Even In Politics, "Man Plans, God Laughs"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A well executed plan results in exactly the opposite of what the planners expected.
Shakespeare provided that in "Julius Caesar," and with Marc Antony's speech about the murderers....So are they all, all honourable men–

1. The Democrats, equally honorable, successfully stole the election.....and it went on to reveal how truly abominable they are at governing. Inflation, open borders, arming our enemies, huge increase in crime, an embarrassment as both their President and their Vice President, gasoline prices, Critical Race Theory, ....


2. Did you hear the joke going around..."Why do Democrat voters have raised shoulders and sloped foreheads?
When you ask 'em why they voted for Biden, they can only shrug.
When you tell 'em what they gave up, they slap their foreheads."

3.Have you noticed the silence from posters like this one?

One such voter wrote:
“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:

No Price Too High

post 58

4. "Quinnipiac Poll: Biden Approval Plunges to 36 Percent Despite Media"

5. The only real question is whether the world is laughing at this Democrat President even more than they laughed at Hussein Obama.
Everyone is laughing at the Democrat voters.
It kills me how you guys love to brag about low gas prices under Trump which were due to the economy shutting down.
The curious and - dare I say - dangerous aspect of this political season is that the more the public rejects Biden and his brand of progressive balderdash, THE MORE THEY (the Dems in Congress) PUSH FORWARD WITH IT.

Not a single Democrat has been heard to say, "We have become political pariahs - losing the 'Generic Vote' for the first time in a generation - maybe we should step back for a second and reassess our priorities."

The perpetual question remains: Are the stupid or are they evil?

Or both?
The curious and - dare I say - dangerous aspect of this political season is that the more the public rejects Biden and his brand of progressive balderdash, THE MORE THEY (the Dems in Congress) PUSH FORWARD WITH IT.

Not a single Democrat has been heard to say, "We have become political pariahs - losing the 'Generic Vote' for the first time in a generation - maybe we should step back for a second and reassess our priorities."

The perpetual question remains: Are the stupid or are they evil?

Or both?


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