'Education' According To The Left.

Columbia, Georgia has a college?

National University Rankings | Top National Universities | US News Best Colleges
#4 after Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.....but they don't have the nightlife!

Or school song!

If you were 'educated' at ultra-liberal Columbia,

doesn't that by application of your own standards make you an idiot?

and why would that make her an idiot? she is a smart gal, went to a liberal school to expand her knowledge of idiot liberals maybe? have to know the enemy, keep your friends close....and your enemy's closer....you could assume.

The globalists/eco-fascists/progressives do no believe any individual should own property.

No individual property....only the collective.


Really? I'm guessing that 99.9% of the 'progressives' on this forum, for starters, believe in individual property ownership.

If what you say is true....then they are totally ignorant of the philosophy to which they have given their support.

And, that would be consistent with how easily led the ignorant and uneducated are.

But...you'll argue that most if not all are college graduates.

And that, my backward friend....is the proof of my OP.

As usual, limited as you are in both brainpower and insight, you have it floored in neutral.
Spinning those intellectual wheels.

Need proof of where your progressive/liberal/Democrat masters intend to take you?
Coming right up:

1. Clinton’s ‘President's Council on Sustainable Development’ did what they do best: create task forces: one on climate change, one on environmental management (write regulations), an international one ‘encouraging sustainable development around the world,’ and the metropolitan-rural task force (‘Im from the government, here to solve your problems’). Funding came from taxpayers: DOC, DOE, EPA, and USDA.

2. The result, the ‘Global Biodiversity Assessment Report,’ listed the following as unsustainable: private property, single-family homes, paved roads, ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment, hunting, fertilizer, cemeteries, sewers..... UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI: Is "sustainable development" something the American people want? and Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” chapter five.

Did you get that?

"... private property, single-family homes..."
Say, 'yes, master...'

You claimed: "I'm guessing that 99.9% of the 'progressives' on this forum, for starters, believe in individual property ownership."

Right: you must "guess" because your masters keep you ignorant, and you're too lazy to study.

You are the equivalent of the sheep following the 'Judas Goat."

"The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a ... In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter,..."
Last edited:

The globalists/eco-fascists/progressives do no believe any individual should own property.

No individual property....only the collective.


Really? I'm guessing that 99.9% of the 'progressives' on this forum, for starters, believe in individual property ownership.

Likely 100 percent.

The globalists/eco-fascists/progressives…


If you and me-too each had half a brain, you'd still only have half a brain.

Keep laughing, you moron.....read post #42 and see if you're still laughing.
Columbia, Georgia has a college?

National University Rankings | Top National Universities | US News Best Colleges
#4 after Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.....but they don't have the nightlife!

Or school song!

If you were 'educated' at ultra-liberal Columbia,

doesn't that by application of your own standards make you an idiot?

'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy'

Had Shakespeare known where and when I was going to use the quote, he would have added 'you ignorant dunce.'
Wow....I never spoke to a guy who went to university in the 19th century!

Which one did you go to?

Which century?


Which university?

I'm proud to say that I went to the one with the best fight-song in the nation!

I think the greatest fight song belongs to Notre Dame. I got my JD from the University of Florida and their fight song is uninspiring. I got my MBA from the University of North Florida and their fight songs is "Please don't eat the daisies." Of course UNF doesn't have a football team.

At any rate, here is a link just for you:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS2As1jZE9A]Top Ten College Football Songs - YouTube[/ame]

Have a great day gal.
Which one did you go to?

Which century?


Which university?

I'm proud to say that I went to the one with the best fight-song in the nation!

I think the greatest fight song belongs to Notre Dame. I got my JD from the University of Florida and their fight song is uninspiring. I got my MBA from the University of North Florida and their fight songs is "Please don't eat the daisies." Of course UNF doesn't have a football team.

At any rate, here is a link just for you:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS2As1jZE9A]Top Ten College Football Songs - YouTube[/ame]

Have a great day gal.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOi9GQY5v2o]Cowardly Lion - YouTube[/ame]

Roar, Lion!!!

The globalists/eco-fascists/progressives do no believe any individual should own property.

No individual property....only the collective.


