Ellen Barkin: One Extremely Sick Individual


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you tune into NBC this Fall and watch a program called "The New Normal" you'll see a show about two Gay men who want to father a child using a surrogate mother.

The mother of the surrogate is a homophobic bitch who seems to hate everyone, played by Ellen Barkin. A total 180 from what she is in real life.......except she hates everything about the Republican Party it seems.

On Drudge this morning I found this story about a msg she retweeted:


Now I know that retweeting isn't the same as actually saying it, but as in a similar case with George Zimmerman, a famous African-American director felt the need to retweet an erroneous address directing anyone that wanted to murder Zimmerman, just go right ahead.

I don't see the difference between the originator and the retweeter because retweeting means you're in agreement. I feel that anyone who wants to see the violent death of thousands of people belongs right along with folks like Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 hitchhikers. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with their politics.......this kind of belief is despicable and in some cases dangerous. Nut cases like this sometimes walk into movie theaters and murder dozens of people just because they're upset about life in general.

ThinkProgress is most likely the source of this kind of anti-conservative material judging from the tag that this pic was addressed to. They're trying to make what is normal everyday American life out to be radical hate-based anti-social behavior.

ThinkProgress is Obama's think-tank. His main propaganda machine, and Lakhota's main source for thread topics.
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She said "wash them into the ocean" and THAT is what everyone is so upset about???
You know what she meant Valerie...

That Republicans are all wet...? :lol:

Sorry, but I don't get the outrage...She's just one person with a voice.

Yeah, and Todd Akin is just one person with a voice.

Rush Limbaugh is just one person with a voice.

Jesus Christ.........:confused:

Seriously, the way you guys were acting this morning I thought she said something really terrible... You know, something like women who get pregnant from rape must have enjoyed the rape. That sort of rhetoric tends to piss women off, ya know!

When I saw the quote my reaction was, that's it???

I'd probably push Akin in the ocean myself if I had a chance. I wouldn't want him to drown of course, but I would laugh my ass off and say something like, hey if you're swimming you must be enjoying the water...And then I'd throw him a dingy or a line or something... :D

See? ^ That's very remote and clearly separate from reality, but I enjoyed the joke nonetheless, and I don't think that makes me "an extremely sick individual" at all.
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Now I know that retweeting isn't the same as actually saying it...

OMG I am just realizing ^ those were not even Ellen Barkin's words!?

Hmm...Methinks the man who named himself after a fart is more offended by Ellen's Barkin's new sitcom... Ellen Barkin: One Extremely Sick Individual
That Republicans are all wet...? :lol:

Sorry, but I don't get the outrage...She's just one person with a voice.

Yeah, and Todd Akin is just one person with a voice.

Rush Limbaugh is just one person with a voice.

Jesus Christ.........:confused:

Seriously, the way you guys were acting this morning I thought she said something really terrible... You know, something like women who get pregnant from rape must have enjoyed the rape. That sort of rhetoric tends to piss women off, ya know!

When I saw the quote my reaction was, that's it???

I'd probably push Akin in the ocean myself if I had a chance. I wouldn't want him to drown of course, but I would laugh my ass off and say something like, hey if you're swimming you must be enjoying the water...And then I'd throw him a dingy or a line or something... :D

See? ^ That's very remote and clearly separate from reality, but I enjoyed the joke nonetheless, and I don't think that makes me "an extremely sick individual" at all.

That's not what that 'tweet' said, though, is it? I didn't read any qualifiers that indicated she'd then throw everybody listed a lifeline...
Yeah, and Todd Akin is just one person with a voice.

Rush Limbaugh is just one person with a voice.

Jesus Christ.........:confused:

Seriously, the way you guys were acting this morning I thought she said something really terrible... You know, something like women who get pregnant from rape must have enjoyed the rape. That sort of rhetoric tends to piss women off, ya know!

When I saw the quote my reaction was, that's it???

I'd probably push Akin in the ocean myself if I had a chance. I wouldn't want him to drown of course, but I would laugh my ass off and say something like, hey if you're swimming you must be enjoying the water...And then I'd throw him a dingy or a line or something... :D

See? ^ That's very remote and clearly separate from reality, but I enjoyed the joke nonetheless, and I don't think that makes me "an extremely sick individual" at all.

That's not what that 'tweet' said, though, is it?
I didn't read any qualifiers that indicated she'd then throw everybody listed a lifeline...

You guys are too funneh. :lol: I WOULD have said "I'd enjoy pushing him in the ocean myself" and left it at that, but the self-righteous drama llamas would most certainly have had a major fit and called me One Extremely Sick Individual! :eek:
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I have a friend that told me last week, wouldn't it be kind of neat if Isaac hit the Repub Con and glug, glug, glug?

I LOLed.
I have a friend that told me last week, wouldn't it be kind of neat if Isaac hit the Repub Con and glug, glug, glug?

I LOLed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3Z2MP8vMWU]That's Despicable - YouTube[/ame]

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