Either Vote Policy or Vote Personality


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Intelligent folks vote with the former as criterion, ..
....the lazy, the uninformed, and the inculcated vote for a President based on meaningless standards, like skin color, gender, or who they'd like to have a beer with.

Bill's wife....so named to highlight her only achievement....has made this promise:

"Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama."

In this video, the Daily Signal was good enough to elucidate what that would include

1. @ 21seconds: When Obama entered office our national debt was $10.6 trillion....today, just short of $20 trillion.

2. @33seconds: Obama has caused a huge regulatory burden on the private economy, costing America over $108 billion annually.
Just the ones aimed at taming the bogus 'climate change' will destroy thousands of jobs, and balloon every American's electric bill up to 20% over the next two decades.

This from the only President in 90 years to have never....NEVER had even a 3% increase in GDP economic growth. [http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/]

3. @1:08 The laughably named Affordable Care Act has proven to be far from affordable...and was based on lies like 'If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor....Period!" So far, the majority of ObamaCare exchanges have done what Obama's presidency has done....failed. [http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/06/o...-doors-and-at-least-2-more-could-close-soon/]
..costing $billions! "The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

The Liar-in-Chief actually sold the plan claiming families would see a $2500 reduction in premiums....while the Congressional Budget Office now reveals a 60% increase by 2025.

Oh....and guess what?
"In Desperate Push to Save Dying Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers"
In Push to Save Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers

"Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama."
The Immoral Minority: Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama.

Vote wisely.
I get an authoritarian no matter which personality gets chosen.

I wonder if this shocking example, brought to America by the party currently in power, would cause some consideration.....

I've asked this of a dozen Democrats....none has been able to answer.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
The OP, fatally flawed anyway, makes the argument to vote for the demagogue.

Under "conservative" George Bush, I got the Patriot Act, NSA spying, DHS and TSA.

What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Check that plank in your eye, sister.

So I can add you to the list of those indisposed to consider the Constitution?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

You should remove any reference to America from your avi.
Just sayin'...
Clinton destroys Trump both on personality and policy.

I didn't find any mention of these policies in your post......
1. @ 21seconds: When Obama entered office our national debt was $10.6 trillion....today, just short of $20 trillion.

2. @33seconds: Obama has caused a huge regulatory burden on the private economy, costing America over $108 billion annually.
Just the ones aimed at taming the bogus 'climate change' will destroy thousands of jobs, and balloon every American's electric bill up to 20% over the next two decades.

This from the only President in 90 years to have never....NEVER had even a 3% increase in GDP economic growth. [http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/]

3. @1:08 The laughably named Affordable Care Act has proven to be far from affordable...and was based on lies like 'If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor....Period!" So far, the majority of ObamaCare exchanges have done what Obama's presidency has done....failed. [http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/06/o...-doors-and-at-least-2-more-could-close-soon/]
..costing $billions! "The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

The Liar-in-Chief actually sold the plan claiming families would see a $2500 reduction in premiums....while the Congressional Budget Office now reveals a 60% increase by 2025.

Oh....and guess what?
"In Desperate Push to Save Dying Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers"
In Push to Save Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers

An oversight on your part.....or did the OP wound you severely?
Clinton destroys Trump both on personality and policy.

I didn't find any mention of these policies in your post......
1. @ 21seconds: When Obama entered office our national debt was $10.6 trillion....today, just short of $20 trillion.

2. @33seconds: Obama has caused a huge regulatory burden on the private economy, costing America over $108 billion annually.
Just the ones aimed at taming the bogus 'climate change' will destroy thousands of jobs, and balloon every American's electric bill up to 20% over the next two decades.

This from the only President in 90 years to have never....NEVER had even a 3% increase in GDP economic growth. [http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/]

3. @1:08 The laughably named Affordable Care Act has proven to be far from affordable...and was based on lies like 'If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor....Period!" So far, the majority of ObamaCare exchanges have done what Obama's presidency has done....failed. [http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/06/o...-doors-and-at-least-2-more-could-close-soon/]
..costing $billions! "The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

The Liar-in-Chief actually sold the plan claiming families would see a $2500 reduction in premiums....while the Congressional Budget Office now reveals a 60% increase by 2025.

Oh....and guess what?
"In Desperate Push to Save Dying Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers"
In Push to Save Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers

An oversight on your part.....or did the OP wound you severely?

Obama’s record is pretty immaterial at this point since he will be out of office in about 45 days or so.

Shouldn’t you be working on your “There is a war on Christmas” threads?
Hillary is a Diabolical Narcisist but I will vote for her anyway because Trump said "Pussy".
Clinton destroys Trump both on personality and policy.

I didn't find any mention of these policies in your post......
1. @ 21seconds: When Obama entered office our national debt was $10.6 trillion....today, just short of $20 trillion.

2. @33seconds: Obama has caused a huge regulatory burden on the private economy, costing America over $108 billion annually.
Just the ones aimed at taming the bogus 'climate change' will destroy thousands of jobs, and balloon every American's electric bill up to 20% over the next two decades.

This from the only President in 90 years to have never....NEVER had even a 3% increase in GDP economic growth. [http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/]

3. @1:08 The laughably named Affordable Care Act has proven to be far from affordable...and was based on lies like 'If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor....Period!" So far, the majority of ObamaCare exchanges have done what Obama's presidency has done....failed. [http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/06/o...-doors-and-at-least-2-more-could-close-soon/]
..costing $billions! "The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

The Liar-in-Chief actually sold the plan claiming families would see a $2500 reduction in premiums....while the Congressional Budget Office now reveals a 60% increase by 2025.

