Ed Schultz The Joke


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Ed Schultz s Ratings Plummet as He Obsesses Over Climate Change
Ed is so fucking desperate for at least ten more viewers he'll say anything.
He was all for the XL pipeline until BOBO, for purely political reasons, put off making a decision.
Then BOBO out of desperation trying to 'rally the environmental base' is now all focused on 'Climate Change'. What does BOBO's fat ass licker Schultz do? Of course now he's doing whole shows on 'Climate Change'.
Note to you fuck-witt Ed. Next week BOBO will be 'focused' on 'Dental Health'. You better 'brush up' on the subject.
Oh ya. Tell those ass wipes who left tons of their fucking garbage after they had 'marched' to save the environment' to go back and clean it up!
Guys like Ed are charity cases for the networks that carry them. They are there to fill the niche left in the void that sane ideas cannot fulfill.
I DVR pumpkin head Ed every day. When that noggin finally does explode I wanna toast the event with a nice vodka and a good cigar.

Fine job fatso Eddie, skinny Al and the rest of the MSNBC hosts doing daily battle with CNN for ratings obscurity.

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