Elizabeth Warrens ancestory is not important.

She's a big fat liar like so many liberals, then stands on her throne pointing fingers at others. Hypocrisy like that should be called out.
Since we don't know her heritage and only have opinions it seems a bit far fetched to call her a liar.

Why not take her to task on the issues where there are two stark differences rather than on an issue no one cares about?

Why should we let her off from her own standard?
It's fun to poke lefties on this board over it but I don't think it is something most Americans give two shits about.
I'd be willing to bet most of us on this board have heard stories from our elders about who we are related to. We were told by my great grandparents that we are related to Washington. Neat story but does it really matter? To me, no it does not.
Your past does not define who you are, your actions do.

If she tries to use her heritage in the campaign then it's open season but I say stay focused on issues important to Americans until then.

Really don't care if she is part Native American, her taking advantage of the system...whole different ballgame.
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?

We know she used the stories for personal gain. We know she continued to do that after the stories were becoming doubtful. We know her cousins did not hear those stories. It's her claim and her job to prove it's true. And with modern DNA testing, that would be trivial
Can you provide a reliable link to your claim for personal gain by using her heritage story?
I disagree and if she does not have Native American in her bloodline then it is a insult to the Tribes across this nation and she used the so-call Native blood to benefit herself while it took away from someone that could have used the money that was wasted on her.
Seems the tribes disagree with you. Your second point is a lie, so, you are wrong on one point and a liar on the other.

That's a lie

Indian tribes have demanded she prove her claim and denounced her for using genuine Indians

You people just have zero adherence to facts. No wonder you're news is fake
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?

We know she used the stories for personal gain. We know she continued to do that after the stories were becoming doubtful. We know her cousins did not hear those stories. It's her claim and her job to prove it's true. And with modern DNA testing, that would be trivial
Can you provide a reliable link to your claim for personal gain by using her heritage story?

Read politifact where she reported her claim to both Harvard and Penn
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?

Also you have to prove Warren believes it to be false... Small thing..

But comparing any of this to Trump is a joke...
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?

Also you have to prove Warren believes it to be false... Small thing..

But comparing any of this to Trump is a joke...

Her cousins were never told this, she made it up.

And most of Trump's lies are things he never said and fake news made up. He never said for example your biggest lie of them all that Trump said Mexicans are murderers and rapists. Totally fabricated fake news story you idiots pound endlessly. They changed the order of the words to change the meaning. That they felt it necessary to change the order of the words proves it was a lie
I disagree and if she does not have Native American in her bloodline then it is a insult to the Tribes across this nation and she used the so-call Native blood to benefit herself while it took away from someone that could have used the money that was wasted on her.
Seems the tribes disagree with you. Your second point is a lie, so, you are wrong on one point and a liar on the other.

That's a lie

Indian tribes have demanded she prove her claim and denounced her for using genuine Indians

You people just have zero adherence to facts. No wonder you're news is fake
She was invited, attended and addressed the Native American Tribal Council and received a welcoming and positive response from all the tribes recently. Which tribe of tribes as you claim have demanded the claim you are making? Maybe it happened but it is not so easy to find. Is it possible that you are the purveyor of fake news and not I?
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?

We know she used the stories for personal gain. We know she continued to do that after the stories were becoming doubtful. We know her cousins did not hear those stories. It's her claim and her job to prove it's true. And with modern DNA testing, that would be trivial
Can you provide a reliable link to your claim for personal gain by using her heritage story?

Read politifact where she reported her claim to both Harvard and Penn
I found no PolitiFact article to support your claim. I found one that debunked your claim.
Provide a link.
I disagree and if she does not have Native American in her bloodline then it is a insult to the Tribes across this nation and she used the so-call Native blood to benefit herself while it took away from someone that could have used the money that was wasted on her.
Seems the tribes disagree with you. Your second point is a lie, so, you are wrong on one point and a liar on the other.

That's a lie

Indian tribes have demanded she prove her claim and denounced her for using genuine Indians

You people just have zero adherence to facts. No wonder you're news is fake
She was invited, attended and addressed the Native American Tribal Council and received a welcoming and positive response from all the tribes recently. Which tribe of tribes as you claim have demanded the claim you are making? Maybe it happened but it is not so easy to find. Is it possible that you are the purveyor of fake news and not I?

Why haven't her cousins heard this claim?

And until you start providing links, don't ask for them.