Really? I'm guessing that 99.9% of the 'progressives' on this forum, for starters, believe in individual property ownership.

If what you say is true....then they are totally ignorant of the philosophy to which they have given their support.

And, that would be consistent with how easily led the ignorant and uneducated are.

But...you'll argue that most if not all are college graduates.

And that, my backward friend....is the proof of my OP.

As usual, limited as you are in both brainpower and insight, you have it floored in neutral.
Spinning those intellectual wheels.

Need proof of where your progressive/liberal/Democrat masters intend to take you?
Coming right up:

1. Clinton’s ‘President's Council on Sustainable Development’ did what they do best: create task forces: one on climate change, one on environmental management (write regulations), an international one ‘encouraging sustainable development around the world,’ and the metropolitan-rural task force (‘Im from the government, here to solve your problems’). Funding came from taxpayers: DOC, DOE, EPA, and USDA.

2. The result, the ‘Global Biodiversity Assessment Report,’ listed the following as unsustainable: private property, single-family homes, paved roads, ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment, hunting, fertilizer, cemeteries, sewers..... UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI: Is "sustainable development" something the American people want? and Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” chapter five.

Did you get that?

"... private property, single-family homes..."
Say, 'yes, master...'

You claimed: "I'm guessing that 99.9% of the 'progressives' on this forum, for starters, believe in individual property ownership."

Right: you must "guess" because your masters keep you ignorant, and you're too lazy to study.

You are the equivalent of the sheep following the 'Judas Goat."

"The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a ... In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter,..."

As usual you take a very long time to offer absolutely nothing of substance to refute what I said.

Remember what the wise man said:

"If you're going to be wrong, at least be brief."
Well, then.
Let's examine the issue....I believe I can do this simply that you might be able to understand it....

From the OP:
2. One young faculty member gives a talk in which he criticizes homeowners for "participating in global capitalism." It is filled with plenty of rhetoric about "the hegemony of absolute space," and "ontological security,' and so on. His point: "We have no claim on family property." He goes further:
"When we succumb to pity for an old woman losing her house we abandon social justice." Mark the theme: no individual's monopolistic rights!

a. One can see the effects: the eco-fascists have imposed the same kind of thinking on the environment: " The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!" http://r-calfusa.com/Trade/property_...LeakedMemo.pdf

The globalists/eco-fascists/progressives do no believe any individual should own property.

No individual property....only the collective.

The conservationists like TR had no such view. Federal lands were permitted to be used for grazing, harvesting lumber, and even mining.

Not so according to the new breed.

Not only is private land confiscated, but restrictions 'steal' privately owned property to preserve some imaginary ecosystem.


For purposes of comparison, George Washington and his compatriots promoted the idea of saving the wretched land-poor peasantry of Europe. They believed that the postrevolutionary reconfiguration of America’s land was their mission from God, to rescue their brethren. [See Paul Johnson, “The Birth of the Modern: World Survey, 1815-1830,” p. 202-225]

Contrary to the collectivist view of the contemporary eco-fascists, the colonial ideal was private ownership. The lesson was well learned from the Plymouth Colony, begun as a communal venture, but not successful until each family tilled and profited from their own plots.

William Bradford knew that a man who could feed his family would not be a mendicant, demanding entitlements, and was capable of standing up to tyranny. The yeoman farmer was the unit of freedom.

And, of course, President Abraham Lincoln signs the Homestead Act, which gave government-owned land to small family farmers ("homesteaders"). The act gave "any person" who was the head of a family 160 acres to try his hand at farming for five years.

So, you see....your view is....what's the word?....Oh....horse-feathers.

Oh....one more thing: did you know that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was originally "life, liberty, and property" (John Locke)?

That's private property...not collective property.

You're ignoring the point that except for the original thirteen, Texas and Hawaii, most of the rest of the U.S. was federal land from its acquisition. The fact that you reference the Homestead Act proves it. If it wasn't federal land, how could the government have given it away?

The principles upon which the nation was founded allowed individuals to claim land.
This became private property.

Even land claimed by the federal government was allowed to be used as stated in the post.

You're mistaking what you wish were true for American history, PC.

Most of the land not in the original colonies came to the USA via the Federal government.

