Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

Charles Manson was a liberal. So was Stalin.

Manson wanted to start a race war, like Dylann Roof, notorious conservative mass murderer.
Is there any likelihood that a rational person would follow his insanity? No.
Millions of Christian German conservatives followed Hitler's insanity so why not. Before you start in about the NAZI's being socialists, as implied by the name, consider that most Germans probably were probably not members of the Nazi Party. However, they shared the Nazi ideology and strong SOCIAL CONSERVATISM in regards to the Jews and other so-called non-Aryans.

Manson, Like Roof, embrace Nazi symbols and regalia because that is what galvanizes their social conservatism. Can a person who is both an atheist and a hedonist be a social conservative? That paradox seems to be quite common among poor white trash who overwhelmingly identify themselves as "conservatives.' German Christians did the same thing when economic constraints and austerity, imposed by having to pay war reparations, brought the country to the brink of despair.
Suddenly, socialism and "conservatism" melded in a homogenous society where all the "aliens' were politically, socially and
physically neutralized. Notably, Nazism was not Communism. The former promised Shangri-La for "White Aryans" where the rest of humanity would serve them as slaves or be eliminated. Soviet Communism differed in that all adherents would be slaves of the state, including White people.

The nazi leaders were socialists...they were atheists and pagans....they created the death camps, not the secular Germans who had stopped being very religious by then....no...nazism wasn't communism because communism believes in international socialism while the german national socialists only wanted socialism in Germany....

manson was a social conserative...really? do even you left wingers believe that.....?
Within the last few hours someone found this little monster's manifesto.


Read it and weep, it sounds so similar to the same bullshit we have heard here everyday from our overtly racist posters I wonder if he was among us.

An opening paragraph:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?


Read it and weep, this little waste of flesh was the worst kind of conservative and he found all the moral support he needed in the pages of conservative blogs. On a related note, the conservative group he mentioned is in the process of scrubbing their site.

Within the last few hours someone found this little monster's manifesto.


Read it and weep, it sounds so similar to the same bullshit we have heard here everyday from our overtly racist posters I wonder if he was among us.

An opening paragraph:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?


Read it and weep, this little waste of flesh was the worst kind of conservative and he found all the moral support he needed in the pages of conservative blogs. On a related note, the conservative group he mentioned is in the process of scrubbing their site.


Dickhead...let me explain something to you. There are a lot of racist people in this country. Some on the left, some on the right. The notable quality about DR is not that he is a racist...like I said there are a lot of racists...the thing that makes DR different is he is a psychopathic murder...his mental condition is was made him so dangerous. That's not to say racist people are good people or anything, but most of them won't go into a church and randomly shoot people.

The entire democrat party is made up of racist groups...openly racist groups...la raza, the nation of islam, the naacp, the southern poverty law center and they honor the old white racists like j. william fulbright, al gore senior, and robert byrd....

there are far more racists on the left than in the conservative/libertarian/tea party movements........look at the cities controlled by the democrats...they scream racism....chicago, detroit, D.C., L.A., New Orleans.....all run by democrats....
Honkies have Aryan Power, White Supremacist, KKK, Red Hat club and religious organizations which exclude anyone not white...
What religious organization exclude anyone not white? Are they part of the GOP?
No. Democrats embrace racism in the black community. Dems are the real racists inAmerica.

How many whites are in the Congressional Black Caucus...? or the democrat party ally The Nation of Islam....? How many whites are in the democrat supported, and democrat ally the New Black Panther Party?

Or Jews....or Asians...of Hispanics..........

Are there any whites, at all, in those democrat supporting organizations...?

The democrat party is the past and present home of all racists...of all colors.....

The democrat party is the past and present home of all racists...of all colors? Surely you aren't that brainwashed. Have you been hypnotized or something? You keep repeating the same unsubstantiated BS over and over eventually some weak minded idiots will start to believe it. It worked on you!

How many NOI have randomly attacked or killed members of other racial groups for political and social ends?

How man Black Panthers have lynched anyone, blown up churches or randomly killed for political or social ends?

White Democrats or Republicans didn't , until the KKK was sued out of existence, do a very good job of protecting blacks from White violence; so, groups like NOI and the BP Party took up the initiative to at least defend themselves and other blacks as much as possible.
Whites have always had autonomy and cohesion in racial matters, Black militants felt that they needed at least some aspects of that too for their own safety! Most Blacks, however, put their trust in God and hoped that He would fight their battles. Has He? You be the judge, for now.

These could be Republicans, depending on what year it is!

But regardless of party affiliation, they are definitely CONSERVATIVES
Charles Manson was a liberal. So was Stalin.

Manson wanted to start a race war, like Dylann Roof, notorious conservative mass murderer.
Is there any likelihood that a rational person would follow his insanity? No.
Millions of Christian German conservatives followed Hitler's insanity so why not. Before you start in about the NAZI's being socialists, as implied by the name, consider that most Germans probably were probably not members of the Nazi Party. However, they shared the Nazi ideology and strong SOCIAL CONSERVATISM in regards to the Jews and other so-called non-Aryans.

