Empty Vessel, Barach Obama, best description yet.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
I have been trying to figure out Obama now for going on 2 years. I almost voted for him, but then Rev Wright got in the way. I have been attempting to figure out his speeches as compared to his agenda. Nothing fits. What he says he is going to do and what he does are so different that it has been mind boggeling.

Tonight, I am watching Hannity and one of the guests called him an empty vessel. The reality hit me, he has no real agenda, he has no inner core of beliefs, he has no strong feeling one way or the other, he has no strong character, on any and all issues. Not the economy, not health care, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not gay marraige, he is there as a puppet for the far left,( Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) and that is all there is to this guy. He allows people to pull him this way and that way, never standing on firm ground and digging in his heels. He is a puppet for anyone he feels is stronger than the opposition. He reads a telepromter well but never means what he says. No integrity, no honor, no character are his standards, because he does not have any real leadership abilities on any and everything.

He is nothing more than a community organizor gone salesperson for the Pelosi and Reid agenda.

He is no leader, never has been, has no core convictions, not even with the far left and their agenda of legalizing gay marriage, he is nothing more than a puppet for Pelosi and Reid.

He is like dust in the wind, being blown this way and that way, never standing firmly on any ground, being pushed here and there, with whoever is doing the pushing and pulling, attempting to appease everyone, including our enemy's, and never, not ever, making a stand on any issue, or any agenda. He is going to go down in history as the weakest President in history, beating out Jimmy Carter.

It's a very sad day when we, the American people, are fooled into voting for a person like this for the President of the United States of America. God , let's pray we can survive him.:eusa_shhh:
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The only real surprise to me is that so many people failed to see Obama for the "empty vessel" that he is. Great post Maple.
The only real surprise to me is that so many people failed to see Obama for the "empty vessel" that he is. Great post Maple.

Seriously, I have been trying to figure this guy out, and the empty vessel hit me like a cold bucket of ice water in the face. I woke up, YES, THAT'S IT. Thank you god for showing me the light. :lol:
I have been trying to figure out Obama now for going on 2 years. I almost voted for him, but then Rev Wright got in the way. I have been attempting to figure out his speeches as compared to his agenda. Nothing fits. What he says he is going to do and what he does are so different that it has been mind boggeling.

Tonight, I am watching Hannity and one of the guests called him an empty vessel. The reality hit me, he has no real agenda, he has no inner core of beliefs, he has no strong feeling one way or the other, he has no strong character, on any and all issues. Not the economy, not health care, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not gay marraige, he is there as a puppet for the far left and that is all there is to this guy. He allows people to pull him this way and that way, never standing on firm ground and digging in his heels. He is a puppet for anyone he feels is stronger than the opposition. He reads a telepromter well but never means what he says. No integrity, no honor, no character are his standards, because he does not have any real leadership abilities on any and everything.

He is no leader, never has been, has no core convictions, not even with the far left and their agenda of legalizing gay marriage, he is nothing more than a puppet.

He is there with no core beliefs on everything an anything, he is like dust in the wind, being blown this way and that way, never standing firmly on any ground, being pushed here and there, with whoever is doing the pushing and pulling, attempting to appease everyone, including our enemy's, and never, not ever, making a stand on any issue, or any agenda. He is going to go down in history as the weakest President in history, beating out Jimmy Carter.

It's a very sad day when we, the American people, are fooled into voting for a person like this for the President of the United States of America. God , let's pray we can survive him.:eusa_shhh:

The fact that you watch the hate monger that is Sean Hannity tells me all I need to know about your partisan beliefs. By the way, has Hannity decided when he is going to be waterboarded for his favorite charity yet?
I have been trying to figure out Obama now for going on 2 years. I almost voted for him, but then Rev Wright got in the way. I have been attempting to figure out his speeches as compared to his agenda. Nothing fits. What he says he is going to do and what he does are so different that it has been mind boggeling.

Tonight, I am watching Hannity and one of the guests called him an empty vessel. The reality hit me, he has no real agenda, he has no inner core of beliefs, he has no strong feeling one way or the other, he has no strong character, on any and all issues. Not the economy, not health care, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not gay marraige, he is there as a puppet for the far left and that is all there is to this guy. He allows people to pull him this way and that way, never standing on firm ground and digging in his heels. He is a puppet for anyone he feels is stronger than the opposition. He reads a telepromter well but never means what he says. No integrity, no honor, no character are his standards, because he does not have any real leadership abilities on any and everything.