The most obvious examples of that are the Louisiana Purchase and Sewards so called folly, Alaska.
Really? I'm guessing that 99.9% of the 'progressives' on this forum, for starters, believe in individual property ownership.

If what you say is true....then they are totally ignorant of the philosophy to which they have given their support.

And, that would be consistent with how easily led the ignorant and uneducated are.

But...you'll argue that most if not all are college graduates.

And that, my backward friend....is the proof of my OP.

As usual, limited as you are in both brainpower and insight, you have it floored in neutral.
Spinning those intellectual wheels.

Need proof of where your progressive/liberal/Democrat masters intend to take you?
Coming right up:

1. Clinton’s ‘President's Council on Sustainable Development’ did what they do best: create task forces: one on climate change, one on environmental management (write regulations), an international one ‘encouraging sustainable development around the world,’ and the metropolitan-rural task force (‘Im from the government, here to solve your problems’). Funding came from taxpayers: DOC, DOE, EPA, and USDA.

2. The result, the ‘Global Biodiversity Assessment Report,’ listed the following as unsustainable: private property, single-family homes, paved roads, ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment, hunting, fertilizer, cemeteries, sewers..... UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI: Is "sustainable development" something the American people want? and Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” chapter five.

Did you get that?

"... private property, single-family homes..."
Say, 'yes, master...'

You claimed: "I'm guessing that 99.9% of the 'progressives' on this forum, for starters, believe in individual property ownership."

Right: you must "guess" because your masters keep you ignorant, and you're too lazy to study.

You are the equivalent of the sheep following the 'Judas Goat."

"The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a ... In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter,..."

As usual you take a very long time to offer absolutely nothing of substance to refute what I said.

Remember what the wise man said:

"If you're going to be wrong, at least be brief."

Except, that I'm not wrong.

Dunces support the progressive/liberal/Democrats who support one world government aimed at confiscation of all private property.

You can pretend this is not the case, but I gave the actual statements by the Clinton-United Nations syndicate.

To continue to deny same is to continue to lie.
You're ignoring the point that except for the original thirteen, Texas and Hawaii, most of the rest of the U.S. was federal land from its acquisition. The fact that you reference the Homestead Act proves it. If it wasn't federal land, how could the government have given it away?

The principles upon which the nation was founded allowed individuals to claim land.
This became private property.

Even land claimed by the federal government was allowed to be used as stated in the post.

You're mistaking what you wish were true for American history, PC.

Most of the land not in the original colonies came to the USA via the Federal government.

The most obvious examples of that are the Louisiana Purchase and Sewards so called folly, Alaska.

This is not the case today.

The fact that the powers behind the attempts at confiscation do not have the right to simply claim ownership is shown by their need to fabricate reasons to take over private property.

One example:
1. The Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) is a species of true owl. It is a resident species of old-growth forests in western North America, where it nests in tree holes, old bird of prey nests, or rock crevices….The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red list status for the Spotted Owl is Near Threatened with a decreasing population trend….. In February 2008, a federal judge reinforced a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decision to designate 8,600,000 acres (35,000 km2) in Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico as critical habitat for the owl. Spotted Owl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. Ten years of research and more than 1,000 published studies detail the threats to its survival, but there's still no sure way to stop its decline. Saving the Spotted Owl : NPR

2. What is the cost of ‘saving’ the bird, and what’s the reason? Have organism’s become extinct? And the result? “From the environmentalists' perspective, the benefits of preserving the northern spotted owl and its habitat far outweigh any of the costs….society ought to preserve this species and the unique ecosystem it represents because of their aesthetic value. “Ethics and the Environment: The Spotted Owl Controversy

3. The Spotted Owl campaign, as is so very many other environmental campaigns, a deceit. It is a way of advancing the real agenda, confiscating property, making land off-limit, and eliminating any human presence. No matter the cost. No matter the result.
1. In March, 2010, the University of California, at Berkeley, hosted the annual Cultural Studies Association Conference. There is no better place to reveal the effects of decades of Leftist indoctrination, and the impending doom of this once great nation.

