Egyptians: We Want Nuclear Bombs and to Break Treaty with Israel


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Egyptians: We Want Nuclear Bombs and to Break Treaty with Israel

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Most Egyptians want their country and Iran to have nuclear bombs. They also favor ties with the Islamic Republic, according to a poll.

Most Egyptians want their country and Iran to have nuclear weapons, and they also favor renewing ties with Tehran and breaking off relations with Israel, according to a poll by The Israel Project, a pro-Israel advocacy group.

Eighty-seven percent of the respondents want Egypt to have its own nuclear bomb, and Iran is more than happy to lend Cairo a hand. "We are ready to help Egypt to build nuclear reactors and satellites," Iran’s deputy defense minister said when Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi visited Iran last month.

Sixty-two percent of those polled agreed that “Iran and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are friends of Egypt.”

Egyptians: We Want N-Bombs, No Treaty with Israel - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Egyptians: We Want Nuclear Bombs and to Break Treaty with Israel

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Most Egyptians want their country and Iran to have nuclear bombs. They also favor ties with the Islamic Republic, according to a poll.

Most Egyptians want their country and Iran to have nuclear weapons, and they also favor renewing ties with Tehran and breaking off relations with Israel, according to a poll by The Israel Project, a pro-Israel advocacy group.

Eighty-seven percent of the respondents want Egypt to have its own nuclear bomb, and Iran is more than happy to lend Cairo a hand. "We are ready to help Egypt to build nuclear reactors and satellites," Iran’s deputy defense minister said when Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi visited Iran last month.

Sixty-two percent of those polled agreed that “Iran and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are friends of Egypt.”

Egyptians: We Want N-Bombs, No Treaty with Israel - Middle East - News - Israel National News

I believe all nations have right to self-defense, in the event they are attacked by any of our noted world bullies. You and friends conveniently forget that we have a nuclear crisis mostly because of the US, Russia and Israel (all of whom would not comply with the NPT):

Cold War Never Ended - The Missiliers - CBS News

A Nuclear Crisis - A Nuclear Crisis by Jimmy Carter
Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck is going on here, does Egypt think it is some sovereign nation that can decide its own laws and foreign policy? Crazy brown people don't recognize the only nation is the USA and you must do what we want.
Egyptians: We Want Nuclear Bombs and to Break Treaty with Israel.-

Yes, that's what you get when you help and back the "Arab Spring" in those countries!

It is the fundamentalist Islamist groups which drove the Arab Spring uprisings ...

And that's what I can not forgive Obama for! He was there and still is ... backing them all the way!:mad:
Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck is going on here, does Egypt think it is some sovereign nation that can decide its own laws and foreign policy? Crazy brown people don't recognize the only nation is the USA and you must do what we want.

Are they promising to only use these nuclear weapons inside their "sovereign nation"? If not, the rest of us have reason to be concerned. Leaders aren't exactly level headed in that region of the world.

Egyptians: We Want Nuclear Bombs and to Break Treaty with Israel

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Most Egyptians want their country and Iran to have nuclear bombs. They also favor ties with the Islamic Republic, according to a poll.

Most Egyptians want their country and Iran to have nuclear weapons, and they also favor renewing ties with Tehran and breaking off relations with Israel, according to a poll by The Israel Project, a pro-Israel advocacy group.

Eighty-seven percent of the respondents want Egypt to have its own nuclear bomb, and Iran is more than happy to lend Cairo a hand. "We are ready to help Egypt to build nuclear reactors and satellites," Iran’s deputy defense minister said when Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi visited Iran last month.

Sixty-two percent of those polled agreed that “Iran and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are friends of Egypt.”

Egyptians: We Want N-Bombs, No Treaty with Israel - Middle East - News - Israel National News

I believe all nations have right to self-defense, in the event they are attacked by any of our noted world bullies. You and friends conveniently forget that we have a nuclear crisis mostly because of the US, Russia and Israel (all of whom would not comply with the NPT):

Cold War Never Ended - The Missiliers - CBS News

A Nuclear Crisis - A Nuclear Crisis by Jimmy Carter

GOOD FUCKING GOING OBAMA. You piece of shit. :(

I guess you don't recall how McCain and his buddies wanted us to take the lead in helping the Arab spring. Obama stood back and was critisized by the GOP....but you probably don't remember that huh?
GOOD FUCKING GOING OBAMA. You piece of shit. :(

Just how exactly is THAT Obama's doing? You are clinically fucking insane.

I don't even want to call you any names because there really is something wrong with your brain.

Lots of people want nukes...Hell! I'd like to have nukes. But it isn't that easy to make nuclear weapons.

Blaming some other country that you claim wants nukes on Obama is rediculous..

You assholes have totally forgotten how to respond when an enemy threatens us or attacks us like in Lybia.

You people are so fucking crazy that the only response you can come up with is an attack on Obama.

You take this partisan hackery just too far over the line.

He should have the secret service and the FBI just round you wack fucks up and give you some manditory psychological care.

I'm serious...because I now believe you are.
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Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck is going on here, does Egypt think it is some sovereign nation that can decide its own laws and foreign policy? Crazy brown people don't recognize the only nation is the USA and you must do what we want.

Are they promising to only use these nuclear weapons inside their "sovereign nation"? If not, the rest of us have reason to be concerned. Leaders aren't exactly level headed in that region of the world.

So by that logic the country you most want to disarm is the USA right? Since it is the only country to use it's nukes on another ?

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