EPA funds the Church of Global Warming..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
This ought to disturb you on a number of levels. And it ought to make those who don't think there is a POLITICAL agenda behind GW/CC --- maybe have a unique thought. What the heck is the EPA doing funding A CHURCH GROUP --- and a radical leftist one at that -- to do Global Warming awareness missions for Gaia??

EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’

The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.

Questions to ponder ---

1) What makes a radical leftist Church group the best candidates to help prepare a community for effects of GW?

2) How much money for "Global Warming" is being spread to leftist activists groups as a reward for agitating for the cause of GW?

3) Any of you anti-religious zealots bothered by this feeding of a 'church' for political activism by the EPA?

I participated in Unitarian churches in my lifetime. They long ago left the spiritual world for the political. And there is no particular expertise on ANY of the topics or issues that they choose to demagogue..
This ought to disturb you on a number of levels. And it ought to make those who don't think there is a POLITICAL agenda behind GW/CC --- maybe have a unique thought. What the heck is the EPA doing funding A CHURCH GROUP --- and a radical leftist one at that -- to do Global Warming awareness missions for Gaia??

EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’

The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.

Questions to ponder ---

1) What makes a radical leftist Church group the best candidates to help prepare a community for effects of GW?

2) How much money for "Global Warming" is being spread to leftist activists groups as a reward for agitating for the cause of GW?

3) Any of you anti-religious zealots bothered by this feeding of a 'church' for political activism by the EPA?

I participated in Unitarian churches in my lifetime. They long ago left the spiritual world for the political. And there is no particular expertise on ANY of the topics or issues that they choose to demagogue..
About Us
“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989
So, is one of their tenets'............say three 'Hail Mary's and suck Al Gores dick'...........and you will be absolved of your carbon emission sins?
This ought to disturb you on a number of levels. And it ought to make those who don't think there is a POLITICAL agenda behind GW/CC --- maybe have a unique thought. What the heck is the EPA doing funding A CHURCH GROUP --- and a radical leftist one at that -- to do Global Warming awareness missions for Gaia??

EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’

The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.

Questions to ponder ---

1) What makes a radical leftist Church group the best candidates to help prepare a community for effects of GW?

2) How much money for "Global Warming" is being spread to leftist activists groups as a reward for agitating for the cause of GW?

3) Any of you anti-religious zealots bothered by this feeding of a 'church' for political activism by the EPA?

I participated in Unitarian churches in my lifetime. They long ago left the spiritual world for the political. And there is no particular expertise on ANY of the topics or issues that they choose to demagogue..
About Us
“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989

So what are you trying to say Daws? That this NEVER HAPPENED? Because you don't like the Wash FreeBeacon?
This ought to disturb you on a number of levels. And it ought to make those who don't think there is a POLITICAL agenda behind GW/CC --- maybe have a unique thought. What the heck is the EPA doing funding A CHURCH GROUP --- and a radical leftist one at that -- to do Global Warming awareness missions for Gaia??

EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’

The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.

Questions to ponder ---

1) What makes a radical leftist Church group the best candidates to help prepare a community for effects of GW?

2) How much money for "Global Warming" is being spread to leftist activists groups as a reward for agitating for the cause of GW?

3) Any of you anti-religious zealots bothered by this feeding of a 'church' for political activism by the EPA?

I participated in Unitarian churches in my lifetime. They long ago left the spiritual world for the political. And there is no particular expertise on ANY of the topics or issues that they choose to demagogue..
About Us
“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989

So what are you trying to say Daws? That this NEVER HAPPENED? Because you don't like the Wash FreeBeacon?
there is no credible evidence that it did, if you could get 3 credible sources supporting it you might be on to something
fox , rash limpschlong and other bias sources won't wash.
This ought to disturb you on a number of levels. And it ought to make those who don't think there is a POLITICAL agenda behind GW/CC --- maybe have a unique thought. What the heck is the EPA doing funding A CHURCH GROUP --- and a radical leftist one at that -- to do Global Warming awareness missions for Gaia??

EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’

The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.

Questions to ponder ---

1) What makes a radical leftist Church group the best candidates to help prepare a community for effects of GW?

2) How much money for "Global Warming" is being spread to leftist activists groups as a reward for agitating for the cause of GW?

3) Any of you anti-religious zealots bothered by this feeding of a 'church' for political activism by the EPA?

I participated in Unitarian churches in my lifetime. They long ago left the spiritual world for the political. And there is no particular expertise on ANY of the topics or issues that they choose to demagogue..
About Us
“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989

So what are you trying to say Daws? That this NEVER HAPPENED? Because you don't like the Wash FreeBeacon?
Why is it liberals are not screaming "CHURCH and STATE at the top of their lungs? Okay I WILL, CHURCH AND STATE! I OBJECT to MY tax money going FROM my government to SUPPORT a church. That IS SUPPOSED to be ILLEGAL.

So daws101 and TheOldSchool.. Have you read my sigline lately? The problem with not believing stuff and dismissing it because YOU DON'T LIKE THE SOURCE is dangerous and stupid to your awareness of issues.

So OldSchool --- Did ya miss THIS RIGHT WING LINK??

11/18/2015: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

Release Date: 11/18/2015
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]
ATLANTA – An Environmental Justice Small Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been awarded to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. for their project titled: Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is one of 40 non-profit and tribal organizations selected for award of nearly $1.2 million in competitive grants for work to address environmental justice (EJ) issues nationwide.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will use the grant money to create a Resilience Adaptation Community Toolkit (ReACT), and use it in community led neighborhood canvassing and at community meetings to provide education and training to reduce public health risks associated with increasingly severe storms and sea level rise associated with climate change in South Delray Beach, Fla. and the Pearl City area of Boca Raton, Fla.

"EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level," said Matthew Tejada, Director of EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice. "Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts."

No wonder you folks are so ill-informed when it comes to "fair and balanced". I read plenty of stuff that I don't agree with. Subscribed to funcking Mother Jones and The Nation for years. It clears your mind..
If GW is the nations' highest threat -- Why is the EPA using GW as an "environmental justice" lever and funding activists who couldn't tell you the difference between a cyclone and hurricane? Or CO2 from an actual pollutant?

THIS is the political agenda of GW spelled out large.. Raping the scientific integrity of the EPA for political goals.. Just like NASA's "muslim outreach" program..
So daws101 and TheOldSchool.. Have you read my sigline lately? The problem with not believing stuff and dismissing it because YOU DON'T LIKE THE SOURCE is dangerous and stupid to your awareness of issues.

So OldSchool --- Did ya miss THIS RIGHT WING LINK??

11/18/2015: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

Release Date: 11/18/2015
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]
ATLANTA – An Environmental Justice Small Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been awarded to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. for their project titled: Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is one of 40 non-profit and tribal organizations selected for award of nearly $1.2 million in competitive grants for work to address environmental justice (EJ) issues nationwide.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will use the grant money to create a Resilience Adaptation Community Toolkit (ReACT), and use it in community led neighborhood canvassing and at community meetings to provide education and training to reduce public health risks associated with increasingly severe storms and sea level rise associated with climate change in South Delray Beach, Fla. and the Pearl City area of Boca Raton, Fla.

"EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level," said Matthew Tejada, Director of EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice. "Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts."

No wonder you folks are so ill-informed when it comes to "fair and balanced". I read plenty of stuff that I don't agree with. Subscribed to funcking Mother Jones and The Nation for years. It clears your mind..
Sounds like a fine grant to me. Addressing the impact of climate change? Great! It took decades to convince you rubes climate change was a thing, btw. Progress.