2. One young faculty member gives a talk in which he criticizes homeowners for "participating in global capitalism." It is filled with plenty of rhetoric about "the hegemony of absolute space," and "ontological security,' and so on. His point: "We have no claim on family property." He goes further:
"When we succumb to pity for an old woman losing her house we abandon social justice." Mark the theme: no individual's monopolistic rights!

a. One can see the effects: the eco-fascists have imposed the same kind of thinking on the environment: " The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!" http://r-calfusa.com/Trade/property_rights/100900BLMLeakedMemo.pdf

b. In 1992, the UN-variety socialist, Maurice Strong, announced: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.” (Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit)

3. Another young speaker lectures about the iconic 1972 photo of a little girl running naked and terrified from a South Vietnamese napalm attack. She is shocked that the girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, has not only forgiven the United States, but is now traveling around the country celebrating American freedom! This incenses the speaker, for whom that old photo conveys such a powerful anti-American message. What happens to the message, she asks, when the girl grows up to do such a terrible thing? Kim Phúc's "loving embrace of America seems a betrayal of the photo." What, she asks, are we "as theorists" to make of the fact that Kim Phúc "appears not to feel anger when we think she should?"

4. Then the author of a paper was entitled "Towards a Green Marxist Cultural Studies: Notes on Value and Human Domination over Nature." What to make of that title, together with the speaker's 'Valley Girl' patois: "Um, I'm like a grad student at UC Davis?" and, since the "critique of capitalism has faded in significance," she's "sort of reviving a Gramscian-style Marxism." She goes on to describe global warming as "sort of like, a crisis, in the human relationship to nature?" and as "a natural result of the human alienation from nature under capitalism." Then, she cites several authorities who speak of "a sort of, like, physical or spatial alienation?"...but adds that she intends to go beyond them.

5. These young people are smart, upper-middle-class kids, with little real-world experience and even less in the way of serious education. One after another of them pronounces with an imperial air of authority on things about which they plainly know next to nothing. Their familiarity with history, literature, philosophy, or any other traditional field of learning is rudimentary at best. What they have is ideology and the jargon to go with it. And they have the arrogance of innocents who have no clue as to have very little they know.
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution."

a. "The result? Students who develop a suffocating sense of superiority, who pass judgment on authors as racist, sexist, capitalist, imperialist or homophobic before even reading their works. Political correctness is not designed to produce students who think for themselves, but, rather, cadres of self-absorbed reactionaries ready to take their orders from ‘the movement.’"
Pearcey, "Saving Leonardo," chapter eight.

b. One father, a professional film critic, found he could not understand his daughter’s film studies textbook, which was packed with Left-wing buzzwords, including “fibula,” and “syuzhet.” He asked her what they were. “They’re Russian formulist terms for ‘story’ and ‘plot.’”
“Why don’t they use ‘story’ and ‘plot’? “We’re not allowed to. If we do, they take points off our paper.”
From “Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology.” Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology. - Los Angeles Times

6. “What [American universities] need, and would much benefit from, is more Marxists, radicals, leftists — all terms conventionally applied to those who fight against exploitation, racism, sexism, and capitalism. We can never have too many of these, just as we can never have too few ‘conservatives’.”
- Grover Furr, professor and author of books and articles in Russian and English on Soviet history under the period of Joseph Stalin

In place of education, the Left has substituted politicization.
What they have produced is not a generation of educated thinkers, but a cadre
of robots who take their orders from the movement.

It's difficult to get through such nonsense. A bunch of edited quotes from over decades supposedly from people I never heard of without any links or evidence.

If you had gone to college you would know better than to make such a posting. It's amateur to the point of juvenile.

In fact, if there is a point buried there, it's buried much too deep.

I'm sure you're used to this "grade", but I will grade you anyway:

1. In March, 2010, the University of California, at Berkeley, hosted the annual Cultural Studies Association Conference. There is no better place to reveal the effects of decades of Leftist indoctrination, and the impending doom of this once great nation.

