Election 2010

It came to me in a vision last night just before I drifted off to sleep. A true Republican leader will come riding in on a white horse waving the Constitution and demanding equal rights for all... I couldn't see her face though.
Seriously, a "Revolution" would be nice, but it's all about candidates now. D or R. However, the R is about a modicum more likely than the D, cuz at least they allow the "Liberty" guys to be a part of the party.

But like mi amigo Dude said...the fact that MCSHAME was even a POTENTIAl choice...proves how far we've declined.

A guy with a temper like that, poor judgement on most issues, a fetish for bombing, and a sangano on economics...I'm glad he was defeated, because if the GOP loyalists say they want their party back in power...they'd have to wait about 40 years for that if McBushIII got into power.

The McCain/Palin Team would have made the GOP irrelevant for an entire generation. Should that have happened, I'd be a senior citizen by the time a GOP contender got at least 100 electoral votes.
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The tide is shifting faster than I thought - thus the Democrat's rush to pass state-run health care and the Cap n Tax plan...

Confidence in Obama's ability to manage the economy has seriously eroded and as a consequence:

Additionally, in looking ahead to 2012, the Poll finds that 42% of voters say they would vote to
re-elect President Obama, while 39% say they would vote for someone else. The June Poll
found that 46% of voters said they would vote to re-elect President Obama and 30% of voters
would vote for someone else.


It's not even clear that he will get his party's nomination in 2012.

Obama would have to become seriously unpopular to not get the nomination in 2012, but I do believe he is vulnerable to be a one-termer IF the Republicans can emerge a more unified and fiscally conservative party who has a charismatic figure to represent such a platform.

As of yet, the Repubs are a long ways off from that...

LOL! Long way off from that? Good lord, half you dingbats are touting a broad that quit her elective office in a snit. At present, you guys are self destructing in a manner simply unbelieveable. Thus far the fellows that you have talked of to run against President Obama have more zipper problems than Clinton.
Everyone feels concerned. Everyone is scared shitless.

However, I pray that Obama shapes up. I never really wanted to live through the end times.

If the actions the President is taking work, then things will get better, but hardly overnight. The damage was created over a period of more than four decades. It will not be corrected in just a few years.

As far as end times go, are you talking of Mayan or Christian mythology?
The problem is that the present GOP is too full of thing that Ain't so. A history of the last eight years of lies and corruption is still very much in everyone's minds. And the present denial of the obvious concerning our energy supply, global warming, and the efficiency of the other industrial nations Health Care Systems is not setting well with the general populace.
The problem is that the present GOP is too full of thing that Ain't so. A history of the last eight years of lies and corruption is still very much in everyone's minds. And the present denial of the obvious concerning our energy supply, global warming, and the efficiency of the other industrial nations Health Care Systems is not setting well with the general populace.
You just keep telling yourself that, and we'll end up with those assholes back in power.

Speaking of denial.........
The only ones denying reality on energy are the Obamatrons, And the likelihood of Obama's policies fixing anything are well below the slim to none category.
A strong third party needs to emerge, one which does not reek of partisanship and one which focuses on the fundamentals of sound business and investment, with responsible regulation and over sight, which is not politically motivated, but, fiscally sound.

A party which will get some of these bull shit social issues out of Washington and clear the air some.

In other words, a pipe dream.
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Well let's see, by 2010 the Democratic Party will have accumulated an additional 3 trillion in national debt at minimum. That sure could pay off allot of freeloading, parasite voters and end the run of the Great American Experiment. When to many people realize they can vote for a free ride seems likely the end is near. Who knows, it may be the only way left!
Figure it this way dude if the Reps don't head off the Dems by 2010 this is going to get one hell of a lot worse before it ever gets better.
With what republicans have shown me since '94, I have zero faith in their ability to make anything better.

Might as well just issue the ammo and let's get it over with.

However, with the Republicans in control, we wouldn't have the stimulus, cap and trade or this insane health care bill. Wouldn't that be better?

I think we'd have other stuff that would be as bad, like saber rattling at North Korea and Pakistan and other foreign policy stuff that would be ratcheting up aggression globally. We'd also have continued ignorance of the fact that there are problems in the economy. At least with Obama in office, having run on the economy, attention is on it and so something will be done with it.

