Election Reform


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.
Looks like a good list, short and with a lot of effort (due to the backlash from concrete shoe wearing partisans) quite doable. I could even see a 3rd party including these measures in the platform to attract a large variety of voters.

Eliminating all campaign finance (maybe a weaning process would be more feasible to the tune of maximum aggregate of $10,000 USD per candidate) could be enacted before the next national election. Voters across the nation need to contact their reps about it if they haven't already done so. That being said, the outcry from die-hard R and L partisans will be heard around the world over the loss of the R or the D letters on the ballots. That will likely be the toughest change to enact of the four listed.

"Political corruption" stems, in part, from corporations lobbying politicans and paying them to promote their agenda. Just because "it's always been this way" doesn't mean it's a good thing. Taking bribes...er monies from corporations is a legally approved method leading to corruption and crooked politicians doing the bidding of specific corporations. Why the US has tolerated this for so long is truly perplexing.

"In McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission (2014), the court partly overturned Buckley by striking down FECA’s aggregate limits on monetary contributions by individuals to multiple federal candidates, party committees, and noncandidate PACs." That judicial outcome didn't help.

Without PAC's in the equation (eliminating abuses as well like Hillary did) elections would be all about each candidate doing his or her own leg-work to win and be mostly responsible for becoming elected on their own merit. What a new dawn and to think it could be on the horizon!

Great optimism for a better future!
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.

1. Elaborate. Everyone has to run on what they can put up on their own? They can't have fund-raisers? Are we talking about presidential candidates sleeping in their cars?

2. Sounds good. My question would be if this means no primaries.

3. Against ranked choice voting.

4. We have the most secure elections already. As was attested by the blob's AG.
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.


1) Ban big money, dark money and other buying of politicians. Transfer of wealth is not speech.
2) Get rid of Gerrymandering
3) Get rid of the Electoral College
4) Shorten the election to only a few months. No reason why it should take a year to do this.
5) Allow mail in ballots universally.
6) Move voting day to a Saturday or make it a holiday.
Having non-partisan elections with ranked scoring would be great. Then perhaps we could spit on the ballot for them to check our DNA.
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.
Hey we agree on something!!!!
1. Elaborate. Everyone has to run on what they can put up on their own? They can't have fund-raisers? Are we talking about presidential candidates sleeping in their cars?
In this era of technology/mass communication, campaign money simply isn’t necessary. Here’s all you have to do:
  • Federal government website sets up a single page on the site for each candidate (0 cost to the candidate, nominal cost to the taxpayer). Candidates can fill it with as much content as they desire
  • Most social media is free. Candidates are permitted as many accounts as they desire on free platforms. Can reach (and interact) with voters as much as they desire
  • PBS/C-Span/etc. runs 30 second commercials for all candidates equally
  • And of course, newspapers and news outlets would still cover candidates and issues as always
Voters would have all of the information they desire and it wouldn’t cost a candidate a single penny. No signs, buttons, etc. allowed because they cost candidates money.
It must begin with the outlawing of mail-in ballots.

Most of all other nations had already outlawed the process due to its propensity for election fraud. After witnessing the criminal sham that was our last election 2 other nations have since outlawed it. Well done, Democrats.
2. Sounds good. My question would be if this means no primaries.
Nope. Has nothing to do with primaries at all. The purpose is to force people to educate themselves on the candidates and the issues. A person couldn’t just waltz in and vote (R) or (D) up and down the ballot as they do now.

If someone can’t take the time to even learn a name, they shouldn’t even be voting. At the very least, if they do, they should risk putting the polar opposite of what they wanted in office for their failure to do their civic duty properly.
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.

1. Elaborate. Everyone has to run on what they can put up on their own? They can't have fund-raisers? Are we talking about presidential candidates sleeping in their cars?

2. Sounds good. My question would be if this means no primaries.

3. Against ranked choice voting.

4. We have the most secure elections already. As was attested by the blob's AG.

4. We have the most secure elections already. As was attested by the blob's AG.

And the moon is made of green cheese.
4. We have the most secure elections already. As was attested by the blob's AG.
They why are there thousands and thousands of instances of voter fraud in local, state, and federal elections? You clearly don’t understand “security” if you consider that “secure”.
1. Elaborate. Everyone has to run on what they can put up on their own? They can't have fund-raisers? Are we talking about presidential candidates sleeping in their cars?
In this era of technology/mass communication, campaign money simply isn’t necessary. Here’s all you have to do:
  • Federal government website sets up a single page on the site for each candidate (0 cost to the candidate, nominal cost to the taxpayer). Candidates can fill it with as much content as they desire
  • Most social media is free. Candidates are permitted as many accounts as they desire on free platforms. Can reach (and interact) with voters as much as they desire
  • PBS/C-Span/etc. runs 30 second commercials for all candidates equally
  • And of course, newspapers and news outlets would still cover candidates and issues as always
Voters would have all of the information they desire and it wouldn’t cost a candidate a single penny. No signs, buttons, etc. allowed because they cost candidates money.
Sounds good. I like the idea.

What do you do about 529's and soft money and issue ads?
5) Allow mail in ballots universally.
Bwahahaha!! Could you be any more obvious in your desire to steal elections? Hell, Amazon won’t even allow mail-in voting for their bid to unionize. :laugh:
This is where you go off the rails.

Multiple states have done nothing but mail in voting for years. You (and every other blob supporter) alleged zero fraud in any of those elections, TTBOMK, none of the losing candidates in any of those elections have alleged fraud in elections where they lost.

In 2020, very little voting fraud has ever been proven.

The US Attorney General appointed by Donald Trump said there was little voter fraud.

You're just making up a reason to oppose it.
2. Sounds good. My question would be if this means no primaries.
Nope. Has nothing to do with primaries at all. The purpose is to force people to educate themselves on the candidates and the issues. A person couldn’t just waltz in and vote (R) or (D) up and down the ballot as they do now.

If someone can’t take the time to even learn a name, they shouldn’t even be voting. At the very least, if they do, they should risk putting the polar opposite of what they wanted in office for their failure to do their civic duty properly.

Not true. A registered Democrat cannot "waltz" into a Republican primary and vote.

If you're talking about the General election...very well. I'm not sure why this would matter much though.
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.

1. Elaborate. Everyone has to run on what they can put up on their own? They can't have fund-raisers? Are we talking about presidential candidates sleeping in their cars?

2. Sounds good. My question would be if this means no primaries.

3. Against ranked choice voting.

4. We have the most secure elections already. As was attested by the blob's AG.

4. We have the most secure elections already. As was attested by the blob's AG.

And the moon is made of green cheese.

Just quoting your blob's attorney general and every election official (red, blue, other) across the nation.

So I hope you like green cheese.
4. We have the most secure elections already. As was attested by the blob's AG.
They why are there thousands and thousands of instances of voter fraud in local, state, and federal elections? You clearly don’t understand “security” if you consider that “secure”.
From your source:


1,311 cases nation wide.

Some go all the way back to 2005. Again, from your source.


Since 2005, there have been about 8,000 federal, state, county, municipal elections in each of the following years: 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. Add in thousands more in each 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 midterm elections.

Add in hundred more in off years.

And the your source can only point to 1,311 cases.

Thanks for making my point for me. There is very little voter fraud. Your source confirms it.

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