2. One young faculty member gives a talk in which he criticizes homeowners for "participating in global capitalism." It is filled with plenty of rhetoric about "the hegemony of absolute space," and "ontological security,' and so on. His point: "We have no claim on family property." He goes further:
"When we succumb to pity for an old woman losing her house we abandon social justice." Mark the theme: no individual's monopolistic rights!

a. One can see the effects: the eco-fascists have imposed the same kind of thinking on the environment: " The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!" http://r-calfusa.com/Trade/property_rights/100900BLMLeakedMemo.pdf

b. In 1992, the UN-variety socialist, Maurice Strong, announced: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.” (Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit)

3. Another young speaker lectures about the iconic 1972 photo of a little girl running naked and terrified from a South Vietnamese napalm attack. She is shocked that the girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, has not only forgiven the United States, but is now traveling around the country celebrating American freedom! This incenses the speaker, for whom that old photo conveys such a powerful anti-American message. What happens to the message, she asks, when the girl grows up to do such a terrible thing? Kim Phúc's "loving embrace of America seems a betrayal of the photo." What, she asks, are we "as theorists" to make of the fact that Kim Phúc "appears not to feel anger when we think she should?"

4. Then the author of a paper was entitled "Towards a Green Marxist Cultural Studies: Notes on Value and Human Domination over Nature." What to make of that title, together with the speaker's 'Valley Girl' patois: "Um, I'm like a grad student at UC Davis?" and, since the "critique of capitalism has faded in significance," she's "sort of reviving a Gramscian-style Marxism." She goes on to describe global warming as "sort of like, a crisis, in the human relationship to nature?" and as "a natural result of the human alienation from nature under capitalism." Then, she cites several authorities who speak of "a sort of, like, physical or spatial alienation?"...but adds that she intends to go beyond them.

5. These young people are smart, upper-middle-class kids, with little real-world experience and even less in the way of serious education. One after another of them pronounces with an imperial air of authority on things about which they plainly know next to nothing. Their familiarity with history, literature, philosophy, or any other traditional field of learning is rudimentary at best. What they have is ideology and the jargon to go with it. And they have the arrogance of innocents who have no clue as to have very little they know.
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution."

a. "The result? Students who develop a suffocating sense of superiority, who pass judgment on authors as racist, sexist, capitalist, imperialist or homophobic before even reading their works. Political correctness is not designed to produce students who think for themselves, but, rather, cadres of self-absorbed reactionaries ready to take their orders from ‘the movement.’"
Pearcey, "Saving Leonardo," chapter eight.

b. One father, a professional film critic, found he could not understand his daughter’s film studies textbook, which was packed with Left-wing buzzwords, including “fibula,” and “syuzhet.” He asked her what they were. “They’re Russian formulist terms for ‘story’ and ‘plot.’”
“Why don’t they use ‘story’ and ‘plot’? “We’re not allowed to. If we do, they take points off our paper.”
From “Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology.” Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology. - Los Angeles Times

6. “What [American universities] need, and would much benefit from, is more Marxists, radicals, leftists — all terms conventionally applied to those who fight against exploitation, racism, sexism, and capitalism. We can never have too many of these, just as we can never have too few ‘conservatives’.”
- Grover Furr, professor and author of books and articles in Russian and English on Soviet history under the period of Joseph Stalin

In place of education, the Left has substituted politicization.
What they have produced is not a generation of educated thinkers, but a cadre
of robots who take their orders from the movement.

It's difficult to get through such nonsense. A bunch of edited quotes from over decades supposedly from people I never heard of without any links or evidence.

If you had gone to college you would know better than to make such a posting. It's amateur to the point of juvenile.

In fact, if there is a point buried there, it's buried much too deep.

I'm sure you're used to this "grade", but I will grade you anyway:


1. You 'grade' ME????

Talk about the inmates running the asylum.

2. This is the most significant and insightful statement you've ever made:
"... from people I never heard of..."

You are the best example...the poster child of education by the Left.

As one would have difficulty actually imagining infinity....
.....the same would be true of imagining the depth and width of a list of folks and events you've never heard of.

I appreciate your confession.
"Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres."

What, conservation isn't conservative?

Confiscation isn't.

Most of that land hasn't been confiscated, having been federal land since its acquisition.

Yep....All of the Louisianna Purchase, the Oregon Territory and the Mexican Cession...So, pretty much everything west of the Mississippi.
1. In March, 2010, the University of California, at Berkeley, hosted the annual Cultural Studies Association Conference. There is no better place to reveal the effects of decades of Leftist indoctrination, and the impending doom of this once great nation.