He is no leader, never has been, has no core convictions, not even with the far left and their agenda of legalizing gay marriage, he is nothing more than a puppet.

He is there with no core beliefs on everything an anything, he is like dust in the wind, being blown this way and that way, never standing firmly on any ground, being pushed here and there, with whoever is doing the pushing and pulling, attempting to appease everyone, including our enemy's, and never, not ever, making a stand on any issue, or any agenda. He is going to go down in history as the weakest President in history, beating out Jimmy Carter.

It's a very sad day when we, the American people, are fooled into voting for a person like this for the President of the United States of America. God , let's pray we can survive him.:eusa_shhh:

The fact that you watch the hate monger that is Sean Hannity tells me all I need to know about your partisan beliefs. By the way, has Hannity decided when he is going to be waterboarded for his favorite charity yet?

Ya Yank, tell me why you voted for the community organizor and make it something more than I have been a life long democrat and ALWAYS vote in lock step with the democratic party. Tell me what he said or did, besides being the first black President and a democrat that got your attention, that made you vote for him. now be honest, what was it??????? What did he promise you that made you vote for him???????????????
I have been trying to figure out Obama now for going on 2 years. I almost voted for him, but then Rev Wright got in the way. I have been attempting to figure out his speeches as compared to his agenda. Nothing fits. What he says he is going to do and what he does are so different that it has been mind boggeling.

Tonight, I am watching Hannity and one of the guests called him an empty vessel. The reality hit me, he has no real agenda, he has no inner core of beliefs, he has no strong feeling one way or the other, he has no strong character, on any and all issues. Not the economy, not health care, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not gay marraige, he is there as a puppet for the far left and that is all there is to this guy. He allows people to pull him this way and that way, never standing on firm ground and digging in his heels. He is a puppet for anyone he feels is stronger than the opposition. He reads a telepromter well but never means what he says. No integrity, no honor, no character are his standards, because he does not have any real leadership abilities on any and everything.

He is no leader, never has been, has no core convictions, not even with the far left and their agenda of legalizing gay marriage, he is nothing more than a puppet.

He is there with no core beliefs on everything an anything, he is like dust in the wind, being blown this way and that way, never standing firmly on any ground, being pushed here and there, with whoever is doing the pushing and pulling, attempting to appease everyone, including our enemy's, and never, not ever, making a stand on any issue, or any agenda. He is going to go down in history as the weakest President in history, beating out Jimmy Carter.

It's a very sad day when we, the American people, are fooled into voting for a person like this for the President of the United States of America. God , let's pray we can survive him.:eusa_shhh:

The fact that you watch the hate monger that is Sean Hannity tells me all I need to know about your partisan beliefs. By the way, has Hannity decided when he is going to be waterboarded for his favorite charity yet?

Ya Yank, tell me why you voted for the community organizor and make it something more than I have been a life long democrat and ALWAYS vote in lock step with the democratic party. Tell me what he said or did, besides being the first black President and a democrat that got your attention, that made you vote for him. now be honest, what was it??????? What did he promise you that made you vote for him???????????????

Maple, I have seen enough of your hateful and partisan posts that I SHOULD know better than to attempt to have a real meaningful debate with you, but since you asked.

Prior to voting for Obama, I had never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am an Independent, and prefer to vote for the person I think will do the best job and not just vote along party lines. Hell, I even voted for Perot TWICE. I voted for Obama because I believed he was different than any previous politicians I have had the chance to vote for in the past, regardless of party affiliation. I am a fiscal conservative and many of his liberal ideas bother me. However, the impotency of the GOP over the past 8 years drove me away. They concentrated solely on a war that should never have been fought and cannot be won. They spent money like they were liberals and basically did NOTHING to make America any better. Obama wants (or so I believe) to make America better. He is willing to invest in our infrastructure rather than follow Dubya and DICK's plan of spending our money to destroy other countries for no reason, only to spend our money to go back and rebuild them after the fact.
The fact that you watch the hate monger that is Sean Hannity tells me all I need to know about your partisan beliefs. By the way, has Hannity decided when he is going to be waterboarded for his favorite charity yet?

