I have been trying to figure out Obama now for going on 2 years. I almost voted for him, but then Rev Wright got in the way. I have been attempting to figure out his speeches as compared to his agenda. Nothing fits. What he says he is going to do and what he does are so different that it has been mind boggeling.
Tonight, I am watching Hannity and one of the guests called him an empty vessel. The reality hit me, he has no real agenda, he has no inner core of beliefs, he has no strong feeling one way or the other, he has no strong character, on any and all issues. Not the economy, not health care, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not gay marraige, he is there as a puppet for the far left,( Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) and that is all there is to this guy. He allows people to pull him this way and that way, never standing on firm ground and digging in his heels. He is a puppet for anyone he feels is stronger than the opposition. He reads a telepromter well but never means what he says. No integrity, no honor, no character are his standards, because he does not have any real leadership abilities on any and everything.
He is nothing more than a community organizor gone salesperson for the Pelosi and Reid agenda.
He is no leader, never has been, has no core convictions, not even with the far left and their agenda of legalizing gay marriage, he is nothing more than a puppet for Pelosi and Reid.
He is like dust in the wind, being blown this way and that way, never standing firmly on any ground, being pushed here and there, with whoever is doing the pushing and pulling, attempting to appease everyone, including our enemy's, and never, not ever, making a stand on any issue, or any agenda. He is going to go down in history as the weakest President in history, beating out Jimmy Carter.
It's a very sad day when we, the American people, are fooled into voting for a person like this for the President of the United States of America. God , let's pray we can survive him.
Tonight, I am watching Hannity and one of the guests called him an empty vessel. The reality hit me, he has no real agenda, he has no inner core of beliefs, he has no strong feeling one way or the other, he has no strong character, on any and all issues. Not the economy, not health care, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not gay marraige, he is there as a puppet for the far left,( Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) and that is all there is to this guy. He allows people to pull him this way and that way, never standing on firm ground and digging in his heels. He is a puppet for anyone he feels is stronger than the opposition. He reads a telepromter well but never means what he says. No integrity, no honor, no character are his standards, because he does not have any real leadership abilities on any and everything.
He is nothing more than a community organizor gone salesperson for the Pelosi and Reid agenda.
He is no leader, never has been, has no core convictions, not even with the far left and their agenda of legalizing gay marriage, he is nothing more than a puppet for Pelosi and Reid.
He is like dust in the wind, being blown this way and that way, never standing firmly on any ground, being pushed here and there, with whoever is doing the pushing and pulling, attempting to appease everyone, including our enemy's, and never, not ever, making a stand on any issue, or any agenda. He is going to go down in history as the weakest President in history, beating out Jimmy Carter.
It's a very sad day when we, the American people, are fooled into voting for a person like this for the President of the United States of America. God , let's pray we can survive him.
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