2. One young faculty member gives a talk in which he criticizes homeowners for "participating in global capitalism." It is filled with plenty of rhetoric about "the hegemony of absolute space," and "ontological security,' and so on. His point: "We have no claim on family property." He goes further:
"When we succumb to pity for an old woman losing her house we abandon social justice." Mark the theme: no individual's monopolistic rights!

a. One can see the effects: the eco-fascists have imposed the same kind of thinking on the environment: " The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!" http://r-calfusa.com/Trade/property_rights/100900BLMLeakedMemo.pdf

b. In 1992, the UN-variety socialist, Maurice Strong, announced: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.” (Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit)

3. Another young speaker lectures about the iconic 1972 photo of a little girl running naked and terrified from a South Vietnamese napalm attack. She is shocked that the girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, has not only forgiven the United States, but is now traveling around the country celebrating American freedom! This incenses the speaker, for whom that old photo conveys such a powerful anti-American message. What happens to the message, she asks, when the girl grows up to do such a terrible thing? Kim Phúc's "loving embrace of America seems a betrayal of the photo." What, she asks, are we "as theorists" to make of the fact that Kim Phúc "appears not to feel anger when we think she should?"

4. Then the author of a paper was entitled "Towards a Green Marxist Cultural Studies: Notes on Value and Human Domination over Nature." What to make of that title, together with the speaker's 'Valley Girl' patois: "Um, I'm like a grad student at UC Davis?" and, since the "critique of capitalism has faded in significance," she's "sort of reviving a Gramscian-style Marxism." She goes on to describe global warming as "sort of like, a crisis, in the human relationship to nature?" and as "a natural result of the human alienation from nature under capitalism." Then, she cites several authorities who speak of "a sort of, like, physical or spatial alienation?"...but adds that she intends to go beyond them.

5. These young people are smart, upper-middle-class kids, with little real-world experience and even less in the way of serious education. One after another of them pronounces with an imperial air of authority on things about which they plainly know next to nothing. Their familiarity with history, literature, philosophy, or any other traditional field of learning is rudimentary at best. What they have is ideology and the jargon to go with it. And they have the arrogance of innocents who have no clue as to have very little they know.
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution."

a. "The result? Students who develop a suffocating sense of superiority, who pass judgment on authors as racist, sexist, capitalist, imperialist or homophobic before even reading their works. Political correctness is not designed to produce students who think for themselves, but, rather, cadres of self-absorbed reactionaries ready to take their orders from ‘the movement.’"
Pearcey, "Saving Leonardo," chapter eight.

b. One father, a professional film critic, found he could not understand his daughter’s film studies textbook, which was packed with Left-wing buzzwords, including “fibula,” and “syuzhet.” He asked her what they were. “They’re Russian formulist terms for ‘story’ and ‘plot.’”
“Why don’t they use ‘story’ and ‘plot’? “We’re not allowed to. If we do, they take points off our paper.”
From “Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology.” Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology. - Los Angeles Times

6. “What [American universities] need, and would much benefit from, is more Marxists, radicals, leftists — all terms conventionally applied to those who fight against exploitation, racism, sexism, and capitalism. We can never have too many of these, just as we can never have too few ‘conservatives’.”
- Grover Furr, professor and author of books and articles in Russian and English on Soviet history under the period of Joseph Stalin

In place of education, the Left has substituted politicization.
What they have produced is not a generation of educated thinkers, but a cadre
of robots who take their orders from the movement.

It's difficult to get through such nonsense. A bunch of edited quotes from over decades supposedly from people I never heard of without any links or evidence.

If you had gone to college you would know better than to make such a posting. It's amateur to the point of juvenile.

In fact, if there is a point buried there, it's buried much too deep.

I'm sure you're used to this "grade", but I will grade you anyway:


And how old are you ? and if your such a pup you do know how to use a search engine to find out if its the truth right?
1. In March, 2010, the University of California, at Berkeley, hosted the annual Cultural Studies Association Conference. There is no better place to reveal the effects of decades of Leftist indoctrination, and the impending doom of this once great nation.

