Earth to liberals


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Youre obsession about Russia is hilarious. We care about that as much as Trump grabbing pussies.....IE we dont, its all bullshit.

I saw this guy giving an interview where he was discussing the reaction to this piece.

He got flak from lefties who complained that as a straight white male he didn't understand how minorities felt about this election.

He's the only loon I've seen that has a grasp on the reality of the matter.

Trump is a douche. He's the world's richest professional clown, and he has no business in the WH.

Contrast him with hitlery and he becomes something better.

So far I can't say I'm even disappointed. Even the democrook GS Billionaires he has WORKING FOR HIM, are in positions of finance, and it's something they know about. If these billionaire democrooks are true believers in "wealth redistribution" like Bernie, they might actually do something effective to help poor people achieve independence.

I briefly held out hope the moonbat messiah would be the "outsider" he was sold as and hold government and bankers accountable for their incestuous corruptions.

Hell no...

He went there to get rich as fuck too. Funny thing is hitlery got richer as SoS than the meat puppet faggot could as POTUS.

So you don't care about a enemy of our country fucking with our elections? Insane.

Its all bullshit, especially if you go back to his comments about hillarys email, which was a joke, just like the left
Trump is a douche. He's the world's richest professional clown, and he has no business in the WH.
I am so sick of hearing you fake conservatarians pretend that you could do one fourth of what Trump has done in his life when you refer to him as a clown.

Prove you can do any better then run your pie hole, twat.
Trump is a douche. He's the world's richest professional clown, and he has no business in the WH.
I am so sick of hearing you fake conservatarians pretend that you could do one fourth of what Trump has done in his life when you refer to him as a clown.

Prove you can do any better then run your pie hole, twat.

With all due respect, assuming there is any.... Trump NEVER WAS, and is NOT a CONSERVATIVE. He isn't a libturd either, which makes him a human being at least.

I might be delighted beyond words that hitlery lost. If the PEOTUS was an otter I would be just as delighted. Maybe more so...

Hitlery was utterly awful. She represented the end.

So I am willing to give Trump a chance. I'll defend him against liberal attacks as far as he deserves it, support his picks even if I'm not impressed with them and encourage others to be open minded.

That takes nothing away from the fact I don't believe our PEOTUS is a reality show clown who gets into dick swinging contests on twitter. What's next? Kanye?

So before you try shoving a foot in my ass, consider the possibility that all of us who oppose regressive globalism should not march in lock step and parrot reassuring bullshit at each other. That's what libturds do, and that's why they're at the bottom of political influence right now. We need to be unified as best we can on policy, not in a cult of personality.

We should be Trumps most significant critics, not his zealots.
So you don't care about a enemy of our country fucking with our elections? Insane.

What country are you from?



He has been trying without success to get a job on the Federal Tit for years.

Every post he makes is in part to lobby for more money for infrastructure and that he can suckle.

Couldn't land one under Obama...which was surely his best shot...but blamed Republicans for not handing out enough money to get him to the Federal trough.
With all due respect, assuming there is any.... Trump NEVER WAS, and is NOT a CONSERVATIVE. He isn't a libturd either, which makes him a human being at least.
Trump is pro-gun, pro-military, anti-Crusader, pro-life, and pro-America and pro America workers.

IF that isnt conservative then shit on conservative. I am whatever the hell Trump is.

That takes nothing away from the fact I don't believe our PEOTUS is a reality show clown....

Well if you dont believe it stop saying it, twit.

So before you try shoving a foot in my ass, consider the possibility that all of us who oppose regressive globalism should not march in lock step and parrot reassuring bullshit at each other.

We should oppose regressive globalism, progressive globalism, and any other kind of globalism that does not respect NATIONALISM, especially AMERICAN nationalism.

And we should also oppose multinational corporations trying to set up a feudalistic system of anarchy, weak central states and jungle economics that reduces the entire working population to serfdom.

We should be Trumps most significant critics, not his zealots.

I am critical of Trump, but I also respect the man for his accomplishments too.

When you take gratuitous pot shots at him I doubt anyone thinks it is anything other than you kissing some liberal ass.
Trump is a douche. He's the world's richest professional clown, and he has no business in the WH.
I am so sick of hearing you fake conservatarians pretend that you could do one fourth of what Trump has done in his life when you refer to him as a clown.

Prove you can do any better then run your pie hole, twat.

With all due respect, assuming there is any.... Trump NEVER WAS, and is NOT a CONSERVATIVE. He isn't a libturd either, which makes him a human being at least.

I might be delighted beyond words that hitlery lost. If the PEOTUS was an otter I would be just as delighted. Maybe more so...

Hitlery was utterly awful. She represented the end.

So I am willing to give Trump a chance. I'll defend him against liberal attacks as far as he deserves it, support his picks even if I'm not impressed with them and encourage others to be open minded.

That takes nothing away from the fact I don't believe our PEOTUS is a reality show clown who gets into dick swinging contests on twitter. What's next? Kanye?

So before you try shoving a foot in my ass, consider the possibility that all of us who oppose regressive globalism should not march in lock step and parrot reassuring bullshit at each other. That's what libturds do, and that's why they're at the bottom of political influence right now. We need to be unified as best we can on policy, not in a cult of personality.

We should be Trumps most significant critics, not his zealots.

Pete I love your posts, but how is Trump not conservative?
His policies and appointments are very conservative. He may have been a democrat, but it was in the past.
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I am critical of Trump, but I also respect the man for his accomplishments too.

When you take gratuitous pot shots at him I doubt anyone thinks it is anything other than you kissing some liberal ass.

You did not get my context, but that's not important.

I was illustrating the fact that I did not start out supporting him, at a point I vehemently opposed him in fact. He ended up the GOP nom much to my disappointment and right up until the 1st of Nov I was preparing for a hitlery admin.

In other words there were no primers or powder on shelves if I could afford to leave them behind.

For whatever reason I opened up to the possibility he might actually WANT to win and that he could. He did. I revel in it.

The bottom line is that I'm still going to be critical of him. He actually hasn't picked anyone who bothers me... EVEN that democrook Treasury Sec. is OK. So far he's doing great as a PEOTUS.

You're the first person in my life to accuse me of kissing libturd ass. I shall endeavor to be meaner to them.

Pete I love your posts, but how is Trump not conservative?
His policies and appointments are very conservative. He may have been a democrat, but it was in the past.

That is the crux of the matter, he WAS a democrook, or at least there were enough sound bites and quotes to really turn me against him, distrust his motivations. All of his acts as PEOTUS have relieved my suspicions.

I'm still going to make fun of him. I still consider him to be the world's richest professional clown. That's not really a knock against him. Ever see an upper middle class professional clown?

So I believe you're correct that he has "evolved" on some issues, and that most of his picks are indeed good. I just don't want myself, or the rest of the resistance to get complacent again. We got complacent under Bush, look what happened.


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