Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

I agree that Roof was a conservative. I fail to see why that matters, particularly when you consider some of the last several mass shooters turned out to be leftist weirdos and all of you went ape shit saying it was irrelevant. So congratulations, you folks finally have your conservative whack job shooter after trying to pin these on conservatives for the last six or seven mass shootings to no avail.


Yet... there is nothing remotely 'conservative' about Roof.

I'd love to hear what conservative principles for which Roof is known to have advocated...

Here he is burning the American Standard...


Here is Roof stomping on the American Standard...


Now, where in Conservative Principle, does one find room for such dishonorable, anti-American behavior?

Bingo. This guy was no "conservative" in any normal sense of the word. And, pray tell, who are the other people who often burn American flags? They're called LIBERALS.
Roof was an evil, mentally disturbed, depressed young man who happened to have conservative political views on many issues.

Adolf Hitler was a devout believer in Darwinian evolution, a staunch enemy of Christianity, a believer in government control of the economy, an advocate of wage and price controls, pro-choice (except for "Aryan" women), etc., etc.

It really is obscene the way liberals have tried to associate Republican ideology with Dylan Roof.

What are these conservative views that Roof is said to have?

Is anyone able to specify these would-be 'conservative ideas'? Which have been vetted beyond some scrawl written on facebook?

I had a friend who's nephew thanked his Father on Facebook yesterday... For all manner of noteworthy things that Dad was to have trained him up with.

His Dad does not own a computer, his phone is capable of calling anywhere in the world, but can't receive so much as a text, let alone an email... point being there was NO CHANCE his Dad was going to read that "Thank You", thus the Facebook message was NOT intended for his Father; who did not receive a phone call, or a visit from his son... the message was a facade, for the 'friends' to see him thanking his father... .

Meaning that it was a LIE... a deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

So... the Facebook posts are WORTHLESS in terms of determining what someone stands for... They are however extremely valuable in determining what it is that people WANT OTHERS TO BELIEVE that they stand for.
First: Define "Conservative".

(Reader, I set that challenge, so that the above respondent can prove their own deceit. Enjoy...)

Are you talking to yourself or are you appealing for help from other readers?

Look up conservative in the dictionary if you need a definition. I dont do work you can do yourself.

Thank you. That is all I was seeking.

And I want you to know that I could not have found it, without YOU!
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First: Define "Conservative".

(Reader, I set that challenge, so that the above respondent can prove their own deceit. Enjoy...)

Are you talking to yourself or are you appealing for help from other readers?

Look up conservative in the dictionary if you need a definition. I dont do work you can do yourself.

Thank you. That is all I was seeking.

And I want you to know that I could not have found it, without YOU!
No problem. Next time dont be lazy. :laugh:
I'd love to hear what conservative principles for which Roof is known to have advocated...

Here he is burning the American Standard...


Here is Roof stomping on the American Standard...


Bingo. This guy was no "conservative" in any normal sense of the word. And, pray tell, who are the other people who often burn American flags? They're called LIBERALS.

Well his black friend said his attacking the church was a last minute change of plans from his previous longstanding plans to attack the university campus...of predominantly white kids as I understand it. So? There's all kinds of fishy smells coming out of this "racist motivation" crime..
Wrong. All it indicates is that he's a racist. I asked you to quote something that proved he was conservative because I know the forum would be rolling on the floor laughing.

Just admit it, coward, you can't quote a single thing that proves he's conservative.
He was under the tutelage of the losers at the CCC. You do realize the word "conservative" is in their name correct? I knew you were a dumbass but come on now! :laugh:

"Under the tutelage?" So anyone who visits a conservative website is automatically a conservative? I've visited the American Communist Party website. Does that make me a communist?

Just admit that you don't have a shred of proof that he's a conservative.
Just admit you didnt read the link because you cant read very well.

First: Define "Conservative".

(Reader, I set that challenge, so that the above respondent can prove their own deceit. Enjoy...)
Are you talking to yourself or are you appealing for help from other readers?

Look up conservative in the dictionary if you need a definition. I dont do work you can do yourself.

ROFL! Look at the big coward run away!

Pock, Pock Pock Poooooock!
I agree that Roof was a conservative. I fail to see why that matters, particularly when you consider some of the last several mass shooters turned out to be leftist weirdos and all of you went ape shit saying it was irrelevant. So congratulations, you folks finally have your conservative whack job shooter after trying to pin these on conservatives for the last six or seven mass shootings to no avail.


Yet... there is nothing remotely 'conservative' about Roof.

I'd love to hear what conservative principles for which Roof is known to have advocated...

Here he is burning the American Standard...


Here is Roof stomping on the American Standard...


Now, where in Conservative Principle, does one find room for such dishonorable, anti-American behavior?