2. One young faculty member gives a talk in which he criticizes homeowners for "participating in global capitalism." It is filled with plenty of rhetoric about "the hegemony of absolute space," and "ontological security,' and so on. His point: "We have no claim on family property." He goes further:
"When we succumb to pity for an old woman losing her house we abandon social justice." Mark the theme: no individual's monopolistic rights!

a. One can see the effects: the eco-fascists have imposed the same kind of thinking on the environment: " The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!" http://r-calfusa.com/Trade/property_rights/100900BLMLeakedMemo.pdf

b. In 1992, the UN-variety socialist, Maurice Strong, announced: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.” (Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit)

3. Another young speaker lectures about the iconic 1972 photo of a little girl running naked and terrified from a South Vietnamese napalm attack. She is shocked that the girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, has not only forgiven the United States, but is now traveling around the country celebrating American freedom! This incenses the speaker, for whom that old photo conveys such a powerful anti-American message. What happens to the message, she asks, when the girl grows up to do such a terrible thing? Kim Phúc's "loving embrace of America seems a betrayal of the photo." What, she asks, are we "as theorists" to make of the fact that Kim Phúc "appears not to feel anger when we think she should?"

4. Then the author of a paper was entitled "Towards a Green Marxist Cultural Studies: Notes on Value and Human Domination over Nature." What to make of that title, together with the speaker's 'Valley Girl' patois: "Um, I'm like a grad student at UC Davis?" and, since the "critique of capitalism has faded in significance," she's "sort of reviving a Gramscian-style Marxism." She goes on to describe global warming as "sort of like, a crisis, in the human relationship to nature?" and as "a natural result of the human alienation from nature under capitalism." Then, she cites several authorities who speak of "a sort of, like, physical or spatial alienation?"...but adds that she intends to go beyond them.

5. These young people are smart, upper-middle-class kids, with little real-world experience and even less in the way of serious education. One after another of them pronounces with an imperial air of authority on things about which they plainly know next to nothing. Their familiarity with history, literature, philosophy, or any other traditional field of learning is rudimentary at best. What they have is ideology and the jargon to go with it. And they have the arrogance of innocents who have no clue as to have very little they know.
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution."

a. "The result? Students who develop a suffocating sense of superiority, who pass judgment on authors as racist, sexist, capitalist, imperialist or homophobic before even reading their works. Political correctness is not designed to produce students who think for themselves, but, rather, cadres of self-absorbed reactionaries ready to take their orders from ‘the movement.’"
Pearcey, "Saving Leonardo," chapter eight.

b. One father, a professional film critic, found he could not understand his daughter’s film studies textbook, which was packed with Left-wing buzzwords, including “fibula,” and “syuzhet.” He asked her what they were. “They’re Russian formulist terms for ‘story’ and ‘plot.’”
“Why don’t they use ‘story’ and ‘plot’? “We’re not allowed to. If we do, they take points off our paper.”
From “Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology.” Lights, Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology. - Los Angeles Times

6. “What [American universities] need, and would much benefit from, is more Marxists, radicals, leftists — all terms conventionally applied to those who fight against exploitation, racism, sexism, and capitalism. We can never have too many of these, just as we can never have too few ‘conservatives’.”
- Grover Furr, professor and author of books and articles in Russian and English on Soviet history under the period of Joseph Stalin

In place of education, the Left has substituted politicization.
What they have produced is not a generation of educated thinkers, but a cadre
of robots who take their orders from the movement.

It's difficult to get through such nonsense. A bunch of edited quotes from over decades supposedly from people I never heard of without any links or evidence.

If you had gone to college you would know better than to make such a posting. It's amateur to the point of juvenile.

In fact, if there is a point buried there, it's buried much too deep.

I'm sure you're used to this "grade", but I will grade you anyway:


And how old are you ? and if your such a pup you do know how to use a search engine to find out if its the truth right?

Hey, that's my line. Do you know how hard it is to get a Republican to use Google? You know why? Because when I read their pathetic links, 90% of the time, it says the opposite of what they thought it said. I even tested that by posting links that I altered to say the opposite of what the article said and Republicans didn't even notice. Hilarious.

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