Embarrassing Excuse Offered For Biden’s Vanishing State of the Union Address


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Embarrassing Excuse Offered For Biden’s Vanishing State of the Union Address

Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union Address
26 Feb 2021 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

All of a sudden, here it is the end of February, and there is no State of the Union (SOTU) address scheduled for President Biden. That's odd because last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
"Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my 'Build Back Better' recovery plan," he said. "It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy."​
The AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 in and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed:​
But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:
[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.​
"We don't know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It's a great mystery," she said during the regular daily briefing.​
"I've not Nancy Drewed that one out today, but it was never planned to be in February, and we don't have a date for a joint session at this point," Psaki said, comparing herself to the popular character in a series of children's books who solves mysteries.​
It is only tradition that a president address a joint session of Congress early in the year to fulfill the constitutional requirement (Article II, Section 3) that a POTUS "shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient[.]"
Yet Biden's handlers seem to have pulled the plug on the man the late Rush Limbaugh mocked as "Plugs" because of his hair transplants to forestall a receding hairline. The lickspittle media are rushing in with "fact checks" to assure the nation that there is no requirement or deadline for a SOTU speech. But it is awkward, especially considering the rising doubts about Biden's mental and physical state. Nick Arama of RedState expressed the view of many:
Let's face it. There's a big problem with having Joe try to deliver a ninety-minute speech at 9:00 p.m. at night without a teleprompter in front of Congress. He has trouble just making it through basic remarks before media for a few minutes, much less a speech of that length. They must be wracking their brains to figure out how they're going to pull it off.​
As we previously reported, Biden hasn't even had a solo press conference with the media yet. By this time, both Barack Obama and Donald Trump had done solo pressers.​
The excuse dredged up yesterday for missing SOTU is...you guessed it...the January 6 Capitol incursion, which the left wants to make the defining moment of the century:

Thomas Lifson writes a great article on China Joey Xi's mysterious vanishing SOTU speech. Combined with a bunch of Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists now demanding to take the "Nuclear Football" away from him, looks like he's in even worse shape than is being let on.
Embarrassment is only for people who experience shame. PM/DSA Democrat Commies are so entirely bereft of moral fiber that they do not experience shame, even concerning the most egregious violations of what most people would consider amoral.
Hmm...., "Build Back Better", what a crock. We’re in the hands of some hipster marketing firm making up clever ad slogans and it’s going to be this way for the next 4 years with no real leadership, no real direction with bureaucrats spending trillions, taking in billions for the DNC, and making sure the mid terms are firmly rigged. What an awful mess.
Unfortunately, China Joey Xi's condition now is the same or getting worse as when he “campaigned” from his basement. It was no accident that most days his handlers called a “lid” early in the day and sent surrogates out to raise money. Of course, the qisling media house organs cooperated by never questioning Biden’s isolation and never asking hard questions on those rare instances when he appeared. Now that he is President, it is becoming much harder to hide him away so I believe the overall plan, to remove him and install Kamaltoe Harris, now is moving into the next phase. I suspect that over the next few weeks or months more and more information will drip from the WH about Biden’s infirmities. Sadly, his Cabinet of Obama retreads, in collaboration with the Senate, will feel duty bound to invoke the 25th Amendment. Will Biden even know he has been removed? Doubtful.
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Embarrassing Excuse Offered For Biden’s Vanishing State of the Union Address

Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union Address
26 Feb 2021 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

All of a sudden, here it is the end of February, and there is no State of the Union (SOTU) address scheduled for President Biden. That's odd because last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
"Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my 'Build Back Better' recovery plan," he said. "It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy."​
The AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 in and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed:​
But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:
[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.​
"We don't know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It's a great mystery," she said during the regular daily briefing.​
"I've not Nancy Drewed that one out today, but it was never planned to be in February, and we don't have a date for a joint session at this point," Psaki said, comparing herself to the popular character in a series of children's books who solves mysteries.​
It is only tradition that a president address a joint session of Congress early in the year to fulfill the constitutional requirement (Article II, Section 3) that a POTUS "shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient[.]"
Yet Biden's handlers seem to have pulled the plug on the man the late Rush Limbaugh mocked as "Plugs" because of his hair transplants to forestall a receding hairline. The lickspittle media are rushing in with "fact checks" to assure the nation that there is no requirement or deadline for a SOTU speech. But it is awkward, especially considering the rising doubts about Biden's mental and physical state. Nick Arama of RedState expressed the view of many:
Let's face it. There's a big problem with having Joe try to deliver a ninety-minute speech at 9:00 p.m. at night without a teleprompter in front of Congress. He has trouble just making it through basic remarks before media for a few minutes, much less a speech of that length. They must be wracking their brains to figure out how they're going to pull it off.​
As we previously reported, Biden hasn't even had a solo press conference with the media yet. By this time, both Barack Obama and Donald Trump had done solo pressers.​
The excuse dredged up yesterday for missing SOTU is...you guessed it...the January 6 Capitol incursion, which the left wants to make the defining moment of the century:

