Et tu, Ivanka?

Putting aside even Eastman admitted his plan was illegal, the plan.........made a conspiracy because he entered in to it with Trump.........was designed to overturn the election results. Election results Trump knew were legitimate.

This link............... you to an internal Trump campaign memo showing they knew the accusations of fraud were nonsense.

hiring a lawyer isn’t a conspiracy and them giving an opinion isn’t a crime

show me where the lawyer said it was illegal
hahah a lawyer writing a legal opinion s not a conspiracy to defraud anyone
The attorney who crafted former President Donald Trump’s plot to force a constitutional crisis and stay in office on Jan. 6 admitted that the plan didn’t hold up legally—just weeks before he tried it anyway.
John Eastman, the author of the now-infamous memo that plotted how Vice President Mike Pence and congressional Republicans could try to block President Biden’s election certification on Jan. 6, admitted in a private email weeks earlier that the plot was “dead on arrival” if state legislatures didn’t officially approve the “alternate electors” for Trump. When they refused to do so, he reversed course and encouraged Trump’s team to try to block Congress from certifying Biden’s win even without that shred of legal justification, leading to the chaos at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
hiring a lawyer isn’t a conspiracy and them giving an opinion isn’t a crime
Actually, Judge Carter, in ruling that Eastman has to turn over documents he has been withholding, invoked the crime-fraud exception to attorney-client privilege. Meaning the communications between Trump and Eastman are not protected because they were about the commission of a crime.

The attorney who crafted former President Donald Trump’s plot to force a constitutional crisis and stay in office on Jan. 6 admitted that the plan didn’t hold up legally—just weeks before he tried it anyway.
John Eastman, the author of the now-infamous memo that plotted how Vice President Mike Pence and congressional Republicans could try to block President Biden’s election certification on Jan. 6, admitted in a private email weeks earlier that the plot was “dead on arrival” if state legislatures didn’t officially approve the “alternate electors” for Trump. When they refused to do so, he reversed course and encouraged Trump’s team to try to block Congress from certifying Biden’s win even without that shred of legal justification, leading to the chaos at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
wait so he said if the state didn’t do something it wouldn’t work? ok.

and yes members of congress can challenge electors…the chairman of the Jan 6 committee himself has in the past.
Actually, Judge Carter, in ruling that Eastman has to turn over documents he has been withholding, invoked the crime-fraud exception to attorney-client privilege. Meaning the communications between Trump and Eastman are not protected because they were about the commission of a crime.
hahaa the judge didn’t say it involved the crime fraud execptok.
If that "legal opinion" is a "how to" guide to illegally retaining the Presidency it certainly is
hahah there is nothing illegal about it. A lawyer can be wrong (not saying he was) amd it’s not a crime
wait so he said if the state didn’t do something it wouldn’t work? ok.

and yes members of congress can challenge electors…the chairman of the Jan 6 committee himself has in the past.
When they refused to do so, he reversed course and encouraged Trump’s team to try to block Congress from certifying Biden’s win even without that shred of legal justification, leading to the chaos at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
hahah there is nothing illegal about it. A lawyer can be wrong (not saying he was) amd it’s not a crime
What part of writing memo's and having communications with Trump with the intention of illegally conspiring to overthrow the duly elected president do you not think is a crime?

The Vice President’s counsel and chief of staff were then directed to meet separately
with Dr. Eastman the next day to review materials in support of his plan. Dr. Eastman opened
the meeting on January 5 bluntly: “I’m here asking you to reject the electors.”34 Vice
President’s counsel Greg Jacob and Dr. Eastman spent the majority of the meeting in a Socratic
debate on the merits of the memo’s legal arguments.35 Over the course of their discussion, Dr.
Eastman’s focus pivoted from requesting Vice President Pence reject the electors to asking him
to delay the count, which he presented as more “palatable.”36 Ultimately, Dr. Eastman

conceded that his argument was contrary to consistent historical practice,37 would likely be
unanimously rejected by the Supreme Court,38 and violated the Electoral Count Act on four

separate grounds.3
2000 Mules cannot be debunked.
There is no need to keep debunking it repeatedly.

