Ever notice Libs are for the Middle Class and then talk allowing more Illegals


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013

I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me on how bringing in more immigrants helps the middle class. Please, enlighten me.
Republicans like to say illegals hurt wages and they LOVE them some amnesty.
Republicans like to say illegals hurt wages and they LOVE them some amnesty.
Republicans like to say illegals hurt wages and they LOVE them some amnesty.
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Republicans dont like amnesty? Reagan? Gang of Eight? McCain trying to pass an amnesty before he croaks? Chamber of Commerce? What about Bush making the Jordan Commission? Not amnesty but it sure loosened immigration.
So, why didnt that make sense?
/----/ Now that makes sense and I agree with you. But your clumsy sentence structure was confusing "LOVE them some amnesty." makes no sense.
Republicans like to say illegals hurt wages and they LOVE them some amnesty.
/----/ View attachment 142424
Republicans dont like amnesty? Reagan? Gang of Eight? McCain trying to pass an amnesty before he croaks? Chamber of Commerce? What about Bush making the Jordan Commission? Not amnesty but it sure loosened immigration.
So, why didnt that make sense?
/----/ Now that makes sense and I agree with you. But your clumsy sentence structure was confusing "LOVE them some amnesty." makes no sense.
It absolutely made sense. Republicans love them some amnesty.
Republicans like to say illegals hurt wages and they LOVE them some amnesty.
well the post was a two fold, one the issue with illegals and then the upcoming legislation on throttling back visas for immigration period. Trump is trying to get Americans working, the Dems come out recently stating they want to focus on middle class and get a message out. how can they get that message out if they want immigrants to take middle class jobs? sorry, but that has no logic.
Liberals are for beating conservatives. They don't care about anything else. If they can get more votes by allowing a constant stream of illegals into our nation they will gladly do so.
Liberals should think of illegal immigrants as conservative females trying to attend the Women's March on Washington.

Some women are more equal than others.
Liberals are for beating conservatives. They don't care about anything else. If they can get more votes by allowing a constant stream of illegals into our nation they will gladly do so.
yeah, and then go out and talk about middle class and bringing back jobs. what jobs? ever hear them answer that question?
Liberals are for beating conservatives. They don't care about anything else. If they can get more votes by allowing a constant stream of illegals into our nation they will gladly do so.
yeah, and then go out and talk about middle class and bringing back jobs. what jobs? ever hear them answer that question?

There is no truth for liberals, only propaganda.
seriously, trump made one statement, bring in the money off shore, repatriation tax. Dems like, no fking way Jose. nope, mmore illegals open the borders. But hey, they be for the middle class. LOL

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