Figure it this way, the recession started in 12/07 but Bush did squat to fix it except bail out the banks, and McCain thought it was dandy. I doubt they'd be giving it any attention - except maybe more tax breaks for the wealthy, which doesn't make sense to me.

I like cap and trade, personally, being a Cali-girl. Got to g et off fossil fuels, there's no way around it.
With what republicans have shown me since '94, I have zero faith in their ability to make anything better.

Might as well just issue the ammo and let's get it over with.

However, with the Republicans in control, we wouldn't have the stimulus, cap and trade or this insane health care bill. Wouldn't that be better?

I think we'd have other stuff that would be as bad, like saber rattling at North Korea and Pakistan and other foreign policy stuff that would be ratcheting up aggression globally. We'd also have continued ignorance of the fact that there are problems in the economy. At least with Obama in office, having run on the economy, attention is on it and so something will be done with it.

Figure it this way, the recession started in 12/07 but Bush did squat to fix it except bail out the banks, and McCain thought it was dandy. I doubt they'd be giving it any attention - except maybe more tax breaks for the wealthy, which doesn't make sense to me.

I like cap and trade, personally, being a Cali-girl. Got to g et off fossil fuels, there's no way around it.

Obama's policies, to the extent he has any, with regard to Pakistan and NK are basically the policies Bush left in place. With respect to the economy, no one understood what was happening until the financial crisis struck with full force, not Geithner, who was president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank with oversight responsibilities over the Wall Street firms that crashed, not the Dems in Congress with oversight responsibilities, not Bernanke, who precipitated the crisis by raising interest rates as a precaution against inflation rather than in response to strong data suggesting inflation was a real danger, and certainly not our slogan meister in chief who has been consistently wrong in everything he has said about the economy and whose policies of reckless borrowing and spending have been cited by the Chinese and Germans as posing a threat to the entire global economy.

It may give you some comfort to imagine that this whole mess was just the result of a Republican blooper, but in fact no one in the administration, in Congress, in the Fed, in the financial community or in any of the other governments in the world was able to put together the very public facts about the financial system and foresee the crisis that was coming. That's why its effects were so widespread throughout the global economy and so deep within each of the developed economies. That's why Congress was dumbfounded when Paulson told them that while they were so busy politicking the economy had fallen into a financial crisis that could wipe out our financial system and wreck the real economy and why they issued a collective gasp when he demanded $700 billion from them to buy up the distressed assets that the markets would not longer touch - as it turned out, a small fraction of what would really have been needed. Everyone knew all the facts, but no one was able to come to the right conclusions.

Even if you believe we are in a continuing process of global warning entirely caused by greenhouse gases due to the use of fossil fuels, this cap and trade bill will have such a minor effect on the global output of these gases or even on the per capita output in the US that it will change nothing about global warming even in the most optimistic scenario, but it will raise the cost of electricity to households and to businesses, giving households less money to spend to help revive the economy and causing businesses to raise prices to account for higher overhead costs, making US businesses less competitive, thus costing US jobs, and raising the cost of living even further. This bill is all about politics and ideology and not at all about good outcomes for either the environment or the economy.
The tide is shifting faster than I thought - thus the Democrat's rush to pass state-run health care and the Cap n Tax plan...

Confidence in Obama's ability to manage the economy has seriously eroded and as a consequence:

Additionally, in looking ahead to 2012, the Poll finds that 42% of voters say they would vote to
re-elect President Obama, while 39% say they would vote for someone else. The June Poll
found that 46% of voters said they would vote to re-elect President Obama and 30% of voters
would vote for someone else.


It's not even clear that he will get his party's nomination in 2012.

Obama would have to become seriously unpopular to not get the nomination in 2012, but I do believe he is vulnerable to be a one-termer IF the Republicans can emerge a more unified and fiscally conservative party who has a charismatic figure to represent such a platform.

As of yet, the Repubs are a long ways off from that...

and having mitt as the nom is not the answer
With what republicans have shown me since '94, I have zero faith in their ability to make anything better.

Might as well just issue the ammo and let's get it over with.

However, with the Republicans in control, we wouldn't have the stimulus, cap and trade or this insane health care bill. Wouldn't that be better?

McOldfart was all about cap-n-gouge, stupid health care "reforms" that added up to more federal control, and was just as big a moron on economic issues as the current moron-in-chief.

We were basically fucked either way the election went.
I agree and don't forget how Romney was all about healthcare...and wasn't Huckabee all about social programs?

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