Early Childhood Education bull shit again.

All four children of this repuke ugly ass had early childhood education. Believe me, each of them are of much more sound mind than yourself.

Brotch. :slap:

I don't know about that, H. but early childhood ed makes a huge difference. it just does.... it's proven in study after study.
Never mind that study after study shows the opposite.
It isn't that you dont know anything. OK, yes it is that you dont know anyhting.

That is false. But feel free to post something credible on the subject.
That is false. But feel free to post something credible on the subject.

Here you go, form the institution that runs Head Start.

“No significant impacts were found for math skills, pre-writing, children’s promotion, or teacher report of children’s school accomplishments or abilities in any year,”

A couple of studies for your reading pleasure;

Can We Be Hard-Headed About Preschool? A Look at Head Start
Longer Term Effects of Head Start, Printeton University
Is Head Start Working for American Students?

And finally the HHS study on the overall effectiveness of the program.

Head Start Research, Department of Health and Human Services
That is false. But feel free to post something credible on the subject.

here you go... from the national education association...

Long-Term Benefits of Early Childhood Education

Research shows that providing a high quality education for children before they turn five yields significant long-term benefits.

NEA - Early Childhood Education
That is false. But feel free to post something credible on the subject.

Here you go, form the institution that runs Head Start.

“No significant impacts were found for math skills, pre-writing, children’s promotion, or teacher report of children’s school accomplishments or abilities in any year,”

A couple of studies for your reading pleasure;

Can We Be Hard-Headed About Preschool? A Look at Head Start
Longer Term Effects of Head Start, Printeton University
Is Head Start Working for American Students?

And finally the HHS study on the overall effectiveness of the program.

Head Start Research, Department of Health and Human Services
That must be biased. And racist.
All four children of this repuke ugly ass had early childhood education. Believe me, each of them are of much more sound mind than yourself.

Brotch. :slap:

I don't know about that, H. but early childhood ed makes a huge difference. it just does.... it's proven in study after study.
Never mind that study after study shows the opposite.
It isn't that you dont know anything. OK, yes it is that you dont know anyhting.

That is false. But feel free to post something credible on the subject.
Do you ever tire of being wrong? Are you ever embarassed that your knowledge base is so bad?
Go read that article she posted. Jesus Christ. They're basing the majority of their opinion off of a study from the 60's. Then...this is the funniest part another part of the article shows support from some Economist. Well the economist analyzes the same study from the 60's and says ECE is great because of the return on investment is 12%. But when you look at his numbers, he bases the conclusion off of 1960 dollars. Goddamn it, why can stuff like this be bandied about as some sort of "research" or proof of anything?

AND it's from the NEA.

“When school children start paying union dues, that 's when I'll start representing the interests of school children.”
Republican's want more early childhood education? That's a new one. The last person really pushing for that stuff was the Menace to All Ciggy Sellers and noted turner of lesbians Mayor Deblasio.

Doctors, most of whom are Democrats btw... are against "Early Childhood Education".
Are you off your meds or always this irrational?
The only one who needs meds is somebody that would send their 2 year old kids off to a daycare center before the gap in their skull is even closed up, before they respond smartly their name, before they know their parents, before they can form complete sentences or say more than a handful of words correctly.
All that stuff is the parents job not a teacher's job.

The teacher is an educator, not the kid's parent.
Your for sure are not a parent,young children have a huge capacity to learn even at 2 ,parents are a child primary educators,try again,only much harder

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