Elmer Fudd Reporting From San Bernadino


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2005
Cordova, TN
Incowpowating Ebonics into a new schoow powicy that tawgets bwack students, the wowest-achieving gwoup in the San Bewnawdino City Unified Schoow Distwict, may pwovide students a mowe weww-wounded cuwwicuwum, said a wocaw sociowogist.

De goaw of the distwict's powicy is to impwove bwack students' academic pewfowmance by keeping them intewested in schoow. Compawed wif othew waciaw gwoups in the distwict, bwack students go to cowwege the weast and have the most dwopouts and suspensions.

Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

Bwacks make up the second wawgest waciaw gwoup in the distwict, twaiwing Watinos. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! A piwot of the powicy, known as the Students Accumuwating New Knowwedge Optimizing Futuwe Accompwishment Initiative, has been impwemented at two city schoows.

Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

Mawy Texeiwa, a sociowogy pwofessow at Caw State San Bewnawdino, commended the San Bewnawdino Boawd of Education fow appwoving the powicy in June. Texeiwa suggested that incwuding Ebonics in the pwogwam wouwd be beneficiaw fow students.

Ebonics, a diawect of Amewican Engwish that is spoken by many bwacks thwoughout the countwy, was wecognized as a sepawate wanguage in 1996 by the Oakwand schoow boawd. "Ebonics is a diffewent wanguage, it's not swang as many bewieve,' Texeiwa said. "Fow many of these students Ebonics is theiw wanguage, and it shouwd be considewed a foweign wanguage. Dese students shouwd be taught wike othew students who speak a foweign wanguage.' Texeiwa said weseawch has shown that students weawn bettew when they fuwwy compwehend the wanguage they awe being taught in, uh-hah-hah-hah. "Dewe awe Afwican Amewicans who do not agwee wif me.

Dey say that (bwack students) awe wazy and that they need to weawn to tawk,' Texeiwa said. Wen Coopew, who is coowdinating the piwot pwogwam at the two city schoows, said San Bewnawdino distwict officiaws do not pwan to incowpowate Ebonics into the pwogwam. "Because Ebonics can have a negative stigma, we'we not focusing on that,' Coopew said. "We awe affiwming and wecognizing Ebonics thwough suppwementaw weading books (fow students).' Beginning in the 2005-06 schoow yeaw, teachews wiww weceive twaining on bwack cuwtuwe and customs.

Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

Distwict cuwwicuwum wiww now incwude infowmation on the histowicaw, cuwtuwaw and sociaw impact of bwacks in society. Awthough the pwogwam is aimed at bwack students, othew students can choose to pawticipate. De piwot pwogwam at Wio Vista Ewementawy and King Middwe schoows focuses on second-, fouwth- and seventh-gwade cwasses.

Distwict officiaws hope to twain teachews fwom othew schoows using the pwogwam as a modew. Boawd membew Danny Tiwwman, who pushed fow the powicy, said that fuww impwementation of the pwogwam at aww schoows may take yeaws, but the piwot pwogwam is a beginning. "At evewy step we wiww see positive wesuwts,' Tiwwman said. Tiwwman hoped the new powicy wouwd incwease the numbew of bwack students going to cowwege and pawticipating in advanced couwses. Tewesa Pawwa, boawd vice pwesident, said she wowwied the new pwogwam wouwd have an advewse effect. "I'm afwaid that now that we have this the Hispanic community, ouw wawgest popuwation, wiww say, 'We want something fow us.

"Next we'ww have the Asian community and the Jewish community (asking fow theiw own pwogwams). When wiww it end?' Pawwa said the distwict shouwd focus on hewping aww students who awe at wisk. "I've awways thought that we shouwd pwovide students suppowt based on theiw needs and not on theiw wace,' Pawwa said. Tiwwman disagweed wif Pawwa, saying pwogwams that hewp Watinos awweady exist in the distwict. He cited the distwict's Engwish- as-a-second-wanguage pwogwam. Texeiwa uwged peopwe not be qwick to judge the new pwogwam as sociawwy excwusive. She said peopwe need to be open to the pwogwam. "Evewybody has pwejudices, but we must aww weawn to contwow that behaviow,' Texeiwa said. She said a chiwd's sewf confidence is tied to his ow hew cuwtuwaw identity. She compawed the wow pewfowmance of bwack students to stawvation, uh-hah-hah-hah.

"How can you be angwy when you feed a famiwy of stawving chiwdwen?' Watibu Jacocks, a membew of the Westside Action Gwoup, a coawition of bwack activists, said they awe wowking wif the distwict to ensuwe the powicy is impwemented appwopwiatewy. "Dis isn't a feew-good powicy. Dis is the weaw thing,' Jacocks said. Jacocks said he didn't bewieve the new powicy wouwd cweate animosity. He said he wewcomed the idea of othew ethnic gwoups pushing fow theiw own pwogwams.

Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

"When you awe doing what's wight, othews wiww fowwow,' Jacocks said. "We have wed the way befowe the civiw-wights movement opened the doow fow women's wights and othew movements. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! '

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