Equal Distribution Of Lawyers


Sep 23, 2010
Now I understand why Taqiyya the Liar and Typhoid Nancy were in such a hurry to distribute newly-arrived illegal aliens all across the country. There are not enough lawyers in a few border states to handle them. And by spreading the kids around you get equal distribution of tax dollars among lawyers.

Let’s look at the numbers.


The Obama administration has requested at least $15 million to provide illegal immigrant children with lawyers in the $3.7 billion in funds they have asked for from Congress. And the Department of Justice also announced a $2 million program to provide illegal immigrant children with lawyers.

Is the Administration kidding the troops! A hundred lawyers handling a hundred cases will eat up $17 million dollars before one of those illegals aliens ever sees a judge. This is what I said in another thread before I realized that distributing those kids to lawyers all over the country is the key component in the raid on the public purse:

Use 75,000 as a working number. Assume each kid will be represented by a different lawyer. That’s 75,000 lawyers dipping into the $3.7 billion fund Taqiyya the Liar is asking for. Of course, lawyers specializing in immigration cases will represent more than one kid. No matter. Lawyers’ fees will eat up at least half of that $3.7 billion. God only knows how many ACLU lawyers are lining up to cash-in on the kids.

Incidentally, my radar went wild every time I heard a talking head say those kids won’t show up for immigration hearings. That is pure media misdirection. Lawyers need clients to make money. Most of those kids will show up because their “free” lawyers can bill the government for enormous fees by dragging out deportation hearings for years —— even decades.

Tea Party v. Democrat Party - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here’s the number of illegal aliens who will get free lawyers:

There have been at least 57,000 illegal immigrant children who have unlawfully entered the country since October of last year, and at least 30,000 are expected to enter in the next three months. In addition, at least 150,000 more are expected to enter the country in the next fiscal year.

Americans would not have to pay lawyers a penny if those kids are sent back home posthaste. If their families can afford to ship their own children across Mexico they can afford to fight deportation at their own expense, and do it from their own countries.

The America-hater’s justification for free lawyers is the real stomach-turner:

"If we believe in due process for children in our country, then we cannot abandon them when they face deportation in our immigration courts," said Ahilan Arulanantham, an attorney with the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project. "The government pays for a trained prosecutor to advocate for the deportation of every child. It is patently unfair to force children to defend themselves alone."

Illegals Sue Obama Admin for Lawyers
by Tony Lee 11 Jul 2014, 11:30 AM PDT

Illegals Sue Obama Admin for Lawyers

Everybody knows what ACLU lawyers believe in, while Americans believe in due process for American children. And how many more trained prosecutors (lawyers all) will be hired to derail deportations. Considering Taqiyya the Liar’s part in tearing down the borders you have figure the fix is in.

Here’s a suggestion:

Give Taqiyya $10 billion, but take the money out of the budgets of his bureaucracies like the DOJ, the EPA, HHS, Homeland Security, the National Endowment for the Arts, the IRS, the SEC, and the FCC. If there is a shortfall make it up by taking it from subsidies to Higher Education and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Naturally, Harry Reid and Senate Democrats won’t go along. Remember their priorities:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=nKnOnH-3kr4]Harry Reid To CNN's Dana Bash: "Why Would We Want To" Help One Kid With Cancer? - YouTube[/ame]​

Democrats did not want to save American kids with cancer; so it would be hypocritical of them to save illegal alien children. Reid should straighten out Typhoid Nancy on the Democrat party’s strategy before he does anything. It would be more than hypocrisy to give medical aid to those illegals who are sick while Democrats refuse to help American children.

Incidentally, has anybody asked these three concerned citizens of the world to pay the legals bills? They’ve got their noses in everything else anyway:

Billionaires Warren Buffett, Sheldon Adelson and Bill Gates have teamed up to call for amnesty for America’s illegal immigrants as a solution to the ongoing crisis at the border as President Barack Obama mulls granting amnesty to millions via executive power.

Billionaires Call for Amnesty as Obama Plans to Legalize Millions of Illegal Aliens with Executive Power
by Matthew Boyle 11 Jul 2014, 11:17 AM PDT

Billionaires Call for Amnesty as Obama Plans to Legalize Millions of Illegal Aliens with Executive Power

Hell, three or four billion dollars to those guys is pocket change. A billion and a half from each one and Taqiyya has more than he asked Congress to give him.

Finally, The United Nations is insisting those illegal aliens be treated as refugees. Take a peek at this article if you want to have some fun speculating:

Limiting executive power
David Harsanyi

Limiting executive power - The Denver Post

The open-borders crowd is high on the United Nations and its phoney World Court when it comes to helping murderers; so it is fair to assume the consulates of the countries those kids came from were notified. Hell, those foreign governments might even pick up the tab should Buffett, Adelson and Gates sit on their wallets.
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I knew it was only a matter of time before lawyers found a way to get a larger portion of the public purse, but I thought they would have the decency to wait until the current wave of illegals subsided:

Lawyers advocating for illegal immigrant children flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border want Congress to make it more difficult to deport illegal immigrants, even from Mexico.

