Europeans caught Maskal barabaian Juchi Mongols lying " Mongol "Senator" Falsely Claims Poles Closed Airspace to Virus Aid " again


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Europeans caught Maskal barabaian Juchi Mongols lying "
Mongol "Senator" Falsely Claims Poles Closed Airspace to Virus Aid
" again . I am saying hung maskal mongol folk , catch them and hung publicly like we did to Goebbels!! PS Moscowbad has to be destroyed!

Russian Senator Falsely Claims Poles Closed Airspace to ... › russian-senator-falsely-claims-poles-closed-airs...

Claim: "Poland did not let Russian aircraft carrying aid to Italy pass through its airspace. This is meanness at the level of public policy. Moreover, the help was...
Claimed by: Alexey Pushkov
It's DA MUSCOVY! :aargh:
semi - mislim primitive Papua in snow ulus can not hide the truth anymore, putler closes entire ulus tomorrow , i can not find this info in english , soon you will see it everywhere

View attachment 315068

for new

  • President Vladimir Putin will make a televised address to the nation regarding the coronavirus within the next few hours, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. The address comes a day after Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin warned Putin that Russia is facing a “serious situation” with the coronavirus and that "the real number of those who are sick is much greater" than official numbers indicate.
  • Russia has closed all sporting and cultural events, businesses like nightclubs and cinemas and most large gatherings in an effort to halt the spread of coronavirus. Starting Thursday, Moscow residents aged 65 and older will be ordered to self-isolate at home.
" Coronavirus in Russia: The Latest News - The Moscow Times
Wtf is this crap? They're going to cripple the world and we'll be busted back to the Stone Age.

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