Eric Holder "regrets" false letter to Congress, blames white people.


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Well it looks like obamas chickens have come home to roost

US Attorney General Eric Holder is feeling the heat over Fast & Furious. His department oversaw a vast gunrunning operation that sent thousands of firearms to Mexican drug cartels. Two members of Americans law enforcement have been murdered with these guns. The Mexican government estimates that over two hundred Mexican citizens, including many law enforcement officers, have been murdered with these weapons.

Eric Holder "regrets" false letter to Congress, blames white people. - Charleston Charleston Conservative |
Well it looks like obamas chickens have come home to roost

US Attorney General Eric Holder is feeling the heat over Fast & Furious. His department oversaw a vast gunrunning operation that sent thousands of firearms to Mexican drug cartels. Two members of Americans law enforcement have been murdered with these guns. The Mexican government estimates that over two hundred Mexican citizens, including many law enforcement officers, have been murdered with these weapons.

Eric Holder "regrets" false letter to Congress, blames white people. - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

However, Eric Holder characterized his critics as white racists. He said the scandal has been blown out proportion by white people who are only attacking him because he is "African-American."

Georgia Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson went even farther. He said critics of Eric Holder are "white supremecists." Johnson is well known for crazed outbursts. He once stated on the House floor that the island of Guam might "capsize" from overpopulation.

What a scumbag. This creep needs to be show the door.

The American people are tired of being called "racists" every time this administration gets in trouble.
Well it looks like obamas chickens have come home to roost

US Attorney General Eric Holder is feeling the heat over Fast & Furious. His department oversaw a vast gunrunning operation that sent thousands of firearms to Mexican drug cartels. Two members of Americans law enforcement have been murdered with these guns. The Mexican government estimates that over two hundred Mexican citizens, including many law enforcement officers, have been murdered with these weapons.

Eric Holder "regrets" false letter to Congress, blames white people. - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

obama wanted him appointed and what holder does should all fall at the feet of obama. But obama's defenders will try to deflect this.. More light has been shown on the dark side of obama, but he will still be defended by his sheeple.
Oddly, the Examiner fails to cite the interview that it references ( holder interview&st=cse), instead relying on secondary sources. Perhaps this is because reading the original interview demonstrates that the Examiner's claims are incorrect:

1. Holder does not say anything about white people in this interview.

2. Holder doesn't say that his critics dislike him because they are prejudiced against African Americans. He mentions that they may associate him more closely with Obama because both are African American.

3. Holder doesn't blame his critics or white people for his letter to Congress or any other action by his Justice Department.

Interestingly, Holder, while acknowledging that some criticism is legitimate, suggests that some internet commentators were “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was”. He could have been speaking of this very article.
Oddly, the Examiner fails to cite the interview that it references ( holder interview&st=cse), instead relying on secondary sources. Perhaps this is because reading the original interview demonstrates that the Examiner's claims are incorrect:

1. Holder does not say anything about white people in this interview.

2. Holder doesn't say that his critics dislike him because they are prejudiced against African Americans. He mentions that they may associate him more closely with Obama because both are African American.

3. Holder doesn't blame his critics or white people for his letter to Congress or any other action by his Justice Department.

Interestingly, Holder, while acknowledging that some criticism is legitimate, suggests that some internet commentators were “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was”. He could have been speaking of this very article.

I heard the full comments from Holder, in context.

He's a cocksucking little sociopath who deserves to be run out of the District of Criminals on a rail, if not brought up on charges.

If he had an (R) by his name, you'd be shitting your drawers right now and we all know it.
Oddly, the Examiner fails to cite the interview that it references ( holder interview&st=cse), instead relying on secondary sources. Perhaps this is because reading the original interview demonstrates that the Examiner's claims are incorrect:

1. Holder does not say anything about white people in this interview.

2. Holder doesn't say that his critics dislike him because they are prejudiced against African Americans. He mentions that they may associate him more closely with Obama because both are African American.

3. Holder doesn't blame his critics or white people for his letter to Congress or any other action by his Justice Department.

Interestingly, Holder, while acknowledging that some criticism is legitimate, suggests that some internet commentators were “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was”. He could have been speaking of this very article.

