Elites feel the heat worldwide.


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Now the Netherlands sees a surge in populist anti-ruling class votes. The FvD has surged to become the largest party in the Dutch Senate. Pollsters “expressed surprise” (are you surprised? ) and 11 of the 12 parties in the Senate have vowed to join forces to hobble the new party.
This is the way they block the people. Former opposition parties are now joining forces to keep the newcomers from power. Were they ever really in opposition?

So what won the election for them? From the victory speech of Thierry Baudet...”We stand here in the rubble of what was once the most beautiful civilisation...We are being destroyed by the people who are supposed to be protecting us...Successive Rutte governments have left our borders wide open, letting in hundreds of thousands of people with cultures completely different to ours.”

He credits the “stupidity and arrogance of the elites” with the victory of his party which was only formed in 2016.

All the world people are fighting them.

Anti-immigration populists surge in fragmented Dutch elections
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Sounds like the Holland Dutch people like this man, because he is proud of their mutual heritage. Bless the Netherlands. Hope good comes to them from God and their strength and love for their distinguished ancestry. May he bring peace and fine arts back to his country that is besieged by decisions of other countries in the EU to pay for things the Dutch people do not want to have in their country. And thanks for the Holland Dutch ancestor my Grandfather told me about when I was growing up. He said, "Never forget, you are Holland Dutch." How could I forget his obvious love for the country we came from in the early 1600s? :)
Hope they are able to kick the members of the death cult out of their country.

I'm sure glad they elected a guy who knows what they need to do.

Kudo's to him and I wish him luck.
Trump here, yellow vests in France, Brexit in Britain, the OVP in Austria, and Hungarian and Italian victories on the right are the new norm.
But so is the raw power being brought to bear against them. People are waking up but finding it’s almost too late. And they are finding the duopoly which pretended to offer a choice is shedding its mask and joining together to disenfranchise them.
The globalist elite left is losing and they know it. But they have the power and they know that as well.

EU faces nationalist ‘nightmare’ in next five years, says Verhofstadt
Now the Netherlands sees a surge in populist anti-ruling class votes. The FvD has surged to become the largest party in the Dutch Senate. Pollsters “expressed surprise” (are you surprised? ) and 11 of the 12 parties in the Senate have vowed to join forces to hobble the new party.
This is the way they block the people. Former opposition parties are now joining forces to keep the newcomers from power. Were they ever really in opposition?

So what won the election for them? From the victory speech of Thierry Baudet...”We stand here in the rubble of what was once the most beautiful civilisation...We are being destroyed by the people who are supposed to be protecting us...Successive Rutte governments have left our borders wide open, letting in hundreds of thousands of people with cultures completely different to ours.”

He credits the “stupidity and arrogance of the elites” with the victory of his party which was only formed in 2016.

All the world people are fighting them.

Anti-immigration populists surge in fragmented Dutch elections

Yep these are three guests from hell. They enter and instead if being grateful the are imperious. Instead of joining they want to conquer. Instead of coexisting they want you gone.

Could these Amsterdam street scenes be why the right is making electoral gains against the globalists?


This is how you know your country has been properly “diversified”.

Now the Netherlands sees a surge in populist anti-ruling class votes. The FvD has surged to become the largest party in the Dutch Senate. Pollsters “expressed surprise” (are you surprised? ) and 11 of the 12 parties in the Senate have vowed to join forces to hobble the new party.
This is the way they block the people. Former opposition parties are now joining forces to keep the newcomers from power. Were they ever really in opposition?

So what won the election for them? From the victory speech of Thierry Baudet...”We stand here in the rubble of what was once the most beautiful civilisation...We are being destroyed by the people who are supposed to be protecting us...Successive Rutte governments have left our borders wide open, letting in hundreds of thousands of people with cultures completely different to ours.”

He credits the “stupidity and arrogance of the elites” with the victory of his party which was only formed in 2016.

All the world people are fighting them.

Anti-immigration populists surge in fragmented Dutch elections

The people everywhere are speaking LOUDLY and are rejecting the GLOBALIST doctrine being foisted upon them by their leftist politicians.
Could these Amsterdam street scenes be why the right is making electoral gains against the globalists?

View attachment 253616
View attachment 253617

I think some of those signs have been photoshopped. I mean they're bad as it is but I don't think the slightly lighter print
Under the main print is original. If doesn't really matter because it's what they feel anyway. Netherlands is in big trouble unless they begin to purge.

Could these Amsterdam street scenes be why the right is making electoral gains against the globalists?

View attachment 253616
View attachment 253617

I think some of those signs have been photoshopped. I mean they're bad as it is but I don't think the slightly lighter print
Under the main print is original. If doesn't really matter because it's what they feel anyway. Netherlands is in big trouble unless they begin to purge.


Sometimes they are photoshopped jo. You are wise to take a second look. Not these. The reason I know is because there was a huge scandal when gert wilder photoshopped one of his opponents into the middle of the crowd.

Dutch far-right leader tweets fake photo of rival at Islamist rally

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