the lions or giving in to the culture.
The reason our national freedoms continue to disappear is that the people have lost control of the leadership. Prime example: There is a California Congresswoman I have loathed from the beginning. This Congresswoman is not of my District, so I had no say in her being elected. I quit voting for any Democratic Representative because I knew my representative would not be representing me, but representing the wishes of this other Congresswoman. Nor was I wrong. What I did not foresee is that this Congresswoman would soon take over every Democrat Representative across the nation., It seems no one has the power to stop her. Instead of our Democrat National Representatives representing numerous people with numerous ideas, they represent one person.

The only way the people can cease back our power is term limits, and term limits lie in the hands of Congress--i.e. one woman who has been there for decades. We are powerless. Our hands are tied. By one woman.

Now addressing the safety over freedom issue: To me, masks are a prime example. It should have always been, people who wish to wear mask should wear them, but it never should have been mandated. It has been shown time after time masks are not that effective. The double masking is a great example. If two people are each wearing a mask, isn't that already double masking? Isn't that another admission masks have not been working?

I think people are willing to pacify the terrified to a certain extent. But when the terrified seek to rule, gloves (masks) off. I can guarantee it that if we had even a minority party political leader who stood up and said, "On May 1, anyone who does not wish to wear a mask no longer must--I am calling a mask free day!" we would see at least half the population maskless. Then our other "leaders" would see this and say, "Hey, we leaders need to get in front of this" and before you know it, every day would be a mask free day for those who wanted it, while our "leaders" would claim--after the fact--they were leading the way.

We, the people, don't know how to organize. One person, a dozen people, a hundred people, cannot do this on their own. We need a mass of people who take charge and just go for it, while still being respectful of those who wish to mask up.

Finally, I think there are a great many of us who show courage in our own homes, in our workplace, in the organizations to which we belong. Our own influence is within a very few miles, even a very few meters. Courage begins there, so we should not give up or give in.
I'm not sure mask wearing is an appropriate topic on a thread about evil. But since you brought it up...

There has never been a rule you must wear a mask in your private home. The rules come into play where your choice may affect other people. You have the right to not go to workplaces like mine where masks are mandatory, same for stores where people work there 8 or so hours a day.
There has never been a rule you must wear a mask in your private home. The rules come into play where your choice may affect other people. You have the right to not go to workplaces like mine where masks are mandatory, same for stores where people work there 8 or so hours a day.
Masks should not be mandatory in any public place or business. Optional, yes, but not mandatory.

As an individual, I choose not to go out anywhere if I have so much as a seasonal allergy. If there is no possible way to avoid going out even if it is just an allergy, of course I would mask up because I care about your mental well-being in case I should happen to sneeze. Otherwise, no. Why should I wear a mask when I am well because you are terrified--especially when it has been proven that masking is not that effective in public places. Masks should be optional. If you are terrified, then you sit at home, and have your groceries delivered.
Why should I wear a mask when I am well because you are terrified--especially when it has been proven that masking is not that effective in public places.
Because you don't know when you are well, you only know if you are asymptomatic. You could be a walking Typhoid Mary and never know it until you'd left a trail of infections behind you.

Should Typhoid Mary have been given the freedom to continue her work as a cook even though she infected others. Was she evil? That is the freedom you desire. Are you evil? Do you care more about your freedom than the lives of others?

As for masks, I'm not an epidemiologist, but from what I've heard, masks will help to slow the spread of the virus.
Because you don't know when you are well, you only know if you are asymptomatic. You could be a walking Typhoid Mary and never know it until you'd left a trail of infections behind you.
Which is why you and other terrified people should wear a mask and stay safely at home.
Should Typhoid Mary have been given the freedom to continue her work as a cook even though she infected others. That is the freedom you desire.
Exactly. Interesting that you pick out typhoid, not 'flu. More people have passed on the 'flu than typhoid. If left untreated, the death rate for typhoid fever is about 10%. Meanwhile, the death rate for US Covid cases is 1.7%.
As for masks, I'm not an epidemiologist, but from what I've heard, masks will help to slow the spread of the virus.
Does that mean you are not fine with getting Covid today, but if the rate is slowed, you are fine with coming down with it in two months or so?
Evil persists today because our (united states) population has been dumbed down so much with media bullshit and is so divided by a minipulative Congress that we no longer can tell right from wrong or good from bad. The only thing that matters to our narcistic population is what they can get away with.
For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.

Simon Wiesenthal

I'm convinced of it, and I think it is all due to a lack of courage. This is why medals are given to people who display courage, because it is rare. This is why people lay flowers at the graves of people who were courageous with a nervous smile on their faces.

Most people don't have courage. In fact, the vast majority just want "safety".

This is why our freedoms continue to disappear every day, the reason why tyrants come to power. It is because people are willing to trade their freedoms away for comfort and safety. Spiritually, we then face either being thrown to the lions or giving in to the culture.

We crave freedom, but settle for safety on the plantation.

There is no fixing human nature. It is our destiny................

Thank God life is so short and we have hope of a better life afterward

I am a lifelong coward.

That's why I admire people of courage.

I really admire Ms. Margaret Sanger for her efforts to let women plan their births.

I really admire My Pillow man for his efforts (I do not know whether he is right or wrong) despite all the attempts to destroy his business.

Today many people are too "cowardly" to speak out against cancel culture. I do not blame them. They need their jobs to feed their families.

But there are always a few human beings who are willing to accept the consequences of being courageous. Take that man in Russia who was poisoned and was allowed to go to Europe for treatment. He then returned to Czar Putin's Russia, where his health is in bad condition. He appears ready to die in his efforts to bring a little democracy to that land.

And, oh yes, look at Senator Manchin, a Dem, who -- so far -- has the guts to defy the woke Dems.
Because you don't know when you are well, you only know if you are asymptomatic. You could be a walking Typhoid Mary and never know it until you'd left a trail of infections behind you.
Which is why you and other terrified people should wear a mask and stay safely at home.
Not terrified but very sad there are people in the world who care so little for others and then wonder why there is evil in the world.
Should Typhoid Mary have been given the freedom to continue her work as a cook even though she infected others. That is the freedom you desire.
Exactly. Interesting that you pick out typhoid, not 'flu. More people have passed on the 'flu than typhoid. If left untreated, the death rate for typhoid fever is about 10%. Meanwhile, the death rate for US Covid cases is 1.7%.
Interesting you wish to emulate the life a serial killer.

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