Emerald Guerrilla: Christian Water-Pollution [Melania Trump]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-politics vignette about the First Lady and modern eco-terrorism.

It's inspired by The Monkey Wrench Gang, and I didn't post it in the Writing section, since it's politically-cautious.

Cheers (signing off), --- Happy Thanksgiving USMB!



U.S. First Lady Melania Trump received a strange piece of paper in the White House mail with an eerie stick-figure doodle-drawing of an 'evil elf' on it. The sender was anonymous but it was obviously some kind of eco-activism protest message, since the note attached to the silly stick-figure doodle read, "Evil elves will reign for Christmas consumerism when Americans don't care about eco-pollution." Melania wondered how to respond to such a strange mailing to the White House, so she tweeted, "Eco-consciousness is a part of the political landscape now, and D.C. has to deal with that in its own way."


What Melania did not know was that the mailing was sent by a new radical eco-terrorism group known as Isis-Cobra [IC]. The IC took its name from Egyptian mythology and a modern-day comic book story about a super-terrorist organization. The IC wanted to frighten American consumers into confronting the reality of industrialization-related eco-pollution and mismanaged/mishandled toxic-waste which was a surefire sign of humanity's inability to maturely deal with its own excesses. The IC wanted a real serious initiative in D.C., and one of its female leaders, a punk-rock poet code-named 'Misfit' was interested in some kind of White House eco-terrorism. Misfit loved telephones and wanted to do something with Verizon or Sprint (or some mobile-phone carrier/provider in the USA).


President Trump organized a secret late-night meeting at the White House, concerned that this IC mailing to the First Lady was a surefire sign that there was some planned eco-terrorism maneuver being planned. Trump also believed that the IC was in some way allied to the Middle Eastern fundamentalist-terrorist group ISIS. After all, ISIS and Isis-Cobra [IC] shared some nominal values(!). Trump suggested that since Halloween was approaching (it was early October), the IC would plan some kind of water-pistol PR-stunt oriented towards guerrilla eco-politics propaganda utilizing water-pistols (since water-guns were consumerism symbols and American kids loved them). The CIA began organizing its protocols to follow up on the President's recommendations.


An idealistic eco-activist and close friend of eco-activist Hollywood (USA) celebrity Leo DiCaprio (head of the eco-activism organization the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation) named Pamela wanted to use Leo's power/influence/spotlight in the modern media to persuade American consumers to understand that the IC's brand or radical eco-terrorism did not cloud the fact that there were sincere optimists working within the system of D.C. to bring about meaningful eco-consciousness oriented political reforms. Leo decided to help Pamela and had a cartoonist make renderings of Pamela as the comic book anti-heroine and fictional eco-terrorist known as 'Poison Ivy.' The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation used Pamela's Poison Ivy cartoon-renderings in a newly-released eco-activism calendar (printed on recycled paper!) to be distributed to millions of Americans for Christmas.


The IC was not a light-hearted group and it wanted to make serious turbulence to gain attention. That's why the secret superhero Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) wanted to deal with the possibility that the IC would perform some act of eco-terrorism that was deadly enough to endanger real lives. Arrow believed that the IC was planning to take the First Lady hostage or perhaps spray-paint her in some green paint for a terrible media-news photo. Arrow was actually Oliver Queen, an ethno-anthropologist working at Yale, who believed that new age politics must involve pedestrian passions. Green Arrow took sedative-tipped arrows to the White House on Devil's Night (the night of 'customary-mischief' which came every year on the night before Halloween Eve) and waited for minions/agents of the IC to show up to create trouble.


Sure enough, Misfit and some of her ghouls of the IC showed up dressed as police officers at the White House lawn, claiming they were providing some kind of security measure to ensure that the IC would not show up to create trouble. Misfit gained admission into the White House herself and then took the First Lady hostage. Green Arrow was there, fortunately, and when Misfit came walking out of the White House with Melania Trump held in her arms as a hostage (with a pistol Misfit was carrying which no one knew was actually a harmless water-pistol), Green Arrow fired a well-aimed sedative-tipped arrow into Misfit's leg, causing her to fall unconscious. Melania was returned to the White House safely, and the IC minions who did not manage to flee were arrested. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) told the press, "The responsibility of journalists in America now is to report on the U.S. government's intentions to curb eco-pollution and make the commerce-driven modern city a totem of confidence and not gloom."


The Washington Post decided to post a series of politically-conscious editorials in honor of Green Arrow about the Dr. Seuss tale Green Eggs and Ham, a fable which would be re-presented as a consumerism-culture rhetoric. The Post asked questions such as, "Does Green Arrow like green eggs and ham or eco-hybrid vehicles like the Ford Escape?" Green Arrow loved these editorials and felt that American pedestrians were getting the 'social word' that the deeds of the radical IC would not dissuade American consumers from embracing/celebrating the consumerism-spirit of the holiday-season. Green Arrow wondered who was interrogating Misfit and what the CIA was learning about the IC's ties to ISIS.


Green Arrow decided to retire and take a vacation to Tahiti with his new fiancee, Shelbye Winters, an assistant-professor at Yale University. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) and Shelbye decided to watch Neftlix movies in their Tahiti vacation-hut, eco-oriented films such as The Emerald Forest, FernGully: The Last Rainforest, and Erin Brockovich. Arrow/Oliver told Shelbye that he loved her and wanted her to live on a planet where eco-passions curbed industrial waste and corporate greed. Shelbye knew she was marrying the right 'modern man' (someone who wanted to temper capitalism-daydreams with lifestyly-oriented values and humility).


TRUMP: I like this Green Arrow dude!
CARTER: He's a friend of Earth...
TRUMP: He's marrying that nice young woman, Shelbye Winters.
CARTER: She's a respected teacher at Yale.
TRUMP: I wonder how much media-attention that will get...
CARTER: The media is very fickle, Mr. President.
TRUMP: I know that Misfit will get a lot of 'vainglorious attention.'
CARTER: People like stories about 'outrageous crimes.'
TRUMP: Eco-terrorism is not 'glamorous.'
CARTER: I know, but the everyday news-watcher loves 'brain-candy.'
TRUMP: That's the real problem, Carter --- seductive journalism.
CARTER: Maybe you should tweet about that, sir.
TRUMP: Let's go watch The Gods Must Be Crazy on Netflix!
CARTER: That's cool; I'm reading Guevara's Guerrilla Warfare right now.
TRUMP: All this hubbub about water-guns reminds me of water-pollution and the AntiChrist.
CARTER: I wonder if the First Lady is a fan of Edward Abbey.




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