Cool story. Got a link to back it up or is it your work of fiction?
Oddly, the Examiner fails to cite the interview that it references ( holder interview&st=cse), instead relying on secondary sources. Perhaps this is because reading the original interview demonstrates that the Examiner's claims are incorrect:

1. Holder does not say anything about white people in this interview.

2. Holder doesn't say that his critics dislike him because they are prejudiced against African Americans. He mentions that they may associate him more closely with Obama because both are African American.

3. Holder doesn't blame his critics or white people for his letter to Congress or any other action by his Justice Department.

Interestingly, Holder, while acknowledging that some criticism is legitimate, suggests that some internet commentators were “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was”. He could have been speaking of this very article.

I heard the full comments from Holder, in context.

He's a cocksucking little sociopath who deserves to be run out of the District of Criminals on a rail, if not brought up on charges.

If he had an (R) by his name, you'd be shitting your drawers right now and we all know it.

Well, if he pursued policies similar to his Republican predecessors I probably wouldn't be applauding him, but I'm not doing that in this thread anyway. I wouldn't be deliberately making factually incorrect statements about him though, nor would I be resorting to such crude characterizations.
Oddly, the Examiner fails to cite the interview that it references ( holder interview&st=cse), instead relying on secondary sources. Perhaps this is because reading the original interview demonstrates that the Examiner's claims are incorrect:

1. Holder does not say anything about white people in this interview.

2. Holder doesn't say that his critics dislike him because they are prejudiced against African Americans. He mentions that they may associate him more closely with Obama because both are African American.

3. Holder doesn't blame his critics or white people for his letter to Congress or any other action by his Justice Department.

Interestingly, Holder, while acknowledging that some criticism is legitimate, suggests that some internet commentators were “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was”. He could have been speaking of this very article.

Cool story. Got a link to back it up or is it your work of fiction?

What do you want a link to? My original post linked to the New York Times interview which the Examiner article (linked to in the original post in this thread) was referencing.
Oddly, the Examiner fails to cite the interview that it references ( holder interview&st=cse), instead relying on secondary sources. Perhaps this is because reading the original interview demonstrates that the Examiner's claims are incorrect:

1. Holder does not say anything about white people in this interview.

2. Holder doesn't say that his critics dislike him because they are prejudiced against African Americans. He mentions that they may associate him more closely with Obama because both are African American.

3. Holder doesn't blame his critics or white people for his letter to Congress or any other action by his Justice Department.

Interestingly, Holder, while acknowledging that some criticism is legitimate, suggests that some internet commentators were “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was”. He could have been speaking of this very article.

I heard the full comments from Holder, in context.

He's a cocksucking little sociopath who deserves to be run out of the District of Criminals on a rail, if not brought up on charges.

If he had an (R) by his name, you'd be shitting your drawers right now and we all know it.

Well, if he pursued policies similar to his Republican predecessors I probably wouldn't be applauding him, but I'm not doing that in this thread anyway. I wouldn't be deliberately making factually incorrect statements about him though, nor would I be resorting to such crude characterizations.
Bullshit....The only reason you're defending that lowlife dickweed is his political affiliation, and anyone with two working brain cells to rub together can see it.

Even John Mitchell didn't stoop to the depths of that scumbucket.
I heard the full comments from Holder, in context.

He's a cocksucking little sociopath who deserves to be run out of the District of Criminals on a rail, if not brought up on charges.

If he had an (R) by his name, you'd be shitting your drawers right now and we all know it.

Well, if he pursued policies similar to his Republican predecessors I probably wouldn't be applauding him, but I'm not doing that in this thread anyway. I wouldn't be deliberately making factually incorrect statements about him though, nor would I be resorting to such crude characterizations.
Bullshit....The only reason you're defending that lowlife dickweed is his political affiliation, and anyone with two working brain cells to rub together can see it.

Even John Mitchell didn't stoop to the depths of that scumbucket.

I think we shall have to agree to disagree, especially when you profess to have inside knowledge of my motives. For those without your keen historical sense, it should be noted that John Mitchell was Nixon's Attorney General and a Watergate conspirator convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury (John N. Mitchell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

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