Evidence Now Shows The 6 Jan Event Was A Gov Set-Up Against Americans By Their Govt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The media reported the story of the former Green Beret who was recruited by the FBI to participate in the 6 Jan event.

Several media also reported on video showing BLM activist Sullivan inciting the crowds outside and inside the Capitol, celebrating when ot g ers began to join in.

Sullivan was not the only one baiting and entrapping the unsuspecting crowd.

Video, research, and records prove there was an entire team of unindicted conspirators who set the trap and incited the violence. The linked article goes into depth about each member, what their role was, and how Americans attending Trump's speech were tricked into having broken the law before they knew they had done so.

The site where the barricades were removed was chosen carefully. The people leaving Trump's speech and heading to the Capitol would reach this location 1st.

Before Trump's speech was done the fencing there and warning / no trespassing signs removed. When the crowd marched to the Capitol they would come upon an open area with no fencing, no warning signs, and music playing. The crowd walked through the spot where there use to be fencing and warnings and were immediately breaking the law without knowing it.

Other operatives included those like 'megaphone man' who used a megaphone to incite the crowd. The individuals worked together, and none of them have been arrested or indicted.

The FISA Court proved the FBI had illegally spied on Americans for decades. Evidence has exposed the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was a failed coup attempt. House Speaker Pelosi attempted 2 Impeachments of President Trump based on zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses, failed coup attempts that BOTH included Democrats manufacturing false evidence. Now Democrats on the 6 Jan Committee have admitted that D-Schiff once again manufactured false evidence in their 1/6 investigation.

And finally the truth about what happened on 6 Jan has come out. Evidence the FBI and our federal govt (Democrats) has been perpetrating criminal acts against the American people. Democrats have used COVID-19 to violate Americans' civil and Constitutional rights, to violate Constitution and US law, to ignore the USSC to push mandates to control Americans.

This latest evidence proving Democrats criminally set up American citizens on 1/6 to eliminate political enemies exposes Democrats as treasonous threats to the US who will do anything to seize Marxist control of the country and tyrannically oppress Americans.

I have to say, I really like the "Trump worshipers are so fucking stupid they were tricked into attacking the capital building" defense.

It is one everyone will believe because of how fucking stupid you people are.
I have to say, I really like the "Trump worshipers are so fucking stupid they were tricked into attacking the capital building" defense.

It is one everyone will believe because of how fucking stupid you people are.
It also shows how criminal, treasonous, and how big of threats to the US Democrats and snowflakes are.
The media reported the story of the former Green Beret who was recruited by the FBI to participate in the 6 Jan event.

Several media also reported on video showing BLM activist Sullivan inciting the crowds outside and inside the Capitol, celebrating when ot g ers began to join in.

Sullivan was not the only one baiting and entrapping the unsuspecting crowd.

Video, research, and records prove there was an entire team of unindicted conspirators who set the trap and incited the violence. The linked article goes into depth about each member, what their role was, and how Americans attending Trump's speech were tricked into having broken the law before they knew they had done so.

The site where the barricades were removed was chosen carefully. The people leaving Trump's speech and heading to the Capitol would reach this location 1st.

Before Trump's speech was done the fencing there and warning / no trespassing signs removed. When the crowd marched to the Capitol they would come upon an open area with no fencing, no warning signs, and music playing. The crowd walked through the spot where there use to be fencing and warnings and were immediately breaking the law without knowing it.

Other operatives included those like 'megaphone man' who used a megaphone to incite the crowd. The individuals worked together, and none of them have been arrested or indicted.

The FISA Court proved the FBI had illegally spied on Americans for decades. Evidence has exposed the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was a failed coup attempt. House Speaker Pelosi attempted 2 Impeachments of President Trump based on zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses, failed coup attempts that BOTH included Democrats manufacturing false evidence. Now Democrats on the 6 Jan Committee have admitted that D-Schiff once again manufactured false evidence in their 1/6 investigation.

And finally the truth about what happened on 6 Jan has come out. Evidence the FBI and our federal govt (Democrats) has been perpetrating criminal acts against the American people. Democrats have used COVID-19 to violate Americans' civil and Constitutional rights, to violate Constitution and US law, to ignore the USSC to push mandates to control Americans.

This latest evidence proving Democrats criminally set up American citizens on 1/6 to eliminate political enemies exposes Democrats as treasonous threats to the US who will do anything to seize Marxist control of the country and tyrannically oppress Americans.

You actually get your news from Gateway Pundit? They are treacherous liars who prey on the ignorant just like Trump. Do you hate this country and our Constitution?
You actually get your news from Gateway Pundit?

So you are admitting you have zero evidence to debunk what is being reported....

