Elizabeth Warren Spoke Out On Indigenous Peoples' Day...Then Wished She Hadn't

What is it with this administration? They spend 85% of their just making random and hollow statements about identity politics that don't mean a thing to anyone?
Elizabeth Warren

On #IndigenousPeoplesDay, we celebrate the contributions, the extraordinary resilience, and the rich cultures of tribal nations and Native communities. Today and every day, the federal government must recommit itself to honoring its promises to Native peoples

"You honored them by stealing jobs, money and opportunities from them. No American alive today has taken more from Native peoples. For at least this one day, you should hide your pale face in shame."
- Podcast host Gerry Callahan

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We are unable to remove such filth from office, due to corruption, but at least we seem to still have the freedom to mock them unmercifully

Just look on the bright side.

Yes, Warren represents the US federal government that took their land and pretty much everything they had. Then she erroneously claimed to be one of them in order to get perks that propelled her to power and unimaginable wealth.

She will probably try to provide those on reservations with free alcohol and clean needles or some such lunacy in order to "help" them

In December 2009, a $3.4 billion settlement was reached in a class action lawsuit accusing the U.S. government of mismanaging money owed to Native Americans under trust funds. According to the Indian Trust class action lawsuit, which is titled Cobell v. Salazar, this mismanagement has been occurring since the 1880s.

The Cobell v. Salazar settlement resolves claims that the federal government violated its trust duties to individual Indian trust beneficiaries.

They sent it to Ukraine to fight for Joe Biden's money laundering operation.
Elizabeth Warren

On #IndigenousPeoplesDay, we celebrate the contributions, the extraordinary resilience, and the rich cultures of tribal nations and Native communities. Today and every day, the federal government must recommit itself to honoring its promises to Native peoples

"You honored them by stealing jobs, money and opportunities from them. No American alive today has taken more from Native peoples. For at least this one day, you should hide your pale face in shame."
- Podcast host Gerry Callahan

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The tone-deaf hypocrisy of liberals knows no bounds.
"Stolen Heritage" Pocahontas has got some nerve after years of false claims about her native heritage.
She's an Indian like CCP-owned Avg. Joe is an every day American.

Leftists are so out of touch with mainstream America it would be sad if it weren't so dangerous
Liberals, not leftists.

Insisting on calling liberals the left is like insisting the Nazis were Jews.

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