As for the fluff bullshit added to the story by your partisan "journalists" like "white privilege church" and that they support gay marriage has nothing to do with the story and EVERYTHING to do with bunching up you and other rubes' panties.
If GW is the nations' highest threat -- Why is the EPA using GW as an "environmental justice" lever and funding activists who couldn't tell you the difference between a cyclone and hurricane? Or CO2 from an actual pollutant?

THIS is the political agenda of GW spelled out large.. Raping the scientific integrity of the EPA for political goals.. Just like NASA's "muslim outreach" program..

"funding activists who couldn't tell you the difference between a cyclone and hurricane? Or CO2 from an actual pollutant?"

Oh look more nonsense partisan bullshit.
So daws101 and TheOldSchool.. Have you read my sigline lately? The problem with not believing stuff and dismissing it because YOU DON'T LIKE THE SOURCE is dangerous and stupid to your awareness of issues.

So OldSchool --- Did ya miss THIS RIGHT WING LINK??

11/18/2015: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

Release Date: 11/18/2015
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]
ATLANTA – An Environmental Justice Small Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been awarded to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. for their project titled: Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is one of 40 non-profit and tribal organizations selected for award of nearly $1.2 million in competitive grants for work to address environmental justice (EJ) issues nationwide.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will use the grant money to create a Resilience Adaptation Community Toolkit (ReACT), and use it in community led neighborhood canvassing and at community meetings to provide education and training to reduce public health risks associated with increasingly severe storms and sea level rise associated with climate change in South Delray Beach, Fla. and the Pearl City area of Boca Raton, Fla.

"EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level," said Matthew Tejada, Director of EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice. "Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts."

No wonder you folks are so ill-informed when it comes to "fair and balanced". I read plenty of stuff that I don't agree with. Subscribed to funcking Mother Jones and The Nation for years. It clears your mind..
Sounds like a fine grant to me. Addressing the impact of climate change? Great! It took decades to convince you rubes climate change was a thing, btw. Progress.

As for the fluff bullshit added to the story by your partisan "journalists" like "white privilege church" and that they support gay marriage has nothing to do with the story and EVERYTHING to do with bunching up you and other rubes' panties.

Oh the hell it doesn't. I've been to more Unitarian "meetings" than you have. Because I want to hear ALL sides of the story. And their radical activism IS extremely relevant to THEM getting the grant as opposed to some other civic organization, civil engineering group, or even insurance analysts. This is just buttering up the political base and paying for their agitation on the issue..
So daws101 and TheOldSchool.. Have you read my sigline lately? The problem with not believing stuff and dismissing it because YOU DON'T LIKE THE SOURCE is dangerous and stupid to your awareness of issues.

So OldSchool --- Did ya miss THIS RIGHT WING LINK??

11/18/2015: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

Release Date: 11/18/2015
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]
ATLANTA – An Environmental Justice Small Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been awarded to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. for their project titled: Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is one of 40 non-profit and tribal organizations selected for award of nearly $1.2 million in competitive grants for work to address environmental justice (EJ) issues nationwide.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will use the grant money to create a Resilience Adaptation Community Toolkit (ReACT), and use it in community led neighborhood canvassing and at community meetings to provide education and training to reduce public health risks associated with increasingly severe storms and sea level rise associated with climate change in South Delray Beach, Fla. and the Pearl City area of Boca Raton, Fla.

"EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level," said Matthew Tejada, Director of EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice. "Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts."

No wonder you folks are so ill-informed when it comes to "fair and balanced". I read plenty of stuff that I don't agree with. Subscribed to funcking Mother Jones and The Nation for years. It clears your mind..
Sounds like a fine grant to me. Addressing the impact of climate change? Great! It took decades to convince you rubes climate change was a thing, btw. Progress.

As for the fluff bullshit added to the story by your partisan "journalists" like "white privilege church" and that they support gay marriage has nothing to do with the story and EVERYTHING to do with bunching up you and other rubes' panties.

