Enemies.. best things about them

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
1) You can talk bad about them and feel good

2) You get to practice evil fantasies

3) You can say anything you want to them and not worry about their "feelings"

Well .. that's all I got so far..
You're the board philosopher! :lol:

I've got people at work that consider me their enemy and I have no similar feelings toward them. I don't snitch, I don't kiss ass, I do my job and if you fuck me over I get you back 10 fold. Even if it takes me a year.

I am a bit brutally honest though which I am working on. It's never my goal to have enemies.
You're the board philosopher! :lol:

I've got people at work that consider me their enemy and I have no similar feelings toward them. I don't snitch, I don't kiss ass, I do my job and if you fuck me over I get you back 10 fold. Even if it takes me a year.

I am a bit brutally honest though which I am working on. It's never my goal to have enemies.

Gee. I never noticed you were brutally honest.....:rolleyes:..

In regards to ass kissing.. I sometimes wonder now if I had tried that out, how different things would be. At a company I used to work for, the top ass kisser is the CEO. now.
You're the board philosopher! :lol:

I've got people at work that consider me their enemy and I have no similar feelings toward them. I don't snitch, I don't kiss ass, I do my job and if you fuck me over I get you back 10 fold. Even if it takes me a year.

I am a bit brutally honest though which I am working on. It's never my goal to have enemies.

Gee. I never noticed you were brutally honest.....:rolleyes:..

In regards to ass kissing.. I sometimes wonder now if I had tried that out, how different things would be. At a company I used to work for, the top ass kisser is the CEO. now.

It is rare that you see the more talented person get the promotion. As I got better at my job the less opportunity to move up seemed to present itself.

There was one time I saw a very talented individual get the promotion and I was glad for him. The kicker was that the company was shutting down in 6 months.
Enemies are far more reliable than friends.

If the shit hits the fan, your friends may abandon you, but your enemies will always be there for you.

Got to spread the rep, but I will file that in the 'I wish I wrote that' file.
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The way of Will Rogers is my way in a way.

I have never met an enemy who I could not find at least one trait not to like.

Even in the military my motto was "I may kill you, but it is not personal."
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I think they're attractive and harmless.

1) You can talk bad about them and feel good

2) You get to practice evil fantasies

3) You can say anything you want to them and not worry about their "feelings"

Well .. that's all I got so far..

You get to ignore them without guilt...:)
Enemies are far more reliable than friends.

If the shit hits the fan, your friends may abandon you, but your enemies will always be there for you.

So true :lol: Ever notice when someone who is very sick and ready to 'checkout' how the 'friends' just mysteriously vanish, apparently afraid someone will ask them to help in some manner.
But your 'enemies' are right there being 'nice' and showing signs of deep concern, in hopes of being left something in your WILL.

I think I got that right! :lol:

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