Oh....and guess what?
"In Desperate Push to Save Dying Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers"
In Push to Save Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers

An oversight on your part.....or did the OP wound you severely?

Obama’s record is pretty immaterial at this point since he will be out of office in about 45 days or so.

Shouldn’t you be working on your “There is a war on Christmas” threads?

"Obama’s record is pretty immaterial at this point since he will be out of office in about 45 days or so."

Now...why would you try to hide behind that when the OP clearly provided this:

"Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama."
The Immoral Minority: Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama.

I've embarrassed you, haven't I.

But....clearly not as much as your support for Obama, an unmitigated failure.

Would you like to try again?
Which of the policies in the OP would you....and Bill's wife....like to claim to support?

Or....wait: I have more coming.
Last edited:
Clinton destroys Trump both on personality and policy.

I didn't find any mention of these policies in your post......
1. @ 21seconds: When Obama entered office our national debt was $10.6 trillion....today, just short of $20 trillion.

2. @33seconds: Obama has caused a huge regulatory burden on the private economy, costing America over $108 billion annually.
Just the ones aimed at taming the bogus 'climate change' will destroy thousands of jobs, and balloon every American's electric bill up to 20% over the next two decades.

This from the only President in 90 years to have never....NEVER had even a 3% increase in GDP economic growth. [http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/]

3. @1:08 The laughably named Affordable Care Act has proven to be far from affordable...and was based on lies like 'If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor....Period!" So far, the majority of ObamaCare exchanges have done what Obama's presidency has done....failed. [http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/06/o...-doors-and-at-least-2-more-could-close-soon/]
..costing $billions! "The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

The Liar-in-Chief actually sold the plan claiming families would see a $2500 reduction in premiums....while the Congressional Budget Office now reveals a 60% increase by 2025.

Oh....and guess what?
"In Desperate Push to Save Dying Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers"
In Push to Save Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers

An oversight on your part.....or did the OP wound you severely?

Obama’s record is pretty immaterial at this point since he will be out of office in about 45 days or so.

Shouldn’t you be working on your “There is a war on Christmas” threads?

Obama’s record is pretty immaterial at this point since he will be out of office in about 45 days or so.

Now...why would you try to hide behind that when the OP clearly provided this:

"Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama."
The Immoral Minority: Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama.

I've embarrassed you, haven't I.

But....clearly not as much as your support for Obama, an unmitigated failure.

Would you like to try again?
Which of the policies in the OP would you....and Bill's wife....like to claim to support?

Or....wait: I have more coming.

I suppose I would be embarrassed…if I had been actually caught reading your posts. But…whatever. Carry on.
Clinton destroys Trump both on personality and policy.

I didn't find any mention of these policies in your post......
1. @ 21seconds: When Obama entered office our national debt was $10.6 trillion....today, just short of $20 trillion.

2. @33seconds: Obama has caused a huge regulatory burden on the private economy, costing America over $108 billion annually.
Just the ones aimed at taming the bogus 'climate change' will destroy thousands of jobs, and balloon every American's electric bill up to 20% over the next two decades.

This from the only President in 90 years to have never....NEVER had even a 3% increase in GDP economic growth. [http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/]

3. @1:08 The laughably named Affordable Care Act has proven to be far from affordable...and was based on lies like 'If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor....Period!" So far, the majority of ObamaCare exchanges have done what Obama's presidency has done....failed. [http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/06/o...-doors-and-at-least-2-more-could-close-soon/]
..costing $billions! "The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

The Liar-in-Chief actually sold the plan claiming families would see a $2500 reduction in premiums....while the Congressional Budget Office now reveals a 60% increase by 2025.

Oh....and guess what?
"In Desperate Push to Save Dying Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers"
In Push to Save Obamacare, President Wants to Bail Out Insurers

An oversight on your part.....or did the OP wound you severely?

Obama’s record is pretty immaterial at this point since he will be out of office in about 45 days or so.

Shouldn’t you be working on your “There is a war on Christmas” threads?

Obama’s record is pretty immaterial at this point since he will be out of office in about 45 days or so.

Now...why would you try to hide behind that when the OP clearly provided this:

"Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama."
The Immoral Minority: Hillary Clinton promises to support and continue the policies of President Obama.

I've embarrassed you, haven't I.

But....clearly not as much as your support for Obama, an unmitigated failure.

Would you like to try again?
Which of the policies in the OP would you....and Bill's wife....like to claim to support?

Or....wait: I have more coming.

I suppose I would be embarrassed…if I had been actually caught reading your posts. But…whatever. Carry on.

I get such a kick out of that excuse......

Liberals regularly post some variation of 'I never read your pots.....no one reads your threads.....everyone laughs at your posts.....blah blah blah."

They post those after subscribing to a thread, reading it...and recognizing that they want to deny it......
....but....just as you found.....

On a helpful note, if you're one of the 30% or so that are still on the fence about which "douche" to pick, the link in my sig lets you answer a ton of political policy issues and spits out which candidate is your best fit. It does give third parties as well (or at least it did when I did it)

Just please do vote folks, it's your civic duty to the county! :)
On a helpful note, if you're one of the 30% or so that are still on the fence about which "douche" to pick, the link in my sig lets you answer a ton of political policy issues and spits out which candidate is your best fit. It does give third parties as well (or at least it did when I did it)

Just please do vote folks, it's your civic duty to the county! :)

Thank you, but I need no link to decide to vote in favor of America.

Perhaps this will clear the fog....

These two pillars of America are at stake:

Trump promises to embrace the Constitution....Bill's wife promises the very opposite: to fight against free speech.

Trump supports American sovereignty....Bill's wife admitted she favors open borders.

How tough is that choice???

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