Eggs.......the new Scamdemic, or rahter "Eggdemic"

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
Eggs. The new scamdemic.

The stores are full of eggs. But nobody is buying because nobody is going to pay $5 - $9 for a lousy dozen eggs. Well, not anybody with common sense and brains that doesn't have money for such extravegances.

Especially when these cartons of ready to use eggs come prepared in cartons for $3 - $4, which contain a dozen eggs!!!


And besides, I went to my local food pantry, and they had THREE HUGE PALLETS OF dozen eggs, of which I recieved one!!

This food pantry food is DONATED to this place. WHY would you donate something that is SUPPOSEDLY in high demand and short supply?????????

This tells me this "EGGDEMIC" is just yet ANOTHER propganda scare tactic to get the sheeples bleating over something that doesn't eggsist!!

NOBODY is going to donate something when they can make a killing on it. But they AREN'T making a killing on these over-priced chicken butt fruits!! They sit in the stores, untouched and unsold. Even during Thanksgiving and Christmas, the egg shelves were packed fact SO FULL, and SO UNSOLD, that they had to start putting the overflow in one of the dairy floor coolers that always has orange juice, cheese, or coffee creamer in it!!!


Expect these "SCAMDEMICS" to continue until the fuckers are kicked out of office! Or hanged. Preferrably hanged.
Or burned at the stake. I'd pay to be the one to light fires too!!!

Anyway..........spread the word. EGGS ARE NOT SCARCE! It's all another Demonicrat created scamdemic!!!
Meh...the Wife and I dont like paying for eggs these days but then we dont eat that many eggs so we just grin and bare it.

There alternatives to eggs too. So theres that.

I really don't use eggs, as I don't cook much for myself anymore. Other than a casserole or spaghetti........I don't really make anything from scratch, much less anything that contains eggs.

I do get a craving for deviled eggs though. So once in a great while I will get some (used too that is) for that.
But now.........unless the food pantry gives me some, I don't buy them for anything.
They are over $5 a dozen at Hannaford Supermarket

But stopped at the Dollar Store on the way home and they were $2.05 cents a dozen!

I'm kicking myself for not checking there sooner! Holy crap! $2.05!!!! They are local eggs, some local farm I never heard of.... But who cares? Makes them fresher!

I use eggs in cooking... Baking cakes, egg wash for breaded cutlets, in meatloaf, in meatballs, in pies, in dressing etc.
They are over $5 a dozen at Hannaford Supermarket

But stopped at the Dollar Store on the way home and they were $2.05 cents a dozen!

I'm kicking myself for not checking there sooner! Holy crap! $2.05!!!! They are local eggs, some local farm I never heard of.... But who cares? Makes them fresher!

I use eggs in cooking... Baking cakes, egg wash for breaded cutlets, in meatloaf, in meatballs, in pies, in dressing etc.

Another smart shopper!!!! YEAH!

Yeah, Dollar Tree and General Dollar put in cooler machines and freezers a few years ago around here.
They started selling Red Baron frozen pizzas, frozen heat n eat hamburgers, frozen veggies, ice creams, and other such food stuffs.........BRAND NAMES LITERALLY HALF THE PRICE of the big grocery stores!!!

I buy my Jiff peanut butter there and my Kraft salad dressings..........$1.25 each!!!! Grocery stores sell peanut butter for $4 a small jar now, and $4.50 for salad dressing!

Stock up with stuff at the dollar stores though............rough times are coming and people are starting to hoard again.
I stopped at one Dollar Tree after leaving the food pantry this morning, and it was literally cleaned out!!! SO MANY empty shelves!!!
I bake a lot and need them. Our chickens are free range, so I have to go out in the morning and locate all the eggs before my egg sucking dogs find them.
We have wild turkeys and these wild looking chickens, I think they are called Ruffed Grouse, that hang out here, eating the deer corn we put out at the edge of the yard and woods....

Not that I want to eat their eggs now, but if shit ever hits the fan, they could come in my question for you, is where do you look, for your free range chicken's eggs? Where would I look for my wild birds? Basically we are surrounded on three sides with brushy woods, with a 200 acre meadow across the way in front...taller grass and wildflowers..... Where would they nest, I'm wondering?
There alternatives to eggs too. So theres that.

I really don't use eggs, as I don't cook much for myself anymore. Other than a casserole or spaghetti........I don't really make anything from scratch, much less anything that contains eggs.

I do get a craving for deviled eggs though. So once in a great while I will get some (used too that is) for that.
But now.........unless the food pantry gives me some, I don't buy them for anything.

Wont use egg substitutes.
We cook a lot on weekends so I dont mind paying a premium for eggs.
Hell I'd give 5 bucks for a good tomato.
Wont use egg substitutes.
We cook a lot on weekends so I dont mind paying a premium for eggs.
Hell I'd give 5 bucks for a good tomato.

