E-Tech is the New Fascism


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Once a platform has 80%+ of the media of that type cornered, it is a monopoly and needs to be broken uip like Ma Bell was broken up.

This is the kind of bullshit that happens if you let them continue their monopolistic practices.

Delingpole: Silicon Valley Is Killing Free Speech. Only One Man Can Save Us Now...

Everyone on the right knows better because they have all experienced at first hand what it’s like to live in a culture where you cannot speak your mind without being punished for it.

Sometimes – speaking up for Brexit or Donald Trump at a London dinner party, say – it merely leads to social ostracism; or losing friends who probably never deserved to have you as a friend anyway.

Too often, though, the consequences are far more serious than that: loss of work; denial of promotion; the destruction of your business or your income stream; a full scale social media bullying campaign orchestrated by the SJW hate mob followed by the curtailment of your career; police investigation; even arrest and imprisonment.

But it’s not just individual freedoms which suffer; the very future of Western liberal democracy is at stake here, as governments start copying the tactics of totalitarian states by using censorship to silence voices which dissent from their preferred progressive narrative.

If you want an insight into just how bad the problem has got and why it urgently needs addressing, I strongly recommend you listen to my podcast with Ezra Levant.....

What he told me about the censorship he has experienced from Silicon Valley – aka San Francisco: “the most left wing city in the U.S.” – didn’t surprise me but it did shock me.

He described how YouTube, for no clear reason, demonetized his Rebel Media content.

This capricious decision could have killed his company. In 2017, YouTube advertising was generating $1 million a year for RebelMedia. Then: nada.

Businesses live or die by the market and rightly so: it’s the most efficient and fair way to ensure that scarce resources are allocated towards services and products that people most want.

But Rebel Media wasn’t being punished by the market for failure: on the contrary, it was clearly creating product that many people like to see, otherwise it wouldn’t have made that million bucks in advertising....

No, it was simply being punished by the left-liberal commissars who police YouTube for having the ‘wrong’ kind of politics.

Young Turks don’t get demonetized for talking politics; Eminem doesn’t get demonetized when he makes second-rate rap songs full of sophomoric attacks on President Trump.

You only get demonetized if you contradict Silicon Valley’s left-liberal narrative.

Given that free speech is one of the bedrocks of liberal democracy, how can any industry be allowed to wield such power that it is able to censor the views held by perhaps half the population?​
Facebook Suspends Alex Jones for 'Hate Speech' Days After Execs Said It Wouldn't | Breitbart

Facebook has suspended InfoWars host Alex Jones for 30 days, citing a violation of their community standards on “bullying” and “hate speech.” The suspension came just days after company executives claimed that they would not remove Jones from the platform in an effort to balance “free expression and safety.”
“Our Community Standards make it clear that we prohibit content that encourages physical harm [bullying], or attacks someone based on their religious affiliation or gender identity [hate speech],” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement about Jones’ suspension.

In this latest case, Facebook has removed four videos from both InfoWars and Alex Jones’s public page, which a combined total over 2.5 million followers, while the suspension means page administrators will be unable to post content for the next 30 days. Confusingly, the suspension is only of Alex Jones himself, meaning InfoWars employees can still post content on his page and continue to do so as of this article.

But the suspension comes just several days after Facebook executives defended InfoWars and Alex Jones’ place on the platform at a presentation when critics questioned why the social media Masters of the Universe allow InfoWars and Fox News on its site at all. According to Deadline:

Facebook Product VP Fidji Simo echoed CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s careful language about the site’s handling of InfoWars, saying the social media site attempts to find the balance between free expression and safety of its 2 billion users.

“What we’re trying to do is make it so that, if you are saying something that is untrue, you’re allowed to say it, as long as you an authentic person,” Simo said. “We try to make it so that it doesn’t get much distribution.”

The suspension comes a day after YouTube suspended live broadcasts from Jones’s InfoWars channel, claiming they had violated the service’s policies against hate speech and graphic content.

“We apply our policies consistently according to the content in the videos, regardless of the speaker or the channel,” a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement Wednesday. “We also have a clear three strikes policy and we terminate channels when they receive three strikes in three months.”

Left-wing outlets such as have stepped up efforts to censor the channel from social media in recent months on the grounds that it spreads conspiracy theories and “fake news.”

Earlier this month, CNN’s ‘Senior Media Reporter’ Oliver Darcy actively lobbied Facebook to remove InfoWars from its platform, claiming that the site is “notorious for spreading demonstrably false information and conspiracy theories on a host of issues.”​

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