Under current law, the federal government can immediately deport illegal immigrants from Mexico and Canada. Those from countries like Central America, though, cannot be immediately deported under a 2008 law.

The American Immigration Lawyers Association told Congress this week that "there is no valid reason for treating vulnerable unaccompanied children differently based on their country of origin."

Immigration Activists to Congress: Don't Immediately Deport Illegals from Mexico
by Tony Lee 12 Jul 2014, 10:41 AM PDT

Immigration Activists to Congress: Don't Immediately Deport Illegals from Mexico

How the hell does making it harder to deport illegal aliens solve the “immigration problem”? The fact is that America has an ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM because of public trough lawyers. To call it an immigration problem is the same as calling the illegal drug problem a medication problem. Sad to say, respectable conservatives fall into the America-hater’s trap when they call it an immigration problem.

Once Democrats and their media stooges admit that there is an “illegal immigration problem” the question is: How can it be solved? Answer: The problem is solved the minute you immediately send illegal aliens back from whence they came.

NOTE: A whole lot of people offer ways to solve the “immigration problem” when there is none. Indeed, the bums call it immigration reform —— but never ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORM because they are smart enough to know that the public might ask: How do you reform illegal immigration?

That corrosive law that says children must have lawyers to defend them at deportation hearings was passed by Democrats and signed by Bush the Younger who was always an open-borders guy. Back in 2008 Bush and McCain were using pseudonyms for amnesty for illegals. That con job, as much as anything else, defeated McCain. That destructive lawyer enrichment law can be repealed in 3 business days if anybody in Washington is serious about solving the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM. Perhaps there are too many lawyers in Washington to seriously consider repeal. Repeal or no repeal, those kids will still be illegal aliens when they are adults.

I believe that many Americans think that the majority of people in foreign countries want their countries to be like America. Worse than believing that idiocy many Americans believe that given a little help the people in foreign countries will adopt America’s culture and laws. Americans get those crazy ideas from the illegals who come here looking for free stuff. I doubt very much if the people from Latin American would come here if it wasn’t a welfare state. When they do come they come full of hatred for America and Gringos.

The fact is that a very small percentage of people in any country would turn their homeland into America-lite. If you want to check on that just tell them they can become one of our states as soon as they hand over their sovereignty. Come to think of it, I’ve never heard the people in any foreign country demanding statehood no matter how bad things were?
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I believe that many Americans think that the majority of people in foreign countries want their countries to be like America. Worse than believing that idiocy many Americans believe that given a little help the people in foreign countries will adopt America’s culture and laws. Americans get those crazy ideas from the illegals who come here looking for free stuff. I doubt very much if the people from Latin American would come here if it wasn’t a welfare state. When they do come they come full of hatred for America and Gringos.


Greg Richards uses a mere 425 words to explore the difference between the immigrants that built this country and those illegal immigrants Democrats are importing from Latin America. Richards’ does not say they are full of hatred as do I, but if you read the article —— (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE) —— it is impossible to see how their conduct and contempt for this country can be sustained by anything except pure hatred. Given the history of Latin America the thing that I find so fascinating is that most of those people believe that this country can be transformed into a benign totalitarian government.

July 13, 2014
A nation of immigrants
By Greg Richards

Blog: A nation of immigrants
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If you ever do a budget, you always want to overestimate the cost of something. That way if you go under budget, you'll be fine. You just don't want to go over budget.

$17 million for 100 lawyers with time, travel, lodging, food and transportation around the location. They may not need all of it but at least they will have it budgeted out.
If you ever do a budget, you always want to overestimate the cost of something. That way if you go under budget, you'll be fine. You just don't want to go over budget.

$17 million for 100 lawyers with time, travel, lodging, food and transportation around the location. They may not need all of it but at least they will have it budgeted out.

To JFK_USA: Not true of the government. The final cost of everything the government does always costs many times the original estimate. Underestimating the costs of welfare programs and “necessary” subsides took off with LBJ’s Great Society. HillaryCare II is the most recent example of low balling estimates —— then sticking it to taxpayers after the program is underway.

Incidentally, look at how the tax on income has grown beyond anything anyone imagined in 1913. In 1914 the tax on income was basically one percent on everything over $3,000. Today’s income tax rate shows that one percent was the biggest underestimate in the government’s long greedy history. Worse still, the tax on income pays for the welfare state and every raid on the public purse the parasite class can think up.

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