Oh the hell it doesn't. I've been to more Unitarian "meetings" than you have. Because I want to hear ALL sides of the story. And their radical activism IS extremely relevant to THEM getting the grant as opposed to some other civic organization, civil engineering group, or even insurance analysts. This is just buttering up the political base and paying for their agitation on the issue..
Did those groups apply for this grant? Oh why am I asking you have no idea of course. :rolleyes:
So daws101 and TheOldSchool.. Have you read my sigline lately? The problem with not believing stuff and dismissing it because YOU DON'T LIKE THE SOURCE is dangerous and stupid to your awareness of issues.

So OldSchool --- Did ya miss THIS RIGHT WING LINK??

11/18/2015: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

Release Date: 11/18/2015
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]
ATLANTA – An Environmental Justice Small Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been awarded to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. for their project titled: Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is one of 40 non-profit and tribal organizations selected for award of nearly $1.2 million in competitive grants for work to address environmental justice (EJ) issues nationwide.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will use the grant money to create a Resilience Adaptation Community Toolkit (ReACT), and use it in community led neighborhood canvassing and at community meetings to provide education and training to reduce public health risks associated with increasingly severe storms and sea level rise associated with climate change in South Delray Beach, Fla. and the Pearl City area of Boca Raton, Fla.

"EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level," said Matthew Tejada, Director of EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice. "Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts."

No wonder you folks are so ill-informed when it comes to "fair and balanced". I read plenty of stuff that I don't agree with. Subscribed to funcking Mother Jones and The Nation for years. It clears your mind..
Sounds like a fine grant to me. Addressing the impact of climate change? Great! It took decades to convince you rubes climate change was a thing, btw. Progress.

As for the fluff bullshit added to the story by your partisan "journalists" like "white privilege church" and that they support gay marriage has nothing to do with the story and EVERYTHING to do with bunching up you and other rubes' panties.

Oh the hell it doesn't. I've been to more Unitarian "meetings" than you have. Because I want to hear ALL sides of the story. And their radical activism IS extremely relevant to THEM getting the grant as opposed to some other civic organization, civil engineering group, or even insurance analysts. This is just buttering up the political base and paying for their agitation on the issue..
Did those groups apply for this grant? Oh why am I asking you have no idea of course. :rolleyes:

Or maybe the grants were CREATED as a reward for their political activism on GWarming and they were pre-wired into the program. You don't KNOW -- do you???

You just fine with Churches getting "environmental justice" grants on the flimsy pretense that they are uniquely qualified to stop the oceans from the rising? That sounds more like a job for the Pope..
This ought to disturb you on a number of levels. And it ought to make those who don't think there is a POLITICAL agenda behind GW/CC --- maybe have a unique thought. What the heck is the EPA doing funding A CHURCH GROUP --- and a radical leftist one at that -- to do Global Warming awareness missions for Gaia??

EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’

The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.

Questions to ponder ---

1) What makes a radical leftist Church group the best candidates to help prepare a community for effects of GW?

2) How much money for "Global Warming" is being spread to leftist activists groups as a reward for agitating for the cause of GW?

3) Any of you anti-religious zealots bothered by this feeding of a 'church' for political activism by the EPA?

I participated in Unitarian churches in my lifetime. They long ago left the spiritual world for the political. And there is no particular expertise on ANY of the topics or issues that they choose to demagogue..
About Us
“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989

So what are you trying to say Daws? That this NEVER HAPPENED? Because you don't like the Wash FreeBeacon?
there is no credible evidence that it did, if you could get 3 credible sources supporting it you might be on to something
fox , rash limpschlong and other bias sources won't wash.

Well now, let's be fair.

It won't be long before lush rimbaugh picks it up and if he says its true, by gawd, its true.

Next come Lil Glenny (Baby Huey) Beck.

And before we know it, it becomes part of the Great Liberal Conspiracy.