It has been thoroughly debunked to the satisfaction of rational folks, and weird worshipers will never be able to accept its having been debunked because it panders to their cult dogma.

Kushner and the Mrs fled the self-pleasuring delusion the Loser foists on his cult. Their survival instincts prevailed.

Meanwhile, the Big Lie is taking its toll on America, despite the inability of the grievance-driven to contrive any evidence of fraud that can stand up to scrutiny in any legal venue anywhere in the nation.

Just one example in Wisconsin:

... Gableman was hired a year ago by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R), under pressure from Trump to investigate the former president's loss to President Joe Biden by just under 21,000 votes in Wisconsin. The investigation has cost taxpayers about $900,000 so far.
Biden's victory has survived two recounts, multiple lawsuits, a nonpartisan audit and a review by a conservative law firm. Only a couple of dozen people out of nearly 3.3 million voters have been charged with fraud, numbers on par with past elections.
When they refused to do so, he reversed course and encouraged Trump’s team to try to block Congress from certifying Biden’s win even without that shred of legal justification, leading to the chaos at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
haha that merely the writers opinion. The Federal Code clearly allows for electors to be objected to
What part of writing memo's and having communications with Trump with the intention of illegally conspiring to overthrow the duly elected president do you not think is a crime?

The Vice President’s counsel and chief of staff were then directed to meet separately
with Dr. Eastman the next day to review materials in support of his plan. Dr. Eastman opened
the meeting on January 5 bluntly: “I’m here asking you to reject the electors.”34 Vice
President’s counsel Greg Jacob and Dr. Eastman spent the majority of the meeting in a Socratic
debate on the merits of the memo’s legal arguments.35 Over the course of their discussion, Dr.
Eastman’s focus pivoted from requesting Vice President Pence reject the electors to asking him
to delay the count, which he presented as more “palatable.”36 Ultimately, Dr. Eastman

conceded that his argument was contrary to consistent historical practice,37 would likely be
unanimously rejected by the Supreme Court,38 and violated the Electoral Count Act on four

separate grounds.3
this is merely the opinion of the writer you are citing and a conclusion you are jumping to

cerainly something might be a new arguement but that doesn’t make it illegal
haha that merely the writers opinion. The Federal Code clearly allows for electors to be objected to
NOT by the VP

There is a procedure whereby an objection can be raised and then voted on.

THAT is legal. That is NOT what Trump wanted because it would not have given Trump the desired result.

It was a delaying tactic at best
haha that merely the writers opinion. The Federal Code clearly allows for electors to be objected to
But they were being objected to under the false pretense they could legitimately be challenged. Problem is, there is a paper trail and witness testimony showing Trump knew his claims of voter fraud were a fiction.
NOT by the VP

There is a procedure whereby an objection can be raised and then voted on.

THAT is legal. That is NOT what Trump wanted because it would not have given Trump the desired result.

It was a delaying tactic at best
A delaying tactic to stop Biden's certification with the ultimate goal being fraudulent sets of electors getting accepted so that the election would be decided in battle ground states where Repubs controlled the legislatures.

IOW, a bloodless coup.
Here’s The 7-Part Plan The Jan. 6 Committee Says Trump Followed To Steal Power

1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.

2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.

3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.

4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.

5. President Trump’s legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.

6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.

7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.
But they were being objected to under the false pretense they could legitimately be challenged. Problem is, there is a paper trail and witness testimony showing Trump knew his claims of voter fraud were a fiction.
likely under the same belief that the Chairman of the Jan 6 Committee thought he could object to them in the past
NOT by the VP

There is a procedure whereby an objection can be raised and then voted on.

THAT is legal. That is NOT what Trump wanted because it would not have given Trump the desired result.

It was a delaying tactic at best
haha yes it does allie the VP…the President of the Senate to run the process

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