Manson, Like Roof, embrace Nazi symbols and regalia because that is what galvanizes their social conservatism. Can a person who is both an atheist and a hedonist be a social conservative? That paradox seems to be quite common among poor white trash who overwhelmingly identify themselves as "conservatives.' German Christians did the same thing when economic constraints and austerity, imposed by having to pay war reparations, brought the country to the brink of despair.
Suddenly, socialism and "conservatism" melded in a homogenous society where all the "aliens' were politically, socially and
physically neutralized. Notably, Nazism was not Communism. The former promised Shangri-La for "White Aryans" where the rest of humanity would serve them as slaves or be eliminated. Soviet Communism differed in that all adherents would be slaves of the state, including White people.

The nazi leaders were socialists...they were atheists and pagans....they created the death camps, not the secular Germans who had stopped being very religious by then....no...nazism wasn't communism because communism believes in international socialism while the german national socialists only wanted socialism in Germany....

manson was a social conserative...really? do even you left wingers believe that.....?
Hitler was raised Catholic, was in the choir, and even used God's name, invoking it in his speeches to the Germans to bolster their resolve...
Within the last few hours someone found this little monster's manifesto.


Read it and weep, it sounds so similar to the same bullshit we have heard here everyday from our overtly racist posters I wonder if he was among us.

An opening paragraph:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?


Read it and weep, this little waste of flesh was the worst kind of conservative and he found all the moral support he needed in the pages of conservative blogs. On a related note, the conservative group he mentioned is in the process of scrubbing their site.


Sounds like a liberal to me since they're the ones who have been responsible for all these mass shootings the last few years.

These could be Republicans, depending on what year it is!

But regardless of party affiliation, they are definitely CONSERVATIVES

Nope, dems are still the party of segregation and slavery. They're still divisive as ever.

Can you imagine the audacity to nominate and elect a black president twice...[the nerve, honey chile'.] That was SOOOO divisive, no one can even quantify it, eh? The GOP would NEVAH have done something so divisive, RIGHT?
I'd have had no problem voting for Colin Powell, Condi Rice, or several other black Republicans.

Would you have voted for them?
Charles Manson was a liberal. So was Stalin.

Manson wanted to start a race war, like Dylann Roof, notorious conservative mass murderer.
Is there any likelihood that a rational person would follow his insanity? No.
Millions of Christian German conservatives followed Hitler's insanity so why not. Before you start in about the NAZI's being socialists, as implied by the name, consider that most Germans probably were probably not members of the Nazi Party. However, they shared the Nazi ideology and strong SOCIAL CONSERVATISM in regards to the Jews and other so-called non-Aryans.

Manson, Like Roof, embrace Nazi symbols and regalia because that is what galvanizes their social conservatism. Can a person who is both an atheist and a hedonist be a social conservative? That paradox seems to be quite common among poor white trash who overwhelmingly identify themselves as "conservatives.' German Christians did the same thing when economic constraints and austerity, imposed by having to pay war reparations, brought the country to the brink of despair.
Suddenly, socialism and "conservatism" melded in a homogenous society where all the "aliens' were politically, socially and
physically neutralized. Notably, Nazism was not Communism. The former promised Shangri-La for "White Aryans" where the rest of humanity would serve them as slaves or be eliminated. Soviet Communism differed in that all adherents would be slaves of the state, including White people.

The nazi leaders were socialists...they were atheists and pagans....they created the death camps, not the secular Germans who had stopped being very religious by then....no...nazism wasn't communism because communism believes in international socialism while the german national socialists only wanted socialism in Germany....

manson was a social conserative...really? do even you left wingers believe that.....?

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!


Obama says to Christians Get off your high horse you used to kill people too Page 39 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'd have had no problem voting for Colin Powell, Condi Rice, or several other black Republicans.

Would you have voted for them?

What makes them any different than those Black Christian conservatives murdered by Daryl Roof or even Obama? Does being a Democrat make one less conservative on some key issues? Colin Powell, expressed gratitude for Affirmative Action and cited it as the boost he needed to succeed. Does that liberal thought diminish his conservatism overall enough to make you reconsider voting for him? I would vote for him because of his military experience, his high morality, as well as his courageous political stance on Affirmative Action.

Condi?...No, She is such a shill of tokenism. I find her phony.

Herman Cain? NO.... The content of his character is questionable as is that of Col. West!
Within the last few hours someone found this little monster's manifesto.


Read it and weep, it sounds so similar to the same bullshit we have heard here everyday from our overtly racist posters I wonder if he was among us.

An opening paragraph:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?


Read it and weep, this little waste of flesh was the worst kind of conservative and he found all the moral support he needed in the pages of conservative blogs. On a related note, the conservative group he mentioned is in the process of scrubbing their site.

So what? And why the fuck would you immortalize him by reposting his bullshit & propaganda?
I bet he ate cheeseburgers too. I'm thinking we should now lump in all the people who eat cheeseburgers with him. I mean they all clearly think alike.....

You don't like Condi, but not because she's black, you don't like West, but not because he's black,
you don't like Colin, but not because he's black.

You don't like them because of their polices.

The same reason I don't like Obama.

But you 'people' on the Left can't understand that..

You've been told we don't like Obama because he's black.

and you're fools enough to believe it.

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