Ya Yank, tell me why you voted for the community organizor and make it something more than I have been a life long democrat and ALWAYS vote in lock step with the democratic party. Tell me what he said or did, besides being the first black President and a democrat that got your attention, that made you vote for him. now be honest, what was it??????? What did he promise you that made you vote for him???????????????

Maple, I have seen enough of your hateful and partisan posts that I SHOULD know better than to attempt to have a real meaningful debate with you, but since you asked.

Prior to voting for Obama, I had never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am an Independent, and prefer to vote for the person I think will do the best job and not just vote along party lines. Hell, I even voted for Perot TWICE. I voted for Obama because I believed he was different than any previous politicians I have had the chance to vote for in the past, regardless of party affiliation. I am a fiscal conservative and many of his liberal ideas bother me. However, the impotency of the GOP over the past 8 years drove me away. They concentrated solely on a war that should never have been fought and cannot be won. They spent money like they were liberals and basically did NOTHING to make America any better. Obama wants (or so I believe) to make America better. He is willing to invest in our infrastructure rather than follow Dubya and DICK's plan of spending our money to destroy other countries for no reason, only to spend our money to go back and rebuild them after the fact.

How can you be a "fiscal conservative", and still support Obama's policies ? Those two postions are opposite to one another.
Ya Yank, tell me why you voted for the community organizor and make it something more than I have been a life long democrat and ALWAYS vote in lock step with the democratic party. Tell me what he said or did, besides being the first black President and a democrat that got your attention, that made you vote for him. now be honest, what was it??????? What did he promise you that made you vote for him???????????????

Maple, I have seen enough of your hateful and partisan posts that I SHOULD know better than to attempt to have a real meaningful debate with you, but since you asked.

Prior to voting for Obama, I had never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am an Independent, and prefer to vote for the person I think will do the best job and not just vote along party lines. Hell, I even voted for Perot TWICE. I voted for Obama because I believed he was different than any previous politicians I have had the chance to vote for in the past, regardless of party affiliation. I am a fiscal conservative and many of his liberal ideas bother me. However, the impotency of the GOP over the past 8 years drove me away. They concentrated solely on a war that should never have been fought and cannot be won. They spent money like they were liberals and basically did NOTHING to make America any better. Obama wants (or so I believe) to make America better. He is willing to invest in our infrastructure rather than follow Dubya and DICK's plan of spending our money to destroy other countries for no reason, only to spend our money to go back and rebuild them after the fact.

How can you be a "fiscal conservative", and still support Obama's policies ? Those two postions are opposite to one another.

How can you be a fiscal conservative and support the "drunken sailor" spending of the GOP for the past 8 years?
Maple, I have seen enough of your hateful and partisan posts that I SHOULD know better than to attempt to have a real meaningful debate with you, but since you asked.

Prior to voting for Obama, I had never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am an Independent, and prefer to vote for the person I think will do the best job and not just vote along party lines. Hell, I even voted for Perot TWICE. I voted for Obama because I believed he was different than any previous politicians I have had the chance to vote for in the past, regardless of party affiliation. I am a fiscal conservative and many of his liberal ideas bother me. However, the impotency of the GOP over the past 8 years drove me away. They concentrated solely on a war that should never have been fought and cannot be won. They spent money like they were liberals and basically did NOTHING to make America any better. Obama wants (or so I believe) to make America better. He is willing to invest in our infrastructure rather than follow Dubya and DICK's plan of spending our money to destroy other countries for no reason, only to spend our money to go back and rebuild them after the fact.

How can you be a "fiscal conservative", and still support Obama's policies ? Those two postions are opposite to one another.

How can you be a fiscal conservative and support the "drunken sailor" spending of the GOP for the past 8 years?

Nice deflection there. I haven't claimed to be anything. I haven't said who I supported ever. I ASKED how YOU can claim to be a fiscal conservative and yet support the policies of Obama. I'm really looking to understand how Obama supporters think. I mean really, how can someone claim to stand for sound fiscal policy and not bat an eye at the trillions of dollars in borrowed money this administration is spending.
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He's a sock puppet.