Where did "all" the tribes applaud and welcome her?

Where did you get that no tribes asked for her to prove her claim? That's just factually a lie
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?

We know she used the stories for personal gain. We know she continued to do that after the stories were becoming doubtful. We know her cousins did not hear those stories. It's her claim and her job to prove it's true. And with modern DNA testing, that would be trivial
Can you provide a reliable link to your claim for personal gain by using her heritage story?

Read politifact where she reported her claim to both Harvard and Penn
I found no PolitiFact article to support your claim. I found one that debunked your claim.
Provide a link.

I'll give you ONE link until you start providing links to back up your claims. And obviously you didn't actually look for it. It took me like 2 minutes to find it.

From leftist politifact:

"There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage"

"other cousins had no such memories"

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties
It's fun to poke lefties on this board over it but I don't think it is something most Americans give two shits about.
I'd be willing to bet most of us on this board have heard stories from our elders about who we are related to. We were told by my great grandparents that we are related to Washington. Neat story but does it really matter? To me, no it does not.
Your past does not define who you are, your actions do.

If she tries to use her heritage in the campaign then it's open season but I say stay focused on issues important to Americans until then.

She say's she is not running in 2020 and that is good enough for me. I have bigger issues with her politics.
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?
Someone should follow her around and scoop her Starbucks cup out of the garbage, have it tested, just like on the teevee.
It matters so much to people. I think you're right, there are a lot more important things to focus on. Maybe they can't think of much else to criticize her for? Surely, that can't be.
To define a lie you must first have the ability to prove it is false.

Is this really the issue we want to hang our hat on? An issue that we are unable to prove without scientific evidence?

We know she used the stories for personal gain. We know she continued to do that after the stories were becoming doubtful. We know her cousins did not hear those stories. It's her claim and her job to prove it's true. And with modern DNA testing, that would be trivial
Can you provide a reliable link to your claim for personal gain by using her heritage story?

Read politifact where she reported her claim to both Harvard and Penn
I found no PolitiFact article to support your claim. I found one that debunked your claim.
Provide a link.

I'll give you ONE link until you start providing links to back up your claims. And obviously you didn't actually look for it. It took me like 2 minutes to find it.

From leftist politifact:

"There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage"

"other cousins had no such memories"

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties
Did you bother to read your link? I don't think you did. Completely debunks your claims. Describes in detail how she never used her heritage for personal gain.

Your link says the exact opposite of what you claim. Your link.
We know she used the stories for personal gain. We know she continued to do that after the stories were becoming doubtful. We know her cousins did not hear those stories. It's her claim and her job to prove it's true. And with modern DNA testing, that would be trivial
Can you provide a reliable link to your claim for personal gain by using her heritage story?

Read politifact where she reported her claim to both Harvard and Penn
I found no PolitiFact article to support your claim. I found one that debunked your claim.
Provide a link.

I'll give you ONE link until you start providing links to back up your claims. And obviously you didn't actually look for it. It took me like 2 minutes to find it.

From leftist politifact:

"There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage"

"other cousins had no such memories"

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties
Did you bother to read your link? I don't think you did. Completely debunks your claims. Describes in detail how she never used her heritage for personal gain.

Your link says the exact opposite of what you claim. Your link.

That's a lie. It doesn't say that. It said it's not been proven she received a specific benefit. It did not say she did not get a benefit.

And she did. Harvard pushed her as an example of a minority faculty member. That clearly is actually a benefit for her, her employer giving her publicity.

And she obviously reported to her EMPLOYER that information for benefit. How much she got in return isn't the point. She knew minorities get special benefits and she went in and officially reported that she is a minority to her employer. That's clear intent.

Note you whiffed on that most of her cousins never heard they were part Indian.

You just whiffed on this. You saw what you wanted to see, not what it actually said
'Elizabeth Warrens ancestry is not important.

That old saying about how history repeats itself is TRUE. :p

Democrats declared over and over and over again that the history / past / ancestry of the Presidential nominee - a person to whom we would potentially hand control of the entire US government - was not important.

The fact that Obama was the son of an anti-colonialist America hating Muslim who wanted to see the US lose its power and status in the world DID NOT MATTER.

The fact that Obama was admittedly
- Tutored by prominent Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- An avid student of Socialist Saul Alynski - quoted him during an inauguration
- Mentored by racist, hate-spewing, Anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright
- Friends with an unapologetic domestic terrorist who wishes he would have perpetrated MORE terrorist bombings, killing MORE 1st responders....

