Economic Equality is Unjust

so is the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper.
That isn’t “unjust”, snowflake. That’s the direct result of the lazy and entitled mindset of the left.

Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t even have a college degree and he had 0 problem going “upward”. You’re inability to produce a desired good or service is your problem. Don’t blame your failures on society, Frankie.
I am happily retired, super duper.I'm talking about 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and cutting services for everyone else. That's how we got the worst upward Mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world. Of course You GOP dupes don't know about that, just all about phony scandals and bulshit.
And that is what a flat percentage does. Here, let me help you snowflake...

So, no regrets about lying? No regrets about demanding special deadbeat snowflake status? Expected.

Notice how one pays half a million while the other pays a paltry $5k even though both are paying the exact same rate? That’s how it works.

And as the rich guy gets far, far more back, he needs to pay more.

That’s why we use percentages in taxes.

That's a strong contender for this week's dumb-off. I mean, progressive tax brackets use percentages too.
As the rich person gets far, far more back, he should pay far more in.
Really? Does a wealthy person receive “more” defense than a poor person? Does a wealthy person receive “more” courts than a poor person? Does a wealthy person receive “more” paved roads than a poor person?

Do you realize what an absolute astounding idiot you sound like now, or should I keep going? :laugh:
Why do you expect everyone else to pay for your deadbeat lifestyle?’re the one who feels she is entitled to Bill Gates’ money. I advocate for Gates to keep his money. It’s his. He earned it.

Stop being a fuck’n parasite. You’re a burden to this great nation.
And the math just established that they are paying more when everyone pays the exact same rate. :lmao:

As you're plainly not bright enough to understand the topic, this is kind of pointless. The only thing you understand is "Mo fo me!".
Spoken like someone thoroughly defeated. The math doesn’t lie, sweetie. A wealthy person pays exponentially more than a poor person when everyone pays the same rate (as they should).
Really? Does a wealthy person receive “more” defense than a poor person? Does a wealthy person receive “more” courts than a poor person? Does a wealthy person receive “more” paved roads than a poor person?

Obvously yes, and only the most profoundly retarded would say otherwise.

Is the rich guy's business possible without any of those things?

Is his money protected without it?

Does he have any workers without it?

The rich guy gets far, far more back, thus he needs to pay more in. That's basic common sense and basic morality, so no wonder that the concept eludes you.
Question for mamooth: since every single American enjoys the same military defense, same roads & bridges, same courts, etc., why shouldn’t every American carry the same 10% burden? A low income individual owes their nation the same 10% as a high income individual. Any rational, reasonable person would grasp that reality.
Spoken like someone thoroughly defeated. The math doesn’t lie, sweetie. A wealthy person pays exponentially more than a poor person when everyone pays the same rate (as they should).

Deadbeat, I believe I just mentioned that crying won't convince people to allow you to mooch. So why are you still crying?

I need a term for a deadbeat snowflake to describe you. DeadFlake?
Really? Does a wealthy person receive “more” defense than a poor person? Does a wealthy person receive “more” courts than a poor person? Does a wealthy person receive “more” paved roads than a poor person?
Obvously yes, and only the most profoundly retarded would say otherwise.
So wait...the wealthy individual has more military defense? And they have more courts? And they have more roads & bridges? How does THAT work?!?

Spoken like someone thoroughly defeated. The math doesn’t lie, sweetie. A wealthy person pays exponentially more than a poor person when everyone pays the same rate (as they should).

Deadbeat, I believe I just mentioned that crying won't convince people to allow you to mooch. So why are you still crying?

I need a term for a deadbeat snowflake to describe you. DeadFlake?
I just love how Patirot wants everyone to pay the same but not earn the same...’re the one who feels she is entitled to Bill Gates’ money. I advocate for Gates to keep his money. It’s his. He earned it.

I just pointed out that you suck at a lying. You have never cared about anything except mo fo me.

So wait...the wealthy individual has more military defense? And they have more courts? And they have more roads & bridges? How does THAT work?!?

Those with a 3-digit IQ understand the different between "gets more benefit from" and "has more of." You don't, because you're kind of an imbecile. A delicate imbecile snowflake. An imbeflake.

Seriously, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups.
So wait...the wealthy individual has more military defense? And they have more courts? And they have more roads & bridges? How does THAT work?!?
Those with a 3-digit IQ understand the different between "gets more benefit from" and "has more of."
And you’re unable to articulate either. :lmao:

Please, tell us, how does a wealthy person “get more benefit” from the liberty provided by our military than a poor person.
It always comes down to the conflict that must exist between employer versus employee. Problem is this new generation of workers is ultra productive, rarely complaining, and employers have never had it so very easy to find high qualified hard working workers. This has to be the best workforce ever.
Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, strongly disagreed with you, and he endorsed progressive taxation. We liberals, of course, are the heirs of Adam Smith. Your brand of thinking is more like the Somalian government, or lack of it.
First of all...this has nothing to do with taxes. :eusa_doh:

Reading comprehension problem? Second, you’re inability to grasp basic math is tragic. We use a percentage of income because that is inherently “progressive”. A person making $1,000,000 per year will pay a shit-ton more in taxes than someone making $30,000 per year if both pay 10% in taxes. To insist that the person already paying way more should be punished with a higher rate on top of that is just flat out pure assholery. Only an envious little dick would advocate for something like that.
why is paying more taxes on more than a certain amount, a problem?

What can the rich really do with that wealth. The Poor have the law of large numbers on their side.

Increasing the minimum wage does more for our economy than tax cuts for the rich.

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