Email from dem to put 18 year term limit on SCOTUS justices


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base

Link in email I received promoting term limits for SCOTUS.
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You need personal content in your OP's.

I think it deserves consideration.
I would prefer 20 year terms, but it would have to be a Constitutional Amendment and would not apply to current Justices.
More changing the rules when they lose. Liberal judges sat on the courts until they are decrepit and brain dead. But now we have to force healthy, smart, conservative Justices off? I think not.
I support term limits for federal judges including the SC
More changing the rules when they lose. Liberal judges sat on the courts until they are decrepit and brain dead. But now we have to force healthy, smart, conservative Justices off? I think not.

The dems held the majority in the SC for what 60 years?
Now that they dont they want to change the rules...pathetic.

Link in email I received promoting term limits for SCOTUS.

12 year for Senate and 6 for House...ok
More changing the rules when they lose. Liberal judges sat on the courts until they are decrepit and brain dead. But now we have to force healthy, smart, conservative Justices off? I think not.

The dems held the majority in the SC for what 60 years?
Now that they dont they want to change the rules...pathetic.

But Biden swears he'll work with everybody, right after he packs the Court and adds DC and Mexico as US States
I'm not an originalist in any sense of the word ... however, I do think we must consider what problem was being solved by the original draft of the US Constitution ... and be mindful we don't resurrect the problems with any changes ... we want our Federal judges to be neutral and impartial, so they can't be fired for the judgements they render ... thus lifetime appointments and never have to face the voters ... this is in the context of judges being answerable to the King and the death sentence (de jure) if a judge displeases said King ...

Do term limits (or manditory retirement ages) interfere with these principles? ... will this affect the inherently conservative nature of the courts? ...

I think not, we'd be fine with these limits to the Federal judiciary ... but I would rather have all my teeth pulled in one sitting than try to get 2/3's of each house of Congress to agree on anything ...

Link in email I received promoting term limits for SCOTUS.
At a minimum, if you are going to propose an 18 year term limit on the Supreme Court, have it apply to Congress also. Then it might be worth considering.

You need personal content in your OP's.

I think it deserves consideration.

In 18th Century America life expectancy was 38 years.

Clearly that’s no longer the case – making term limits for Supreme Court justices perfectly appropriate, warranted, and non-partisan.

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