Snowflakes are the last ones who have any credibility to question other news sources since your #1 news source is a media whose b ose employees jerk off on camera on-air, help cover up crimes, secualyy harass and assault fellow employees, and engage in pedophilia and child sex trafficking...
It also shows how criminal, treasonous, and how big of threats to the US Democrats and snowflakes are.
At the cost of displaying just how weak as fuck the mentality of your whole political tribe is. Sure that's the narrative you wanna go with, flapjack? Because it makes magaturds look much, much worse by comparison to their political counterparts.
At the cost of displaying just how weak as fuck the mentality of your whole political tribe is. Sure that's the narrative you wanna go with, flapjack? Because it makes magaturds look much, much worse by comparison to their political counterparts.
How about attempt to debunk the report or fuck off, go back to the kids table, too. You have and add nothing to the conversation.
So you are admitting you have zero evidence to debunk what is being reported....

Snowflakes are the last ones who have any credibility to question other news sources since your #1 news source is a media whose b ose employees jerk off on camera on-air, help cover up crimes, secualyy harass and assault fellow employees, and engage in pedophilia and child sex trafficking...

Its been debunked repeatedly. You're a Trump incel.. You'll believe what he tells you to believe.
How about attempt to debunk the report or fuck off, go back to the kids table, too. You have and add nothing to the conversation.
I don't read The Gateway Horse Shit. Give me the highlights. Try trimming it down this time. It's not like you wrote it anyway. Less is more.

Are you saying magaturds are truly dumb enough to get fooled into breaking the law, or not?
I don't read The Gateway Horse Shit. Give me the highlights. Try trimming it down this time. It's not like you wrote it anyway. Less is more.

Are you saying magaturds are truly dumb enough to get fooled into breaking the law, or not?
So far snowflakes have offered up zero attempts to debunk what is being reported. I have never seen so many leftist 'surrender-monkeys' in one place at one time in all my life.

The evidence proves this was just another treasonous criminal plot by the Narxist Democrats destroying our country...and the really stupid/ gullible ones are the snowflakes trying to defend the indefensible.

I don't read The Gateway Horse Shit. Give me the highlights. Try trimming it down this time. It's not like you wrote it anyway. Less is more.

Are you saying magaturds are truly dumb enough to get fooled into breaking the law, or not?

Yes, they are dumb enough.. Trump is crowing over his control of the uneducate losers.
Its been debunked repeatedly. You're a Trump incel.. You'll believe what he tells you to believe.
Prove it...let's see it. Forgive me if I don't take the word of a lying diuche bag who gas zero credibility....link or lie. Put up or STFU.
The media reported the story of the former Green Beret who was recruited by the FBI to participate in the 6 Jan event.

Several media also reported on video showing BLM activist Sullivan inciting the crowds outside and inside the Capitol, celebrating when ot g ers began to join in.

Sullivan was not the only one baiting and entrapping the unsuspecting crowd.

Video, research, and records prove there was an entire team of unindicted conspirators who set the trap and incited the violence. The linked article goes into depth about each member, what their role was, and how Americans attending Trump's speech were tricked into having broken the law before they knew they had done so.

The site where the barricades were removed was chosen carefully. The people leaving Trump's speech and heading to the Capitol would reach this location 1st.

Before Trump's speech was done the fencing there and warning / no trespassing signs removed. When the crowd marched to the Capitol they would come upon an open area with no fencing, no warning signs, and music playing. The crowd walked through the spot where there use to be fencing and warnings and were immediately breaking the law without knowing it.

Other operatives included those like 'megaphone man' who used a megaphone to incite the crowd. The individuals worked together, and none of them have been arrested or indicted.

The FISA Court proved the FBI had illegally spied on Americans for decades. Evidence has exposed the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was a failed coup attempt. House Speaker Pelosi attempted 2 Impeachments of President Trump based on zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses, failed coup attempts that BOTH included Democrats manufacturing false evidence. Now Democrats on the 6 Jan Committee have admitted that D-Schiff once again manufactured false evidence in their 1/6 investigation.

And finally the truth about what happened on 6 Jan has come out. Evidence the FBI and our federal govt (Democrats) has been perpetrating criminal acts against the American people. Democrats have used COVID-19 to violate Americans' civil and Constitutional rights, to violate Constitution and US law, to ignore the USSC to push mandates to control Americans.

This latest evidence proving Democrats criminally set up American citizens on 1/6 to eliminate political enemies exposes Democrats as treasonous threats to the US who will do anything to seize Marxist control of the country and tyrannically oppress Americans.

Hey there laptop boy... How the hell are you?
Where were the Capitol Police when the fencing and signs were being taken down, 20 minutes before Trump's speech was over and before the Proud Boys and others showed up?

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