Khalid Monsour and Price AlAweed and now George Soros have been moving his lips for him.
It's highly unlikey that anyone who watches Hannity considered voting for Obama. Nice try at trying to sound objective.
It's highly unlikey that anyone who watches Hannity considered voting for Obama. Nice try at trying to sound objective.

seems obama watches since hes made fox news his enemy, or is he basing his descisions on your internet posts?
Let's just all agree that people like Maple who spend their time endlessly trying to "figure out" people they watch on TV need to get out more. I still haven't found the time to "figure out" people I know in real life that live in my own house. I supported Obama... because I'm young and needed the student tax credit he promised. Now I'm not going to school and I'm going to the Air Force to suck funds out of the GI Bill in four years. As for the "he's weak" comments, yeah well American politicians have no choice but to be... because Americans are too retarded to know what they want. The American political system cannot breed "strong" leaders or leaders that seem to operate with any sort of intelligence, because that's just not America. FLAVOR FLAAAAAV!!
The fact that you watch the hate monger that is Sean Hannity tells me all I need to know about your partisan beliefs. By the way, has Hannity decided when he is going to be waterboarded for his favorite charity yet?

Ya Yank, tell me why you voted for the community organizor and make it something more than I have been a life long democrat and ALWAYS vote in lock step with the democratic party. Tell me what he said or did, besides being the first black President and a democrat that got your attention, that made you vote for him. now be honest, what was it??????? What did he promise you that made you vote for him???????????????

Maple, I have seen enough of your hateful and partisan posts that I SHOULD know better than to attempt to have a real meaningful debate with you, but since you asked.

Prior to voting for Obama, I had never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am an Independent, and prefer to vote for the person I think will do the best job and not just vote along party lines. Hell, I even voted for Perot TWICE. I voted for Obama because I believed he was different than any previous politicians I have had the chance to vote for in the past, regardless of party affiliation. I am a fiscal conservative and many of his liberal ideas bother me. However, the impotency of the GOP over the past 8 years drove me away. They concentrated solely on a war that should never have been fought and cannot be won. They spent money like they were liberals and basically did NOTHING to make America any better. Obama wants (or so I believe) to make America better. He is willing to invest in our infrastructure rather than follow Dubya and DICK's plan of spending our money to destroy other countries for no reason, only to spend our money to go back and rebuild them after the fact.

I agree with your statement about the republicans because they came very close to driving me away. As I stated earlier I came very close to voting for Obama, but just could not get ovet the Rev Wright deal. I attend church on a fairly regular basis and I know that no-one can sit in a church like that for 20 years and not hear the anti-american, anti - white statements that the reverend screamed about. It's just not possible. That no stimulus stimulus plan has created few jobs, reported on Fox this morning only 30,000 jobs have been created. Now when you consider that there are 15 million unemployed in this country right now, I would not call a measly 30,000 jobs a success. Yet, they are touting this as a success when it has been a clear failure. Unemployment was not supposed to go above 8%, yet we are approaching 10% with no end in sight.
How can you be a "fiscal conservative", and still support Obama's policies ? Those two postions are opposite to one another.

How can you be a fiscal conservative and support the "drunken sailor" spending of the GOP for the past 8 years?

Nice deflection there. I haven't claimed to be anything. I haven't said who I supported ever. I ASKED how YOU can claim to be a fiscal conservative and yet support the policies of Obama. I'm really looking to understand how Obama supporters think. I mean really, how can someone claim to stand for sound fiscal policy and not bat an eye at the trillions of dollars in borrowed money this administration is spending.

I think they were referring to him or herself.
The fact that you watch the hate monger that is Sean Hannity tells me all I need to know about your partisan beliefs. By the way, has Hannity decided when he is going to be waterboarded for his favorite charity yet?

You are so predictable... no answers, no arguments, only demeaning comments about anyone who hasn't bought into the Obama hype.

Grow up.
How can you be a fiscal conservative and support the "drunken sailor" spending of the GOP for the past 8 years?

This is one of the areas we conservatives took great issue with when it came to Bush. Had you been listening you'd have heard this. However it is the liberals than ran against Bush on spending and have now qaudrupled down on spending now that they are in office. Liberals have taken hypocricy to a new level. At least we had the integrity to call Bush on it.. liberals just claim that now all of the sudden, MASSIVE deficit spending is really not that bad as long as we bankrupt the nation in the name of helping humanity.

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Bottom line is, what is being proposed in DC cannot be sustained. The promises that are already hanging out there in terms of pension liabilities, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are unfunded. I am still wiating for someone to address that BEFORE promising a new middle-class entitlement that will NEVER be met without MASSIVE tax hikes bringing the average Joe into the 70% tax range. We have promised too much to too many and it has to stop.

Get real folks.

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