Eight Crushing Defeats for Gun Grabbing Nazis in 2016

Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart

No one is grabbibg guns, nutbar

That's because we the people have been vigilant jillian. Had the shrilary been elected the first thing she would have done is load every Court with anti gun rights judges. You know it, and i know it. How long would it have been before this statement became law? I grant you this only applies to one class of gun, but that is millions of guns in the hands of LEGAL Americans.

Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart

No one is grabbibg guns, nutbar

That's because we the people have been vigilant jillian. Had the shrilary been elected the first thing she would have done is load every Court with anti gun rights judges. You know it, and i know it. How long would it have been before this statement became law? I grant you this only applies to one class of gun, but that is millions of guns in the hands of LEGAL Americans.

Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Evidently he did a really poor job because he has not taken away the guns.
Really, crying about keeping guns away from crazy, senile old people is a bad thing?. So, if a person has been deemed unable to make your own decisions, you want to give these people guns. Why not just door to door at the local mental institution and pass out AK47s.

It takes a long time to destroy a Right that has existed for over 200 years. Doesn't mean they ain't tryin though.

If we didn't have the 2nd Amendment spelled out ......we would already be disarmed.......
Problem is they didn't anticipate including a coloring book version for post modern lefties.
It does not matter what the courts say, or the Constitution.

The day the government starts trying to round up our guns is the day that the gun grabbers start dying in the grocer market check out lines, on the curb by their favorite restaurants waiting for an Uber driver, on their own porches, as they come home from work and go about their daily lives.

That struggle wont be fought in the jungles, forests or remote hills of our great land.

The gun grabbing Nazis will be killed wherever true honest Patriots can find them most vulnerable. The corpses will be found with the message stamped to their foreheads very clearly; "Try to disarm us and you will die like a pig."

And then the government will return our rights to us so that they dont all die also.

Some god damned piece of paper has got nothing to do with it.

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