Eliminate honors courses to make mo equity.

the watcher

Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2016
Mix them all up to make 'em share and improve. That was the thinking with desegregation, and would have eventually have worked if they had left it alone. It's a race to the bottom, and it appears that equity will mean everyone is considered identical. The new vogue is to eliminate any and all incentives, reason to work, obey the law, support yourself, and now even to get an education, all to be replaced by a dependence on government. California School District Considers Removing Honors Courses For Sake Of "Equity" | ZeroHedge
We had kids that were so smart that they should have been able to move up. Their time and talents were wasted by remaining with the rest of the class. Most weren't that socially minded either so there was no social benefit for keeping them with us dufuses.
Mix them all up to make 'em share and improve. That was the thinking with desegregation, and would have eventually have worked if they had left it alone. It's a race to the bottom, and it appears that equity will mean everyone is considered identical.
The thinking should be that we're social animals. Like plants, we naturally thrive only through daily, eager engagement with all kinds. No merit badges for that though. We reward only independent achievement and group identity. Divide and conquer. Narcissists end up leading instead of being encouraged to seek mental help. Race to the bottom.
Mix them all up to make 'em share and improve. That was the thinking with desegregation, and would have eventually have worked if they had left it alone. It's a race to the bottom, and it appears that equity will mean everyone is considered identical. The new vogue is to eliminate any and all incentives, reason to work, obey the law, support yourself, and now even to get an education, all to be replaced by a dependence on government. California School District Considers Removing Honors Courses For Sake Of "Equity" | ZeroHedge
Public school "standards" will continue to decline or diminish until the most stupid person in public school fails 90% of his/her tests and still gets an A. The American, Public Fool System is literally wasting the potential of America's finest and brightest minds.
Public school "standards" will continue to decline or diminish until the most stupid person in public school fails 90% of his/her tests and still gets an A. The American, Public Fool System is literally wasting the potential of America's finest and brightest minds.
When in high school I was arbitrarily placed in the college prep course whereas I should have been put into the trades course. A great example of the Peter Principle inflicted on me. I deliberately flunked out and was placed in the general course, missing out on some great trade school training. This was back in the 1950's.
Mix them all up to make 'em share and improve. That was the thinking with desegregation, and would have eventually have worked if they had left it alone. It's a race to the bottom, and it appears that equity will mean everyone is considered identical. The new vogue is to eliminate any and all incentives, reason to work, obey the law, support yourself, and now even to get an education, all to be replaced by a dependence on government. California School District Considers Removing Honors Courses For Sake Of "Equity" | ZeroHedge

Maybe Biden needs to remind this district that poor kids are just as smart as white kids.
When in high school I was arbitrarily placed in the college prep course whereas I should have been put into the trades course. A great example of the Peter Principle inflicted on me. I deliberately flunked out and was placed in the general course, missing out on some great trade school training. This was back in the 1950's.
In the mid-80s, I tried 4 times to join law enforcement in California. At the physical agility exams, the participants were about 85% white followed by black men and women and a few Hispanics. In every case, I lost out to "diversity." Nobody can EVER tell me that I haven't been the victim of racism.
When in high school I was arbitrarily placed in the college prep course whereas I should have been put into the trades course. A great example of the Peter Principle inflicted on me.
"arbitrarily placed" fits nowhere with "the Peter Principle". Deliberately flunking out is the only bit that does. You should have stuck up for yourself and continued throwing tantrums until being "put into the trades course" instead. Failure due to being incompetent to begin with, not due to being promoted into it.
"arbitrarily placed" fits nowhere with "the Peter Principle". Deliberately flunking out is the only bit that does. You should have stuck up for yourself and continued throwing tantrums until being "put into the trades course" instead. Failure due to being incompetent to begin with, not due to being promoted into it.
I was arbitrarily placed in the college prep course as there was no justification for it. I wasn't that good of a student.
When I got out of high school we all got draft notices, and I think 2 years of service to the nation if applied fairly would be a good thing. I also think there's no way it could be done without prejudice here any more.
Mix them all up to make 'em share and improve. That was the thinking with desegregation, and would have eventually have worked if they had left it alone. It's a race to the bottom, and it appears that equity will mean everyone is considered identical. The new vogue is to eliminate any and all incentives, reason to work, obey the law, support yourself, and now even to get an education, all to be replaced by a dependence on government. California School District Considers Removing Honors Courses For Sake Of "Equity" | ZeroHedge

There's a place for honors/AP classes. But we used to have them in 6th grade--yes, for 11 year olds. And the competition/hype was absurd. All of 5th grade was taken up with parents hounding the 5th grade teachers if their child was going to be recommended for honors classes, bc by golly, if they didn't get into honors at 11 yo for sure all their dreams are dead.

The district managed to hold off on AP/honors classes until 8th grade and somehow everyone survived. We're not sure how.
Black kids qualify for AP courses at the same ratio as any other kids.

Not having AP courses only hurts those that want to learn and can handle more of a challenge.
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Public school "standards" will continue to decline or diminish until the most stupid person in public school fails 90% of his/her tests and still gets an A. The American, Public Fool System is literally wasting the potential of America's finest and brightest minds.
These Brightest Minds still exist.
Fake Outrage of Public Schools is real, led by the trump cult.
Does ANY public school teacher meet your standards?????

Never let your kids see the inside of a public school....Problem solved. ;)

You have one chance to do right by your kids, make the sacrifices necessary.
So sad that you want to deprive the lower income of a public education.

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