Bingo. This guy was no "conservative" in any normal sense of the word. And, pray tell, who are the other people who often burn American flags? They're called LIBERALS.

He was no liberal. Liberals don't obsess themselves with Confederate icons. Racists and southern conservatives do!

Although he was photographed burning a US Flag, I have seen no clues as to why.I suspect he was just a rebellious boring dork looking for attention. I must confess; suspicion stops where his racism begins. Now we are getting into more dangerous territory.The time that photograph was taken might be relevant too. Was he 15 or 21 when that flag burning photo was taken? That is significant. If he burned the flag at 15, that does not necessarily mean he would turn out to be a "liberal" adult at 21.

The alleged "liberalism" of burning the flag has morphed into what appears to be conservative inspired racism.
When the pusillanimous young fool's mind was obviously poisoned by the visuals and narratives of the CCC ( Conservative Citizens' Council) and other racist groups. Dylann Root finally had a sense of belonging and the intoxicating creed of the CCC took root in his mind and became the focus of his hate.

I can't say prescription drugs were the catalyst for Dylanns newfound focus. There has been no reports that drugs were in his system at all. Even though some were found on his person that doesn't mean he was actually taking them. I'll go along, for the sake of convenience and say that he might have been under the influence of his medication but I don't see how that would restrict his violence to blacks in a church! Why didn't he just start killing anyone near him, white or black?


I have heard two stories about this this nut came into possession of a gun. One scenario indicates he, a stupid looking kid, purchased the weapon himself along with multiple magazines and lots of ammunition. (That didn't alarm the seller or anyone else.) The second story suggests the gun was given to him as a present. Well, OK! Didn't the giver know the nerd was on meds that could make him violent? And did the giver also supply him with all those magazines and ammo?


I suspect right wing influence is more culpable in this affair than we know. This maniac began to identify with White Supremacy groups who themselves identify as conservatives.He even displays the icon of White Supremacy conservatism: the Rebel/Confederate battle flag. He is as conservative as the KKK and all the other republican aligned hate groups say they are. There is your answer.... ask the grand dragon of the KKK if he is conservative or liberal.
[ ...I suspect right wing influence is more culpable in this affair than we know...

Ultra Right-Wing groups are every bit as dangerous as Ultra Left-Wing groups.

...He is as conservative as the KKK and all the other republican aligned hate groups say they are...
All the other Republican -aligned hate groups?

You must be mistaken.

The Republican Party is not a wellspring of hatred.

It is every bit as honorable as the Democratic Party.

It is true, that Ultra Right-Wing hate-groups are more likely to vote Republican than they are Democrat.

But that is merely attributable to which side of the aisle that they stand upon.

In the case of Right-Wing hate groups, they are the fringe of the very large crowd that stands to right-of-center.

No different in their extremism than Communists and some other Progressives who occupy the fringes of the very large crowd that stands to left-of-center.

Folks who would have rule-by-leftist-autocracy (Executive Orders and the like) or hyperactive gun-grabbers or hyperactive reverse-racists and race-card players, etc.

The hyper-Right is both dangerous and ugly, in its own way.

The hyper-Left is both dangerous and ugly, in its own way.

Same-same, when you get right down to where the bear shits in the woods... they both advocate for restraints upon Liberty, in the name of their vision... they just manifest different symptoms of the same sickness.
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So because the drug addled racist piece of shit mass murderer visited a conservative web site it means he's a conservative according to the whacked out liberals at USMB.

Okey dokey. Following this type of insane progressive logic I can now claim that without a doubt that everyone that attends Gold's Gym is a drug addled racist piece of shit who wants to commit a mass murder in a historical black southern church.


You libs are really showing your asshole stripes big time over this.


Yuppers. This racist creep loves Gold's Gym. So Gold's Gym must be loaded with racists.

I agree. Seems the lefty's on this board are more concerned with him being a conservative and a racist than they are with nine dead people.

The have their priorities in order. Yes Indeedy.
So because the drug addled racist piece of shit mass murderer visited a conservative web site it means he's a conservative according to the whacked out liberals at USMB.

Okey dokey. Following this type of insane progressive logic I can now claim that without a doubt that everyone that attends Gold's Gym is a drug addled racist piece of shit who wants to commit a mass murder in a historical black southern church.


You libs are really showing your asshole stripes big time over this.


Yuppers. This racist creep loves Gold's Gym. So Gold's Gym must be loaded with racists.

I agree. Seems the lefty's on this board are more concerned with him being a conservative and a racist than they are with nine dead people.

The have their priorities in order. Yes Indeedy.
On that same note, it seems most conservatives are frozen in a dilemma if they should disown the southern confederate/racist element they count on come election time.
LMAO That's your take on it bucko. I'm a fiscal conservative and I could give shit one what his motivations were.