So daws101 and TheOldSchool.. Have you read my sigline lately? The problem with not believing stuff and dismissing it because YOU DON'T LIKE THE SOURCE is dangerous and stupid to your awareness of issues.

So OldSchool --- Did ya miss THIS RIGHT WING LINK??

11/18/2015: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. awarded $30,000 Environmental Justice Small Grant

Release Date: 11/18/2015
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]
ATLANTA – An Environmental Justice Small Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been awarded to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Fla. for their project titled: Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is one of 40 non-profit and tribal organizations selected for award of nearly $1.2 million in competitive grants for work to address environmental justice (EJ) issues nationwide.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will use the grant money to create a Resilience Adaptation Community Toolkit (ReACT), and use it in community led neighborhood canvassing and at community meetings to provide education and training to reduce public health risks associated with increasingly severe storms and sea level rise associated with climate change in South Delray Beach, Fla. and the Pearl City area of Boca Raton, Fla.

"EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level," said Matthew Tejada, Director of EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice. "Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts."

No wonder you folks are so ill-informed when it comes to "fair and balanced". I read plenty of stuff that I don't agree with. Subscribed to funcking Mother Jones and The Nation for years. It clears your mind..
Sounds like a fine grant to me. Addressing the impact of climate change? Great! It took decades to convince you rubes climate change was a thing, btw. Progress.

As for the fluff bullshit added to the story by your partisan "journalists" like "white privilege church" and that they support gay marriage has nothing to do with the story and EVERYTHING to do with bunching up you and other rubes' panties.

Oh the hell it doesn't. I've been to more Unitarian "meetings" than you have. Because I want to hear ALL sides of the story. And their radical activism IS extremely relevant to THEM getting the grant as opposed to some other civic organization, civil engineering group, or even insurance analysts. This is just buttering up the political base and paying for their agitation on the issue..
Did those groups apply for this grant? Oh why am I asking you have no idea of course. :rolleyes:

Or maybe the grants were CREATED as a reward for their political activism on GWarming and they were pre-wired into the program. You don't KNOW -- do you???

You just fine with Churches getting "environmental justice" grants on the flimsy pretense that they are uniquely qualified to stop the oceans from the rising? That sounds more like a job for the Pope..
Thanks for your totally wild speculation. You'd make a great blogger. Terrible journalist, but fantastic blogger.

I bet the leader of that Church will be photographed in a shiny new Lamborghini next week with that colossal sum of $30,000! Oh no there I go with some wild speculation!
This ought to disturb you on a number of levels. And it ought to make those who don't think there is a POLITICAL agenda behind GW/CC --- maybe have a unique thought. What the heck is the EPA doing funding A CHURCH GROUP --- and a radical leftist one at that -- to do Global Warming awareness missions for Gaia??

EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’

The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.

Questions to ponder ---

1) What makes a radical leftist Church group the best candidates to help prepare a community for effects of GW?

2) How much money for "Global Warming" is being spread to leftist activists groups as a reward for agitating for the cause of GW?

3) Any of you anti-religious zealots bothered by this feeding of a 'church' for political activism by the EPA?

I participated in Unitarian churches in my lifetime. They long ago left the spiritual world for the political. And there is no particular expertise on ANY of the topics or issues that they choose to demagogue..
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“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989

So what are you trying to say Daws? That this NEVER HAPPENED? Because you don't like the Wash FreeBeacon?
there is no credible evidence that it did, if you could get 3 credible sources supporting it you might be on to something
fox , rash limpschlong and other bias sources won't wash.

Well now, let's be fair.

It won't be long before lush rimbaugh picks it up and if he says its true, by gawd, its true.

Next come Lil Glenny (Baby Huey) Beck.

And before we know it, it becomes part of the Great Liberal Conspiracy.


Uh --- Nuddly --- It's ALREADY part of the great leftist conspiracy. Or don't you understand the random weirdness of laundering money to leftist orgs to promote a political agenda. CLOAKED in the robes of "science" and engineering..

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