I loves me some maters too!
I tell you what though.............I had a fully ripened on the vine Beefsteak tomato back some 30 or so years ago.......
OMFG!!!! Sheer fuckin tomato heaven!!!

Never saw them in any store ever again!
We have wild turkeys and these wild looking chickens, I think they are called Ruffed Grouse, that hang out here, eating the deer corn we put out at the edge of the yard and woods....

Not that I want to eat their eggs now, but if shit ever hits the fan, they could come in my question for you, is where do you look, for your free range chicken's eggs? Where would I look for my wild birds? Basically we are surrounded on three sides with brushy woods, with a 200 acre meadow across the way in front...taller grass and wildflowers..... Where would they nest, I'm wondering?

Build you some free range chicken homes and put them right at your property line.
The chickens can roost in there and once they get comfy with thier new pads, they will lay in there.


Small door so large animals cant get in.
Windows so you can see in without disturbing the animals.
Windows you can open during the summer and even set a fan in there.
Put in a light for winter use to keep it warm.
The front flap under the windows lifts up and you can get the eggs without having to go into the structure.
But it should be cleaned out once a month if they use it a lot.

If this is something you're really interesting in doing, then you need to find a way to get some veteranarian medical feed for the first few feedings and keep it in a trough for the chickens to eat. This is supposed to clear out the chickens of worms and mites, and give them some bacterial protection. Once they've had the required amount of feeding, then you just feed them regular chicken feed.

Only drawback is, you have to throw out the eggs they lay until after the second laying after eating regular chicken feed.
You don't want to eat any eggs that were laid while they were being "cleaned out".

Well, I was told this by a chicken farmer decades ago, so it's probably changed some. You'd have to ask a chicken farmer for sure. LOL

I will tell you this.............these eggs taste NOTHING like store bought eggs! SOOOOO much flavor!!!!

Anyway, just a thought.
I loves me some maters too!
I tell you what though.............I had a fully ripened on the vine Beefsteak tomato back some 30 or so years ago.......
OMFG!!!! Sheer fuckin tomato heaven!!!

Never saw them in any store ever again!

A friend of my brothers used to give us homegrown tomatoes.
It reminds you how good a tomato can be. Again,I'd gladly pay $5 bucks for a good one,hell I might go $10 bucks.
We have wild turkeys and these wild looking chickens, I think they are called Ruffed Grouse, that hang out here, eating the deer corn we put out at the edge of the yard and woods....

Not that I want to eat their eggs now, but if shit ever hits the fan, they could come in my question for you, is where do you look, for your free range chicken's eggs? Where would I look for my wild birds? Basically we are surrounded on three sides with brushy woods, with a 200 acre meadow across the way in front...taller grass and wildflowers..... Where would they nest, I'm wondering?
Mostly under the Blue Spruce in the front yard. The chickens like to sleep in that tree and the dogs can't see the eggs for the branches that touch the ground. But they arr all over the yard. Some in the hen house in the nests. Just anywhere they plop out.
I loves me some maters too!
I tell you what though.............I had a fully ripened on the vine Beefsteak tomato back some 30 or so years ago.......
OMFG!!!! Sheer fuckin tomato heaven!!!

Never saw them in any store ever again!
New Jersey. They grow the best, most delicious tomatoes in the world! Their soil and weather is perfect for tomatoes....

Also, any tomato, home grown is better tasting than the store.

The best tasting home grown for me, is called Early Girl....they are smaller than a beef steak, but meaty inside and jammed packed with bursting flavor.... They produce early tomatoes and the rest of summer....
New Jersey. They grow the best, most delicious tomatoes in the world! Their soil and weather is perfect for tomatoes....

Also, any tomato, home grown is better tasting than the store.

The best tasting home grown for me, is called Early Girl....they are smaller than a beef steak, but meaty inside and jammed pack with bursting flavor.... They produce early tomatoes and the rest of summer....

I've never seen those around here. They sound yummie.
All we get in our stores around here are the standard variety, and those horrible Roma tomatoes.
I've never seen those around here. They sound yummie.
All we get in our stores around here are the standard variety, and those horrible Roma tomatoes.
In the store in winter up here in Maine, we can get a lovely, sweet tomato that is vine ripened... Comes in a plastic carton, but don't let that discourage you, they are tasty and good..... They are small, maybe three to four times larger than a cherry tomato, I think they are called Campari, or something like that.... The ones up here are from Canada, greenhouse I suppose? I bought them when visiting family in Florida, same name and packaging, but they were grown in Mexico, and not nearly as tasty as Canadian grown.

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