Thomas Lifson writes a great article on China Joey Xi's mysterious vanishing SOTU speech. Combined with a bunch of Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists now demanding to take the "Nuclear Football" away from him, looks like he's in even worse shape than is being let on.
Embarrassment is only for people who experience shame. PM/DSA Democrat Commies are so entirely bereft of moral fiber that they do not experience shame, even concerning the most egregious violations of what most people would consider amoral.
Hmm...., "Build Back Better", what a crock. We’re in the hands of some hipster marketing firm making up clever ad slogans and it’s going to be this way for the next 4 years with no real leadership, no real direction with bureaucrats spending trillions, taking in billions for the DNC, and making sure the mid terms are firmly rigged. What an awful mess.
Unfortunately, China Joey Xi's condition now is the same or getting worse as when he “campaigned” from his basement. It was no accident that most days his handlers called a “lid” early in the day and sent surrogates out to raise money. Of course, the qisling media house organs cooperated by never questioning Biden’s isolation and never asking hard questions on those rare instances when he appeared. Now that he is President, it is becoming much harder to hide him away so I believe the overall plan, to remove him and install Kamaltoe Harris, now is moving into the next phase. I suspect that over the next few weeks or months more and more information will drip from the WH about Biden’s infirmities. Sadly, his Cabinet of Obama retreads, in collaboration with the Senate, will feel duty bound to invoke the 25th Amendment. Will Biden even know he has been removed? Doubtful.
Embarrassing to whom? Maybe the explanation wasn't great, but embarrassment is just an embellishment with no evidence, kind of like the claims of fraud after the election. Are we seeing a pattern here?
Embarrassing Excuse Offered For Biden’s Vanishing State of the Union Address

Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union Address
26 Feb 2021 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

All of a sudden, here it is the end of February, and there is no State of the Union (SOTU) address scheduled for President Biden. That's odd because last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
"Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my 'Build Back Better' recovery plan," he said. "It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy."​
The AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 in and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed:​
But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:
[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.​
"We don't know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It's a great mystery," she said during the regular daily briefing.​
"I've not Nancy Drewed that one out today, but it was never planned to be in February, and we don't have a date for a joint session at this point," Psaki said, comparing herself to the popular character in a series of children's books who solves mysteries.​
It is only tradition that a president address a joint session of Congress early in the year to fulfill the constitutional requirement (Article II, Section 3) that a POTUS "shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient[.]"
Yet Biden's handlers seem to have pulled the plug on the man the late Rush Limbaugh mocked as "Plugs" because of his hair transplants to forestall a receding hairline. The lickspittle media are rushing in with "fact checks" to assure the nation that there is no requirement or deadline for a SOTU speech. But it is awkward, especially considering the rising doubts about Biden's mental and physical state. Nick Arama of RedState expressed the view of many:
Let's face it. There's a big problem with having Joe try to deliver a ninety-minute speech at 9:00 p.m. at night without a teleprompter in front of Congress. He has trouble just making it through basic remarks before media for a few minutes, much less a speech of that length. They must be wracking their brains to figure out how they're going to pull it off.​
As we previously reported, Biden hasn't even had a solo press conference with the media yet. By this time, both Barack Obama and Donald Trump had done solo pressers.​
The excuse dredged up yesterday for missing SOTU is...you guessed it...the January 6 Capitol incursion, which the left wants to make the defining moment of the century:

Thomas Lifson writes a great article on China Joey Xi's mysterious vanishing SOTU speech. Combined with a bunch of Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists now demanding to take the "Nuclear Football" away from him, looks like he's in even worse shape than is being let on.
Embarrassment is only for people who experience shame. PM/DSA Democrat Commies are so entirely bereft of moral fiber that they do not experience shame, even concerning the most egregious violations of what most people would consider amoral.
Hmm...., "Build Back Better", what a crock. We’re in the hands of some hipster marketing firm making up clever ad slogans and it’s going to be this way for the next 4 years with no real leadership, no real direction with bureaucrats spending trillions, taking in billions for the DNC, and making sure the mid terms are firmly rigged. What an awful mess.
Unfortunately, China Joey Xi's condition now is the same or getting worse as when he “campaigned” from his basement. It was no accident that most days his handlers called a “lid” early in the day and sent surrogates out to raise money. Of course, the qisling media house organs cooperated by never questioning Biden’s isolation and never asking hard questions on those rare instances when he appeared. Now that he is President, it is becoming much harder to hide him away so I believe the overall plan, to remove him and install Kamaltoe Harris, now is moving into the next phase. I suspect that over the next few weeks or months more and more information will drip from the WH about Biden’s infirmities. Sadly, his Cabinet of Obama retreads, in collaboration with the Senate, will feel duty bound to invoke the 25th Amendment. Will Biden even know he has been removed? Doubtful.
Embarrassing to whom? Maybe the explanation wasn't great, but embarrassment is just an embellishment with no evidence, kind of like the claims of fraud after the election. Are we seeing a pattern here?

It's glaringly apparent that China Joey Xi is incapable of delivering a speech for more than 15 minutes, much less a lengthy State of The Union speech to the citizens of the United States of America..
Trump didn't give a SOTU his first year. It's standard practice for an incoming president to not give the SOTU his first year.

Trump cultists, I know you couldn't have known that, because your cult chose not to tell you, and you pride yourselves on only getting info from your cult. That's why you always end up looking like stupid whiny hypcorites. Your cult deliberately teaches you to be morons, and you seem to like it that way.
Trump didn't give a SOTU his first year. It's standard practice for an incoming president to not give the SOTU his first year.

Trump cultists, I know you couldn't have known that, because your cult chose not to tell you, and you pride yourselves on only getting info from your cult. That's why you always end up looking like stupid whiny hypcorites. Your cult deliberately teaches you to be morons, and you seem to like it that way.
Did Trump say he was giving one and then did not? Stop comparing apples to demented oranges.
Trump didn't give a SOTU his first year. It's standard practice for an incoming president to not give the SOTU his first year.

Trump cultists, I know you couldn't have known that, because your cult chose not to tell you, and you pride yourselves on only getting info from your cult. That's why you always end up looking like stupid whiny hypcorites. Your cult deliberately teaches you to be morons, and you seem to like it that way.
Trump gave his first SOTU address Tuesday, February 28, 2017.

About a month after taking office.
Trump didn't give a SOTU his first year. It's standard practice for an incoming president to not give the SOTU his first year.

Trump cultists, I know you couldn't have known that, because your cult chose not to tell you, and you pride yourselves on only getting info from your cult. That's why you always end up looking like stupid whiny hypcorites. Your cult deliberately teaches you to be morons, and you seem to like it that way.
Whose cult told them to say what???
What are you trying to say in your link? He gave the speech with Jupiter on the rise?

Ok....not sure what your point is....he gave the speech....the left needs to hide Biden and I don't blame them....but the people deserve to hear from him
What are you trying to say in your link? He gave the speech with Jupiter on the rise?

Ok....not sure what your point is....he gave the speech....the left needs to hide Biden and I don't blame them....but the people deserve to hear from him
That he technically gave a SOTU address, its there if you read down. An address in front of Congress counts.
Trump gave his first SOTU address Tuesday, February 28, 2017.

About a month after taking office.

No, that wasn't a SOTU. That was a speech.
yeah, it just so happened to be when the SOTU is given, and in front of a joint chamber of Congress...you know like a SOTU.

You know what though, I would be satisfied with Biden doing the same type of "speech" - but of course he won't....the Dems need to hide him, and frankly the puppet masters likely don't have time to write a speech for him
Trump gave his first SOTU address Tuesday, February 28, 2017.

About a month after taking office.

No, that wasn't a SOTU. That was a speech.
yeah, it just so happened to be when the SOTU is given, and in front of a joint chamber of Congress...you know like a SOTU.

You know what though, I would be satisfied with Biden doing the same type of "speech" - but of course he won't....the Dems need to hide him, and frankly the puppet masters likely don't have time to write a speech for him
Pinochijoe can't.....he cannot speak even a couple of minutes coherently.
Xiden does better in the morning, why not have him give the speech at 9 a.m., instead of 9 p.m.?

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