Empire In Retreat: Under Trump, we’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time

i don't like being melodramatic, but i do like speaking the truth. when Trump is done with his presidency, there will be no America left.

i don't blame everything on Trump like the liberal hypocrites, but he is a horrifying leader.
If we can get to no democrats left, America will be just fine.

The "final solution" huh?
Sadly democrats have proved themselves an enemy. No less of an enemy than the armies of Germany or Japan. No less of any other enemy that must be defeated and wiped out. If you see that as a final solution then so be it.
What a drama queen you are.
I can't figure out how the Democrats have not learned from history, how they can want to embrace Communism / Sociallism when history shows it has failed over and over and over again...

I know the Left's 'leaders' are ultra elitist millionaires who act / declare to be above the laws and rules that apply to everyone else, that they like being self appointed RULERS instead of 'servants if the people's, etc... But the fact that they would rather reduce the US to a 3rd World nation and rule that sh!thole still boggles my mind.
History shows us that tariffs cost jobs, every time...
and yet we have the best economy in decades thanks to this President...
focus on the role of foreign elites.

even if all US citizens denied America was an empire, its status would still be a moot point if foreign elites continued to treat it as if it were.

there are two sides of the American empire.
Washington, far from ruling an empire in the way Rome did, has become the virtual prisoner of its client states!
I can't figure out how the Democrats have not learned from history, how they can want to embrace Communism / Sociallism when history shows it has failed over and over and over again...

I know the Left's 'leaders' are ultra elitist millionaires who act / declare to be above the laws and rules that apply to everyone else, that they like being self appointed RULERS instead of 'servants if the people's, etc... But the fact that they would rather reduce the US to a 3rd World nation and rule that sh!thole still boggles my mind.
History shows us that tariffs cost jobs, every time...
and yet we have the best economy in decades thanks to this President...
What is best about it? Stock market in free fall. First quarter growth only 2.2%. Labor force participation low. Wages stagnant...
I can't figure out how the Democrats have not learned from history, how they can want to embrace Communism / Sociallism when history shows it has failed over and over and over again...

I know the Left's 'leaders' are ultra elitist millionaires who act / declare to be above the laws and rules that apply to everyone else, that they like being self appointed RULERS instead of 'servants if the people's, etc... But the fact that they would rather reduce the US to a 3rd World nation and rule that sh!thole still boggles my mind.
History shows us that tariffs cost jobs, every time...
and yet we have the best economy in decades thanks to this President...
2014 was better.

Todays economy is good Almost as good as it was in 2014 - MarketWatch
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.

LOL. You're really stupid. The Empire of America. LOL.
America’s decline is now beginning after the American people by a fluke elected an imbecilic former reality TV show host and con man whose only affinity for reading anything were Adolf Hitler speeches.
California should Pioneer the Way!

Eureka is our State Motto! Let's task and fund Academia to Eureka, Pareto Optimal Solutions to our social dilemmas!

We really should have Faith in our State Motto!
You must have lived outside of the country during Obama.
Dude, I don't know what planet these mindless pea brain fucks was on when Obama was president, but being elected twice, the guy must have done something right....yeah, he was sane!!

obongo got elected because he was Black...

If he were White we wouldn't know his name....

obongo and his supporters were all fools like yourself...…...
The Great Obama was elected because the Bush Presidency was such a disaster

You are a fool.....

It was White Guilt....

Wrong. Obama was a better option than McCain.

McCain is a hero & patriot. But in 2008 “journalists” who now extol his virtues portrayed him as a madman & the NY Times smeared him the day after he sealed GOP nomination. Romney behaved with respect & dignity. But in 2012 media savaged him & portrayed him as a misogynist...BIAS!
Dude, I don't know what planet these mindless pea brain fucks was on when Obama was president, but being elected twice, the guy must have done something right....yeah, he was sane!!

obongo got elected because he was Black...

If he were White we wouldn't know his name....

obongo and his supporters were all fools like yourself...…...
The Great Obama was elected because the Bush Presidency was such a disaster

You are a fool.....

It was White Guilt....

Wrong. Obama was a better option than McCain.

McCain is a hero & patriot. But in 2008 “journalists” who now extol his virtues portrayed him as a madman & the NY Times smeared him the day after he sealed GOP nomination. Romney behaved with respect & dignity. But in 2012 media savaged him & portrayed him as a misogynist...BIAS!

In 2008 McCain was talking about bombing Iran. In 2016 Trump smeared him. After he voted no on the ACA repeal Trump has constantly denigrated him.
Dude, I don't know what planet these mindless pea brain fucks was on when Obama was president, but being elected twice, the guy must have done something right....yeah, he was sane!!

obongo got elected because he was Black...

If he were White we wouldn't know his name....

obongo and his supporters were all fools like yourself...…...
The Great Obama was elected because the Bush Presidency was such a disaster

You are a fool.....

It was White Guilt....

Wrong. Obama was a better option than McCain.

McCain is a hero & patriot. But in 2008 “journalists” who now extol his virtues portrayed him as a madman & the NY Times smeared him the day after he sealed GOP nomination. Romney behaved with respect & dignity. But in 2012 media savaged him & portrayed him as a misogynist...BIAS!

mcstain and romney are both back stabbing sob's
Americans are surprised by the direct relationship between their country and foreign ones because we dont acknowledge that America is an empire.

it is impossible to understand a relationship if you are not aware you are in one.
in the 1920's, the US was not yet a superpower. its image was that of the anti-imperialist, rebel nation,a country that had resisted the worst parts of colonialism and imperialism, instead preaching an unprecedented kind of liberation theology to the world. when President Wilson famously argued that all citizens deserved the right to determine their own fates, helped inspire Eleftherios Veniezelos of Greece, Saad Zaghlul of Egypt and Turkey's Ataturk to fight for independence from foreign rule.

in the 1920, some perceived America as a messiah rescuing the world's people from the evils of Europe.

my how times have changed. my how times have changed...
"do nothing to offend dictators. they are the only folks we can depend on" - American secretary of state John Foster Dulles
LOL! These parallel-universe liberal threads are just bizarre. Here in reality, our economy is growing, consumer confidence is back, our manufacturing sector is coming back strongly, hundreds of billions of dollars of American money parked overseas is coming back to the U.S., wages are rising, our military is being rebuilt, tens of millions of Americans have seen their take-home pay rise by $80-$500 per month (thanks to the Trump tax cuts), and we finally have a president who is trying to do something about our huge trade deficit.
LBJ once bellowed about the Greeks: "fuck your parliament and fuck your constitution. we pay a lot of good American dollars to the Greeks. if your prime minister gives me a talk about democracy, parliament & constitution...he, his parliament, & constitution will not last long"
we are borrowing from europe in order to defend europe.

we are borrowing from japan in order to keep oil flowing through japan.

i could go on!
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.

You misunderstand what's actually happening. The United States is the military arm of the people in charge. When Ike warned about the MIC he wasn't confining it to the US, it is a world wide organization and it is entwined with the World/Central Banks.

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