$enator $arah?

Conservatives are embarrassed by her. WE love to make fun of her when SHE makes appearances and makes ridiculas statements.

Why in the world would conservatives make theads about her? What sense would that make? You play that "we are obsessed" with her when SHE goes on television and says shit all ya want.

We laugh, you are ashamed (as well you should be.)

We win.

We are embarassed by her? Most conservatives i know don't really care one way or another about her. She isn't running. She says good things sometimes. Nothing to be embarassed about just not anything to care about either.
I will bet you a gazillion dollars she doesnt ....she will tease of course to get her name back out there...especially to that sub human Hannity and his dumb ass fans, but of course she wont. Not enough fame in that little job.

Didnt she already quit one job in politics because she said it hurt her family or some such shit? Then she went on a worldwind tour to promote Sarah Palin....

But her fans will say WE are obsessed because we always talk about her. We are the ones who make her go on Hannity you see.
Who started this thread liberal or conservative? Who starts the majority of the Palin threads here liberal or conservative? So who is really more obsessed with Palin liberals or conservatives? Hint conservative is not the correct answer to any of the questions asked.

Conservatives are embarrassed by her. WE love to make fun of her when SHE makes appearances and makes ridiculas statements.

Why in the world would conservatives make theads about her? What sense would that make? You play that "we are obsessed" with her when SHE goes on television and says shit all ya want.

We laugh, you are ashamed (as well you should be.)

We win.
No you start threads about her to try and deflect from the person you put in the White house you would rather talk about anything or anyone than the less than spectacular performance of the current President. Conservatives don't start threads about her because there is no reason to she currently holds no office nor is she running for one when and if that changes I'm sure conservatives will be more than happy to start threads about her until then I leave the deflection and obsessing to you and the rest of the left. Good news is I think Plain Derangement Syndrome is covered under the Obamacare employer mandate you should check into it right away oh that's right you will have to wait another year he pushed that back sorry about that.
Could Palin win? Possibly. Stupider things have happened. Would she complete a six year term? Probably not. I give her two years because 2016 is only two years after she would potentially take her seat in the senate.

That long?

Ya think?

Well, it IS the perfect job for her - show up 125 days a year and goof off on the taxpayer's money the rest of the year.

Besides having to show up once in a while, the other reason she wouldn't like it is the puny pay. She'd start at less than $200K a year. That wouldn't even cover her nail polish.

so how is she going to be any different then the assholes who are there now?.....
Sarah Palin: 'I've Considered' A Senate Run

Oh goody goody. It would be such fun if $arah ran for office again. And, it would be good for jobs too.

That is, IF you work for SNL, the Tonight Show, Comedy Central or Bill Maher.

Let's all cross our fingers that $imple $arah throws her wig into the ring.


You do realize Puddly Pillowbite that only Alaskans would be voting......don't you? What the media arm of the Unicorn Admin spouts on TV will have little effect on her electability in Alaska.

You need to get some professional help for the self-hatred and fear you feel about your own sexuality.

did you go and see the guy i told you to go see?.....Dr. Vinnie BoomBatz?.....
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Sarah Palin: 'I've Considered' A Senate Run

Oh goody goody. It would be such fun if $arah ran for office again. And, it would be good for jobs too.

That is, IF you work for SNL, the Tonight Show, Comedy Central or Bill Maher.

Let's all cross our fingers that $imple $arah throws her wig into the ring.


I will bet you a gazillion dollars she doesnt ....she will tease of course to get her name back out there...especially to that sub human Hannity and his dumb ass fans, but of course she wont. Not enough fame in that little job.

Didnt she already quit one job in politics because she said it hurt her family or some such shit? Then she went on a worldwind tour to promote Sarah Palin....

But her fans will say WE are obsessed because we always talk about her. We are the ones who make her go on Hannity you see.
Who started this thread liberal or conservative? Who starts the majority of the Palin threads here liberal or conservative? So who is really more obsessed with Palin liberals or conservatives? Hint conservative is not the correct answer to any of the questions asked.

i will answer for Zona here......"Best Thread Ever".....
don't blame us Frank. She brought it up on FoxTeeVee
I doubt if Sarah Palin is capable of completing the three year Senate term
I don't. I think she would enjoy putting the brakes on big government spending so much, that she might serve for 30 years and do the American people a number of big favors. ;)

lol. We know one thing. She'll love that taxpayer-funded salary :thup:

wouldnt you?.....6 figures with free lunches....and great health care...
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4 things Sarah Palin has almost done - The Week

1. Finish her term as governor of Alaska
When Sarah Palin ran for governor of Alaska in 2006, she was unknown in most of the country. After the 2008 presidential election, she was a national media phenomenon.

Apparently her newfound fame, along with a slew of ethics investigations, made it hard for her to concentrate on her job.

2. Run for president
Palin obviously didn't run in 2012. But leading up to the election, she dropped hint after hint that she would.

"I'm not so egotistical as to believe that it has to be me, or it can only be me, to turn things around... But I do believe that I can win," Palin said to Newsweek in July 2011. She also went on a national bus tour, visited vital primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire, and took a trip to Israel to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

3. Quit Fox News
Palin had a pretty sweet gig as a contributor at Fox News, reportedly pulling in $1 million a year. In January, she abruptly ended her relationship with the network, saying that she wanted to share her views "more broadly" instead of "preach to the choir."

4. Start her own party
Last month, Sarah Palin indicated she might be too much of a maverick for the GOP by saying that she was open to starting her own "Freedom Party" with conservative radio host Mark Levin. The reason? Republicans were straying from their values:
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U.S. Senator Sarah Palin. Has a nice ring to it. I can't wait to see Senator Palin on Meet the Press and other Sunday News Shows and her wisdom expanded to several networks on Sunday Morning. Imagine she and McCain and Lindsey Graham on a round table, each trying so hard to get the most attention. Hilarious.