The fact that he sealed all of his personal records so that no one would be able to find out who he was....

The fact that he wrote in his own book that he hung out with the socialists and communists in college, that he learned to me a chameleon - to be anyone those he dealt with wanted him to be...


NONE of that 'MATTERED' according to Democrats!

Barak Obama turned out to be the most criminal, most non-transparent, biggest terrorist / Mexican Drug Cartel / Hezbollah Drug Ops / Violent Illegal / Human trafficking / Enemy of the State-allied, Constitution and Rule of Law violating, WORST criminal in US history.....

Now, after coming off running the most criminal, primary-defrauding, debate-cheating, felony-crime-perpetrating, worst candidate in US history - who should have been in prison instead of on the ballot on election day - as their Presidential nominee, Democrats are screaming once again 'Past / Ancestry doesn't matter - nothing to see here' in order to try to give the LYING, Stolen-Native American-Valor/Culture, 'Fake WooWoo' Warren their next nomination!

[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FDWAtLVPVQAAmn9O.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fmviser%2Fstatus%2F963816673592729600&docid=K2GQ6bA1XR9XoM&tbnid=0Z9jRQJ6E7eiFM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjw5eOsn-fZAhXC1lMKHfbAC7AQMwhFKBUwFQ..i&w=600&h=641&bih=1041&biw=1478&q=Fake%20woowoo%20Elizabeth%20Warren&ved=0ahUKEwjw5eOsn-fZAhXC1lMKHfbAC7AQMwhFKBUwFQ&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL]
Can you provide a reliable link to your claim for personal gain by using her heritage story?

Read politifact where she reported her claim to both Harvard and Penn
I found no PolitiFact article to support your claim. I found one that debunked your claim.
Provide a link.

I'll give you ONE link until you start providing links to back up your claims. And obviously you didn't actually look for it. It took me like 2 minutes to find it.

From leftist politifact:

"There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage"

"other cousins had no such memories"

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties
Did you bother to read your link? I don't think you did. Completely debunks your claims. Describes in detail how she never used her heritage for personal gain.

Your link says the exact opposite of what you claim. Your link.

That's a lie. It doesn't say that. It said it's not been proven she received a specific benefit. It did not say she did not get a benefit.

And she did. Harvard pushed her as an example of a minority faculty member. That clearly is actually a benefit for her, her employer giving her publicity.

And she obviously reported to her EMPLOYER that information for benefit. How much she got in return isn't the point. She knew minorities get special benefits and she went in and officially reported that she is a minority to her employer. That's clear intent.

Note you whiffed on that most of her cousins never heard they were part Indian.

You just whiffed on this. You saw what you wanted to see, not what it actually said
Anyone who cares can read the link themselves. You are making your own subjective speculations and interpretations that lead you to your biased and partisan nonsense analysis.
Read politifact where she reported her claim to both Harvard and Penn
I found no PolitiFact article to support your claim. I found one that debunked your claim.
Provide a link.

I'll give you ONE link until you start providing links to back up your claims. And obviously you didn't actually look for it. It took me like 2 minutes to find it.

From leftist politifact:

"There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage"

"other cousins had no such memories"

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties
Did you bother to read your link? I don't think you did. Completely debunks your claims. Describes in detail how she never used her heritage for personal gain.

Your link says the exact opposite of what you claim. Your link.

That's a lie. It doesn't say that. It said it's not been proven she received a specific benefit. It did not say she did not get a benefit.

And she did. Harvard pushed her as an example of a minority faculty member. That clearly is actually a benefit for her, her employer giving her publicity.

And she obviously reported to her EMPLOYER that information for benefit. How much she got in return isn't the point. She knew minorities get special benefits and she went in and officially reported that she is a minority to her employer. That's clear intent.

Note you whiffed on that most of her cousins never heard they were part Indian.

You just whiffed on this. You saw what you wanted to see, not what it actually said
Anyone who cares can read the link themselves. You are making your own subjective speculations and interpretations that lead you to your biased and partisan nonsense analysis.

It's what the link clearly said. You are just trying to spin.

Sssureeee there half pint. Pocahontas wasn't looking for personal gain when she told TWO employers about her faux heritage. Yeah. Want the Brooklyn Bridge? I can sell it to you for a great deal

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