Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

I learned how to do outside chores at eight. :p

besides, i was multitasking making egg and ham on a hamburger bun, at the same time. :p

Your mom won't cook for you anymore, huh?

You have to climb out of the basement and cook for yourself now...
sure; why not. I am a guy, after all. i don't mind multitasking and trying to get it right the first time, regardless of how much practice i can get with all of the other ones.

besides, the Art of Cookery is always useful.
sure; why not. I am a guy, after all. i don't mind multitasking and trying to get it right the first time, regardless of how much practice i can get with all of the other ones.

besides, the Art of Cookery is always useful.

Art of cookery, huh?


Try this, julienne your ham, saute in extra-virgin with some arugula, Lightly toast a brioche and put the ham and arugula on it, poach your egg, and put it on top to give a nice sauce to it.
sure; why not. I am a guy, after all. i don't mind multitasking and trying to get it right the first time, regardless of how much practice i can get with all of the other ones.

besides, the Art of Cookery is always useful.

Art of cookery, huh?


Try this, julienne your ham, saute in extra-virgin with some arugula, Lightly toast a brioche and put the ham and arugula on it, poach your egg, and put it on top to give a nice sauce to it.
sounds good. i recently practiced sautéing onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers with diced ham and mixed it with scrambled eggs. i would have let the eggs poach but i didn't want the bottom to burn; maybe not enough oil and butter. I usually use a higher heat setting when cooking with potatoes and turn the stove off and let the eggs poach on top, covered with lid.
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Predictable result of the narcissistic, hypersensitive, self loathing culture we have become. Imagine going through life like that, holy shit.
He's got to be a terrible lay as well. Imagine, feeling guilty because he enjoys the traditional masculine role in sex. Bleah.
But I'll bet his nails are perfect.


And I bet he wears a Pajama Boy onesie.
With little footsies.
sure; why not. I am a guy, after all. i don't mind multitasking and trying to get it right the first time, regardless of how much practice i can get with all of the other ones.

besides, the Art of Cookery is always useful.

Art of cookery, huh?


Try this, julienne your ham, saute in extra-virgin with some arugula, Lightly toast a brioche and put the ham and arugula on it, poach your egg, and put it on top to give a nice sauce to it.
Uh.......that's too involved..........I usually heat the Barbie up.....and throw some meat on it........and douse it with beer.
I have news for him....grilling is NOT masculine......Which speaks volumes about how large his mangina is....

Oh Puh-leeeze! Grilling is MASCULINE. It's a classic American Male Trope: The Dads or The Men grilling. Fire! Meat! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I am THRILLED that mr. boe views grilling as His Domain. Dinners prepared outside are his responsibility; indoor dinners are mine. We grill a lot...and I do the dishes.
There is nothing masculine about grilling. Guys wearing aprons, sauces lined up in neat little rows along the grill....metal spatula hung like some wannabe six shooter at the hip.....and of course....the brillo pad to keep the grates clean......


Masculine is killing, dressing, and butchering the animal and then spitting it on a branch to turn over an open fire....

The American male who thinks that grilling is some kind of male thing extending from the cave days is a fool......

I grill....but I don't consider it a part of the masculine that defines Me.....Its just a summer time chore....

This all goes back to insecure men claiming that what THEY do is what MEN do. Any guy who doesn't do what they do is not a man.

I love to grill. But it has nothing to do with my manliness.
I have news for him....grilling is NOT masculine......Which speaks volumes about how large his mangina is....

Oh Puh-leeeze! Grilling is MASCULINE. It's a classic American Male Trope: The Dads or The Men grilling. Fire! Meat! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I am THRILLED that mr. boe views grilling as His Domain. Dinners prepared outside are his responsibility; indoor dinners are mine. We grill a lot...and I do the dishes.
There is nothing masculine about grilling. Guys wearing aprons, sauces lined up in neat little rows along the grill....metal spatula hung like some wannabe six shooter at the hip.....and of course....the brillo pad to keep the grates clean......


Masculine is killing, dressing, and butchering the animal and then spitting it on a branch to turn over an open fire....

The American male who thinks that grilling is some kind of male thing extending from the cave days is a fool......

I grill....but I don't consider it a part of the masculine that defines Me.....Its just a summer time chore....

This all goes back to insecure men claiming that what THEY do is what MEN do. Any guy who doesn't do what they do is not a man.

I love to grill. But it has nothing to do with my manliness.
Exactly right.

I measure My manliness by how responsible I am......things like paying the bills, raising children to be clean and decent human beings, doing charity work.....things of that nature.

Grilling is just cooking, but outdoors.
I have news for him....grilling is NOT masculine......Which speaks volumes about how large his mangina is....

Oh Puh-leeeze! Grilling is MASCULINE. It's a classic American Male Trope: The Dads or The Men grilling. Fire! Meat! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I am THRILLED that mr. boe views grilling as His Domain. Dinners prepared outside are his responsibility; indoor dinners are mine. We grill a lot...and I do the dishes.
There is nothing masculine about grilling. Guys wearing aprons, sauces lined up in neat little rows along the grill....metal spatula hung like some wannabe six shooter at the hip.....and of course....the brillo pad to keep the grates clean......


Masculine is killing, dressing, and butchering the animal and then spitting it on a branch to turn over an open fire....

The American male who thinks that grilling is some kind of male thing extending from the cave days is a fool......

I grill....but I don't consider it a part of the masculine that defines Me.....Its just a summer time chore....

This all goes back to insecure men claiming that what THEY do is what MEN do. Any guy who doesn't do what they do is not a man.

I love to grill. But it has nothing to do with my manliness.

That is UTTER b'loney. Real Men do manly things and don't feel guilty enjoying them. I'll refer you back to the original post in this thread for an example of a pathetic Beta.
Men grilling is sexy, yeah, I know what you mean, when I see a woman on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors I certainly get a rise out of the occasion...
I have news for him....grilling is NOT masculine......Which speaks volumes about how large his mangina is....

Oh Puh-leeeze! Grilling is MASCULINE. It's a classic American Male Trope: The Dads or The Men grilling. Fire! Meat! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I am THRILLED that mr. boe views grilling as His Domain. Dinners prepared outside are his responsibility; indoor dinners are mine. We grill a lot...and I do the dishes.
There is nothing masculine about grilling. Guys wearing aprons, sauces lined up in neat little rows along the grill....metal spatula hung like some wannabe six shooter at the hip.....and of course....the brillo pad to keep the grates clean......


Masculine is killing, dressing, and butchering the animal and then spitting it on a branch to turn over an open fire....

The American male who thinks that grilling is some kind of male thing extending from the cave days is a fool......

I grill....but I don't consider it a part of the masculine that defines Me.....Its just a summer time chore....

This all goes back to insecure men claiming that what THEY do is what MEN do. Any guy who doesn't do what they do is not a man.

I love to grill. But it has nothing to do with my manliness.

That is UTTER b'loney. Real Men do manly things and don't feel guilty enjoying them. I'll refer you back to the original post in this thread for an example of a pathetic Beta.

They do "manly things"? WTF?

I am a man because of who I am and how I live. It is as often about what you DON'T do as what you do. Those who feel the need to prove they are a man are typically not.

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