Elderly man being investigated for "hate crime" for defending himself from black thug

Federal Authorities Investigate Teen's Fatal Shooting as a Hate Crime

what the fuck? Since when is an elderly man defending himself from a thug a hate crime? He was FOLLOWED HOME its self defense. We ALL have seen this cases before. Elderly man is assaulted by young thug its in the news almost every damn day. Its one of their favorite targets.
This shooter's claim is like every guy in jail saying he 'wuz framed'. His claim could very well be true, but I think I'll wait for the final report before preaching to the choir.
The news report, such as it is, doesn't give enough information about the shooting to make an informed opinion.
Federal Authorities Investigate Teen's Fatal Shooting as a Hate Crime

what the fuck? Since when is an elderly man defending himself from a thug a hate crime? He was FOLLOWED HOME its self defense. We ALL have seen this cases before. Elderly man is assaulted by young thug its in the news almost every damn day. Its one of their favorite targets.

You editorialized the issue in your OP. Bad move.

"Pulliam expressed no remorse for the slaying, according to the criminal complaint, which also noted Pulliam said that after the shooting, he'd eaten dinner and visited a friend.

"The way I look at it, that's another piece of trash off the street," he said, according to the complaint."

The shooter would make Chuck Norris blush he sounds like an idiot.
If the kid followed me home and came after me on my own property I would feel no remorse either.
Charleston is probably the only city in WV I wouldn't live in. Its a VERY white state and thus a very nice place to live.

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