Eliminate Minimum Wage

CaGOPatriot (Craig)..You have missed the whole point of minimum wage...Employers want to pay small amounts to unskilled workers, but what they are against is the regulation of this amount...Getting rid of minimum wage (low wages) would not mean that employers would give more money to you...only that the unskilled would get less than they do now...Your version sounds more like the union line: "Pay everyone a higher wage.".....Employers are overpaying people who work at minimum wage? How is that? The wage barely meets subsistence.

Actually prices would go up if the minimum wage workers were to suddenly disappear...Low-wage labor keeps prices down. Think Mc Donald's and its cheaply paid staff..If McD had to pay more, a hamburger would cost more...

It would raise profits to eliminate minimum wage (you state) How is that when a company would now have to pay the higher wage to everyone (your wage)( as minimum wage workers no longer exist) reducing profit?....Craig..Craig..Craig...You have not studied economics...This is not a liberal issue...Corporations would not be for your plan...Under your theories, companies can pay or not pay whatever they want...

You are wrongly assuming that people will work for nothing? The reason some of my post may not make sense is that I am trying to respond to opposite statements you made:
1. Remove minimum wage so you can get more money.
2. You are assuming that people will work for nothing...untrue
3. You are assuming that employers want to get rid of low wage workers, because they are lazy...
4. If workers get paid less than the current minimum wage, they may not work at all. How will this help the workers, you, or the employer? NIKA

The minimum wage workers only work because they can't get welfare and are to stupid to deal drugs. They are paid far more than their skill level makes them worth. Wal Mart workers are perfect examples. Prices at Wal Mart would be cheaper if their workers were paid according to their skill level. It is the same with all minimum wage jobs. You liberals are fools and don't understand basic business economics.

Walmart is already cheap, it doesn't need to be any cheaper.

I earn $16.75 an hour at McDonalds. I bet you hate the fact that I earn a decent wage, you probably think I deserve nothing more than a dollar an hour.

You're a moron.

You must work at the corporate office if not you are greatly over paid.
The minimum wage workers only work because they can't get welfare and are to stupid to deal drugs. They are paid far more than their skill level makes them worth. Wal Mart workers are perfect examples. Prices at Wal Mart would be cheaper if their workers were paid according to their skill level. It is the same with all minimum wage jobs. You liberals are fools and don't understand basic business economics.

Walmart is already cheap, it doesn't need to be any cheaper.

I earn $16.75 an hour at McDonalds. I bet you hate the fact that I earn a decent wage, you probably think I deserve nothing more than a dollar an hour.

You're a moron.

You must work at the corporate office if not you are greatly over paid.

Actually, I get just above minimum wage, and the hourly rate is average for a casual employee. Don't forget that items over here are more expensive, therefore we are paid more.

If Aussie's were expected to work for $7 an hour, we'd tell you to go and shove it.
We are worth more than that.

Out of curiosity, what profession are you in?
Walmart is already cheap, it doesn't need to be any cheaper.

I earn $16.75 an hour at McDonalds. I bet you hate the fact that I earn a decent wage, you probably think I deserve nothing more than a dollar an hour.

You're a moron.

You must work at the corporate office if not you are greatly over paid.

Actually, I get just above minimum wage, and the hourly rate is average for a casual employee. Don't forget that items over here are more expensive, therefore we are paid more.

If Aussie's were expected to work for $7 an hour, we'd tell you to go and shove it.
We are worth more than that.

Out of curiosity, what profession are you in?

A person who serves food for a living is hardly worth $7 per hour no matter what country he works in.
You must work at the corporate office if not you are greatly over paid.

Actually, I get just above minimum wage, and the hourly rate is average for a casual employee. Don't forget that items over here are more expensive, therefore we are paid more.

If Aussie's were expected to work for $7 an hour, we'd tell you to go and shove it.
We are worth more than that.

Out of curiosity, what profession are you in?

A person who serves food for a living is hardly worth $7 per hour no matter what country he works in.

I don't just serve food. I do a lot of things, and I am worth every cent of that $16 I get paid an hour - and the yearly pay rise we all get.

$620 for a full time worker - 38 hours a week. How many hours at McDonalds would you have to work to get that much?

We have it good over here, lol.

Again, what is your profession?
You have fallen onto the liberal trap that stealing from hard working people and giving it to the lazy will help America. Why is this so hard for liberals to see are they really that stupid?

Just because someone works for minimum wage doesn't mean they're lazy. What I'm not falling for is your crap.

If they aren't lazy then they are to stupid to get a good job. This means they are still over paid. If a person is lazy or stupid it doesn't justify laws that let him steal from his employer.

I will say this again; you have to be one of the most stupid people in this forum. Minimum wage workers may not be able to get better jobs, but I guarantee you they work their asses off for that minimum wage and likely get very little if any benefits. They sure as Hell are not lazy, and they sure as Hell deserve every penny they earn. Calling a minimum wage worker lazy and a leech just shows how stupid you truly are. I almost feel sorry for you.
Actually, I get just above minimum wage, and the hourly rate is average for a casual employee. Don't forget that items over here are more expensive, therefore we are paid more.

If Aussie's were expected to work for $7 an hour, we'd tell you to go and shove it.
We are worth more than that.

Out of curiosity, what profession are you in?

A person who serves food for a living is hardly worth $7 per hour no matter what country he works in.

I don't just serve food. I do a lot of things, and I am worth every cent of that $16 I get paid an hour - and the yearly pay rise we all get.

$620 for a full time worker - 38 hours a week. How many hours at McDonalds would you have to work to get that much?