I find it absolutely incredible that anyone takes this woman seriously. Says a lot, huge amount about the level of intelligence in the current Republican party that Republicans take her seriously. She's a joke. Plain and simple: the woman is a joke.
U.S. Senator Sarah Palin. Has a nice ring to it. I can't wait to see Senator Palin on Meet the Press and other Sunday News Shows and her wisdom expanded to several networks on Sunday Morning. Imagine she and McCain and Lindsey Graham on a round table, each trying so hard to get the most attention. Hilarious.

I find it absolutely incredible that anyone takes this woman seriously. Says a lot, huge amount about the level of intelligence in the current Republican party that Republicans take her seriously. She's a joke. Plain and simple: the woman is a joke.

Fear not...

Palin is on another one of her "pay attention to me" jaunts

Sarah Palin will never hold another elective office. Especially in Alaska. First off, she does not have the personal conviction to actually do the job. Secondly, she is no longer comfortable outside her Sean Hannity, FoxNews umbrella. She does not want to get put into a situation where pre-rehearsed sound bites will suffice as answers
All we hear from the democrat sheep here is just how stupid republicans are in general and Sarah Palin
in particular.

How bout this Libs.

Congressman Hank Johnson Democrat.....

Asks is it's possible that the Island of Guam might tip over if too many people are on one end....


And we also have congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee with this little gem concerning the American flag planted on Mars back in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.


And of course we have congresswoman Maxine Waters who has entertained us for a few years now....

But all the Libs focus on Sarah Palin and they have quite a few Democrats who are dumber then dirt and they make fun of republicans....

Fuck off.
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All we hear from the democrat sheep here is just how stupid republicans are in general and Sarah Palin
in particular.

How bout this Libs.

Congressman Hank Johnson Democrat.....

Asks is it's possible that the Island of Guam might tip over if too many people are on one end....

congressman south carolina thought Guam would tiip over - Bing Videos

And we also have congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee with this little gem concerning the American flag planted on Mars back in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.


And of course we have congresswoman Maxine Waters who has entertained us for a few years now....

But all the Libs focus on Sarah Palin and they have quite a few Democrats who are dumber then dirt and they make fun of republicans....

Fuck off.

How many of those are considered serious Presidential candidates?
All we hear from the democrat sheep here is just how stupid republicans are in general and Sarah Palin
in particular.

How bout this Libs.

Congressman Hank Johnson Democrat.....

Asks is it's possible that the Island of Guam might tip over if too many people are on one end....

congressman south carolina thought Guam would tiip over - Bing Videos

And we also have congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee with this little gem concerning the American flag planted on Mars back in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.


And of course we have congresswoman Maxine Waters who has entertained us for a few years now....

But all the Libs focus on Sarah Palin and they have quite a few Democrats who are dumber then dirt and they make fun of republicans....

Fuck off.

How many of those are considered serious Presidential candidates?

Now Libs consider Sarah a serious Presidential candidate? I thought she was a joke?
You guys rip republicans as being stupid.I give you just a few examples that prove
Democrats who are as dumb as you can be and they are holding office.

Try as you may you guys have no business boasting how smart people in the Democrat party are....
U.S. Senator Sarah Palin. Has a nice ring to it. I can't wait to see Senator Palin on Meet the Press and other Sunday News Shows and her wisdom expanded to several networks on Sunday Morning. Imagine she and McCain and Lindsey Graham on a round table, each trying so hard to get the most attention. Hilarious.

I find it absolutely incredible that anyone takes this woman seriously. Says a lot, huge amount about the level of intelligence in the current Republican party that Republicans take her seriously. She's a joke. Plain and simple: the woman is a joke.


"I'm an excellent VP" Joe Rainman Biden
U.S. Senator Sarah Palin. Has a nice ring to it. I can't wait to see Senator Palin on Meet the Press and other Sunday News Shows and her wisdom expanded to several networks on Sunday Morning. Imagine she and McCain and Lindsey Graham on a round table, each trying so hard to get the most attention. Hilarious.

I find it absolutely incredible that anyone takes this woman seriously. Says a lot, huge amount about the level of intelligence in the current Republican party that Republicans take her seriously. She's a joke. Plain and simple: the woman is a joke.


"I'm an excellent VP" Joe Rainman Biden

If you actually believe there is any comparison between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin, then you exemplify the point I was making. How can any reasonably intelligent human being think they are even in the same ball park?
All we hear from the democrat sheep here is just how stupid republicans are in general and Sarah Palin
in particular.

How bout this Libs.

Congressman Hank Johnson Democrat.....

Asks is it's possible that the Island of Guam might tip over if too many people are on one end....

congressman south carolina thought Guam would tiip over - Bing Videos

And we also have congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee with this little gem concerning the American flag planted on Mars back in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.


And of course we have congresswoman Maxine Waters who has entertained us for a few years now....

But all the Libs focus on Sarah Palin and they have quite a few Democrats who are dumber then dirt and they make fun of republicans....

Fuck off.

How many of those are considered serious Presidential candidates?

Now Libs consider Sarah a serious Presidential candidate? I thought she was a joke?
You guys rip republicans as being stupid.I give you just a few examples that prove
Democrats who are as dumb as you can be and they are holding office.

Try as you may you guys have no business boasting how smart people in the Democrat party are....

We hide our dumb representatives and ignore what they say....

Republicans give them their own show on FoxNews

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