Enzyme that will make Bill Gates’ vaccine microchip implant work known as LUCIFERASE


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Only stupid folks can believe it is just a 'coincidence'. Any politician supporting COVID-19 Hoax is a servant of Satan. It is understandable no one Christian is allowed to accept the mark of the Beast.
If they accept they are not Christians anymore and their souls automatically go to Hell.Is it a global onslaught on Christians performed by 'chosen ones'? Christians worldwide shall stand up to 'vaccine'and devil servants behind it.In any country.

(Natural News) Part of the plan for vaccination against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is to inject people with syringes that contain implantable “quantum dot” tattoos, which we reported are a type of microchip that would seem to constitute the Mark of the Beast. And further proof of this comes in the form of the enzyme that Bill Gates has chosen to make it all possible, which has been ominously dubbed “luciferase.”
According to reports, luciferase will activate these quantum dot “microneedles,” as they are also called, effectively delivering the so-called vaccines into people’s bodies. This “near infrared bioluminescence enzyme luciferase” is what will make the Gates vaccines readable through special mobile device apps that will scan the injection site and identify the “digital certificates,” or proof of vaccination, that Gates and others have been publicly announcing in recent days.
With the help of luciferase, a person’s proof of vaccination will be readable in perpetuity long after he or she was injected with a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). If a digital certificate is present, in other words, that person will be allowed to enter a store to buy food or fly on an airplane. If it is not present, then that person will presumably be turned away and told to go get vaccinated if he or she wants to participate in society.
“With each passing day, it becomes clearer and plainer to those of us who are Bible believers that we are living in a very unique time period,” writes Geoffrey Grider for Now the End Begins. “So unique, in fact, that we just might be witnessing the kingdom of Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast system being assembled before our very eyes.”

Implantable Microsoft digital ID microchip bears the patent #060606

The sudden rise of Bill Gates and his plans for global vaccine domination are not going unnoticed, even by many in the mainstream media. His agenda is rapidly coming to fruition as states all across the country bait the public into accepting a “new normal” where contact tracing, protective wear, and mandatory vaccination are requirements to participate in the new one world order that is unfolding before our very eyes.
Using the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) as a cover, these authoritarian globalists are imposing all kinds of new restrictions on the masses using fear and coercion to get it done rapidly. And they are throwing all kinds of end times signs right in our faces along the way, including another implantable microchip device created by Microsoft that bears the patent number of #060606, or 666 without the zeroes.
This new identification “mark” technology, which is part of ID2020, will function as a digital ID microchip, or “immunity passport,” that will allow people who accept it to be a part of the new normal once the lockdowns are finally ended. Those who refuse this #060606 microchip, however, will not be allowed to rejoin society.
Taking all of this into consideration, it becomes clear that the new world order has arrived. And every individual who is left behind will be forced to accept this implantable tech, or else be barred from participating in it. This means no job, no food, and no social interactions of any kind unless you agree to take this collective Mark of the Beast in all of its many components.

Preach, Brother!


It is understandable why all peoples through the entirely human history hate your tribe.

It is understandable why all peoples through the entirely human history hate your tribe.

Luciferase, discovered as early as 1885, is the enzyme in fireflies and other bio-luminescent organisms that make them glow. I wasn't invented by Mr. Gates or his minions.
I have my plan to cause a failure to those chip implants. First thing is to remove its battery and second to threw to the trash its charger and extension cord.


Piece of cake.

To us, the ones who think and know... it is amazing nobody consult us... nobody call us...
A vaccine provides immunity. What they are injecting us with is not a vaccine. It loses potency after a few months. What they are showing us is that they can inject us with any serum they want. And will. They can actually alter our DNA with these serums.
And NO ONE has yet to question what functions we sent this virus to China to achieve. Spike proteins are making a bee line for ovaries and testicles, with scientists warning these injections` can be used for mass depopulation. Gain of function?
A serum that is able to do an end around a human's immune system. Gain of function?
Multiple injections necessary down the line. Gain of function?

As for the mark of the Beast, the Bible is very specific. We won't have to guess which vaccine is the vaccine that contains the mark.
When Gates announces a new "vaccine" to combat the new virus they have created for us, and this one is injected or invisibly stamped on your right hand or forehead, and can be "read" with a device, then you will know that that is the one that marks you with the Beast's logo. It's not far off. Refuse it.

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