We have it good over here, lol.

Again, what is your profession?

I am a retired Republican and you are not an American and have no reason to be on this message board. Lying about the wages in your country don't prove anything either.
A person who serves food for a living is hardly worth $7 per hour no matter what country he works in.

I don't just serve food. I do a lot of things, and I am worth every cent of that $16 I get paid an hour - and the yearly pay rise we all get.

$620 for a full time worker - 38 hours a week. How many hours at McDonalds would you have to work to get that much?

We have it good over here, lol.

Again, what is your profession?

I am a retired Republican and you are not an American and have no reason to be on this message board. Lying about the wages in your country don't prove anything either.

Look it up, fuckwit. I earn what I told you I earn, you loser.

Now tell me what profession you were in. I want to decide if you were worthy of your hourly pay.
Prosperity through lower wages! Republicans will have us living like China before they are done.

Chinese workers are getting smarter. They are beginning to unionize, and the government is allowing it in many cases. Wages are going up in China.

Wages, conditions improve as workers in China form unions - USATODAY.com

The standard of living is increasing dramatically in China. In the US, the standard of living is going down. In the 1950's, one in three working Americans was a union member. Today, it's less than 12%. The war against unions has been won by big business and right wing nut jobs, and all it has done is cost us good jobs and now it's helping to lower our standard of living as wages are actually decreasing for American workers.

But one good thing has come from all of this. The super wealthy are getting richer than ever and right wing nut jobs think this is all great.
Just because someone works for minimum wage doesn't mean they're lazy. What I'm not falling for is your crap.

If they aren't lazy then they are to stupid to get a good job. This means they are still over paid. If a person is lazy or stupid it doesn't justify laws that let him steal from his employer.

I will say this again; you have to be one of the most stupid people in this forum. Minimum wage workers may not be able to get better jobs, but I guarantee you they work their asses off for that minimum wage and likely get very little if any benefits. They sure as Hell are not lazy, and they sure as Hell deserve every penny they earn. Calling a minimum wage worker lazy and a leech just shows how stupid you truly are. I almost feel sorry for you.

Hard working people can get better than minimum wage jobs you liberals don't know much about human nature.
If they aren't lazy then they are to stupid to get a good job. This means they are still over paid. If a person is lazy or stupid it doesn't justify laws that let him steal from his employer.

I will say this again; you have to be one of the most stupid people in this forum. Minimum wage workers may not be able to get better jobs, but I guarantee you they work their asses off for that minimum wage and likely get very little if any benefits. They sure as Hell are not lazy, and they sure as Hell deserve every penny they earn. Calling a minimum wage worker lazy and a leech just shows how stupid you truly are. I almost feel sorry for you.

Hard working people can get better than minimum wage jobs you liberals don't know much about human nature.

Can someone who never finished high school get a job as a brain surgeon?
Would it also be fair to state that a requirement for working in our country... should be a degree? Would you like this form of reverse discrimination? Just a thought...

What's wrong with the old fashion way of giving the job to the person most capable of doing the job?
Would it also be fair to state that a requirement for working in our country... should be a degree? Would you like this form of reverse discrimination? Just a thought...

To lazy or stupid to finish school and to lazy to work or get the skills to find a decent jobs should not obligate hard working conservatives to support the lazy and stupid people just because liberals decide we should. Conservatives don't owe liberals anything it is the other way around.
I am a fool? I have actually taken economics classes and have a degree in administration..yes..of business..(criminal justice option) I was also an administrator of a business for many years. addressed to CAGOPatriot and CAGOPatriot just said the following:

I am a retired Republican and you are not an American and have no reason to be on this message board. Lying about the wages in your country don't prove anything either.

In your opening post, you said that eliminating minimum wage would give you more money in your job??? But, you are retired? and who is paying for your current retirement? Lots of low-wage workers who may never see social security...
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Would it also be fair to state that a requirement for working in our country... should be a degree? Would you like this form of reverse discrimination? Just a thought...

To lazy or stupid to finish school and to lazy to work or get the skills to find a decent jobs should not obligate hard working conservatives to support the lazy and stupid people just because liberals decide we should. Conservatives don't owe liberals anything it is the other way around.

Return those social security checks and stop being the typical conservative hypocrite! It will help pay for all those conservatives collecting disability.
I am a fool? I have actually taken economics classes and have a degree in administration..yes..of business..(criminal justice option) I was also an administrator of a business for many years. addressed to CAGOPatriot and CAGOPatriot just said the following:

I am a retired Republican and you are not an American and have no reason to be on this message board. Lying about the wages in your country don't prove anything either.

In your opening post, you said that eliminating minimum wage would give you more money in your job??? But, you are retired? and who is paying for your current retirement? Lots of low-wage workers who may never see social security...

This is a copy of my OP.

Ever since the liberals invented minimum wage laws the welfare leeches that couldn't get a free ride from the tax payers have depended on minimum wage laws. This makes the government force employers to overpay the lazy workers who would be sitting at home if they could. Instead of more of Obama's socialism by raising the minimum wage we should eliminate the minimum wage all together. This would bring prices down and let higher wage earners be able to afford a better lifestyle. It would raise profits and best of all it would motivate the lazy welfare leeches to go find better jobs that pay more if they want to survive. The liberals will boo hoo and cry for the poor but that is because most of them are the bums that are to lazy to go find a decent job and want to live off the hard working conservatives.

Where did I say I was still working? You liberals see what you want to see and it usually isn't the truth. I have caught you in another liberal lie.

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