Even The Mexicans Know


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
The puppeteer committee pulling Biden's strings had better consider what they are stirring up. For all things there is a breaking point.

Reuters recently reported on Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s belief that President Joe Biden’s immigration policy is incentivizing not only a surge in illegal immigration but also drug cartel activity. The lack of focus on border security on the part of the Biden administration has served as a greenlight for cartels to ratchet up their drug trafficking operations.

Mexican President AMLO Blames Biden's 'America Last' Border Policies for Illegal Immigration, Cartel Crime - Big League Politics
All Central and South America knows. Every single one.

... and of course Mexico knows, that goes without saying.

Mexican President Reveals Migrants' Nickname for Biden the Day After Meeting Him
“They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” López Obrador said of Biden, according to a Reuters report

The puppeteer committee pulling Biden's strings had better consider what they are stirring up. For all things there is a breaking point.

Reuters recently reported on Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s belief that President Joe Biden’s immigration policy is incentivizing not only a surge in illegal immigration but also drug cartel activity. The lack of focus on border security on the part of the Biden administration has served as a greenlight for cartels to ratchet up their drug trafficking operations.

Mexican President AMLO Blames Biden's 'America Last' Border Policies for Illegal Immigration, Cartel Crime - Big League Politics
This is the plan.
Biden/Harris nightmare and their puppet masters who stole this Election form American voters, continue with the destruction of the USA in full force and at a very fast speed.

You got to give the scum that.

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