He killed nine people that all the facts I need to know. Unlike an idiot like you who's only concern is that you think he's a racist and you also think he's a conservative and you paint all conservatives with that broad brush of yours.

As for election time? Wonder how many socialist vote your way?? Your a fucking biased idiot.
Within the last few hours someone found this little monster's manifesto.


Read it and weep, it sounds so similar to the same bullshit we have heard here everyday from our overtly racist posters I wonder if he was among us.

An opening paragraph:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?


Read it and weep, this little waste of flesh was the worst kind of conservative and he found all the moral support he needed in the pages of conservative blogs. On a related note, the conservative group he mentioned is in the process of scrubbing their site.

Perfect example of why Obama is using Al Sharpton and the media to foment racial divisions. It causes idiots like this guy to go over the edge. This has been the plan all along. The false rhetoric surrounding Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown was intended to cause idiots on both sides to commit silly irrational acts of violence.

I also noticed the useless acts of liberals.....blaming the confederate flag for this random act of violence. I see Marigolds, Begonias, and Daisies in this picture as well. I believe these flowers helped push this creep over the edge. Marigolds, Begonias, and Daises are hateful and must be banned from public display.
So because the drug addled racist piece of shit mass murderer visited a conservative web site it means he's a conservative according to the whacked out liberals at USMB.

Okey dokey. Following this type of insane progressive logic I can now claim that without a doubt that everyone that attends Gold's Gym is a drug addled racist piece of shit who wants to commit a mass murder in a historical black southern church.


You libs are really showing your asshole stripes big time over this.


Yuppers. This racist creep loves Gold's Gym. So Gold's Gym must be loaded with racists.

I agree. Seems the lefty's on this board are more concerned with him being a conservative and a racist than they are with nine dead people.

The have their priorities in order. Yes Indeedy.
On that same note, it seems most conservatives are frozen in a dilemma if they should disown the southern confederate/racist element they count on come election time.
You're confusing Southern Democrats with Republicans.

The only fuckers in the South whistling Dixie are the Blue Blood Democrats who to this day still vote Democrat because everybody in their family has always voted Democrat.
I'd love to hear what conservative principles for which Roof is known to have advocated...

Here he is burning the American Standard...


Here is Roof stomping on the American Standard...


Bingo. This guy was no "conservative" in any normal sense of the word. And, pray tell, who are the other people who often burn American flags? They're called LIBERALS.

Well his black friend said his attacking the church was a last minute change of plans from his previous longstanding plans to attack the university campus...of predominantly white kids as I understand it. So? There's all kinds of fishy smells coming out of this "racist motivation" crime..

Attack a university? An institution that to conservatives is almost invariably a symbol of everything they hate about liberalism?

Well, that's more proof he was a conservative.
So because the drug addled racist piece of shit mass murderer visited a conservative web site it means he's a conservative according to the whacked out liberals at USMB.

Okey dokey. Following this type of insane progressive logic I can now claim that without a doubt that everyone that attends Gold's Gym is a drug addled racist piece of shit who wants to commit a mass murder in a historical black southern church.


You libs are really showing your asshole stripes big time over this.


Yuppers. This racist creep loves Gold's Gym. So Gold's Gym must be loaded with racists.

I agree. Seems the lefty's on this board are more concerned with him being a conservative and a racist than they are with nine dead people.

The have their priorities in order. Yes Indeedy.
On that same note, it seems most conservatives are frozen in a dilemma if they should disown the southern confederate/racist element they count on come election time.
You're confusing Southern Democrats with Republicans.

The only fuckers in the South whistling Dixie are the Blue Blood Democrats who to this day still vote Democrat because everybody in their family has always voted Democrat.
I live down here in the south and you are full of shit. I know who's who and how they vote. The dixiecrat ceased to exist about the time RR and the moral majority came about.
So because the drug addled racist piece of shit mass murderer visited a conservative web site it means he's a conservative according to the whacked out liberals at USMB.

Okey dokey. Following this type of insane progressive logic I can now claim that without a doubt that everyone that attends Gold's Gym is a drug addled racist piece of shit who wants to commit a mass murder in a historical black southern church.


You libs are really showing your asshole stripes big time over this.


Yuppers. This racist creep loves Gold's Gym. So Gold's Gym must be loaded with racists.

I agree. Seems the lefty's on this board are more concerned with him being a conservative and a racist than they are with nine dead people.

The have their priorities in order. Yes Indeedy.
On that same note, it seems most conservatives are frozen in a dilemma if they should disown the southern confederate/racist element they count on come election time.
You're confusing Southern Democrats with Republicans.

The only fuckers in the South whistling Dixie are the Blue Blood Democrats who to this day still vote Democrat because everybody in their family has always voted Democrat.
I live down here in the south and you are full of shit. I know who's who and how they vote. The dixiecrat ceased to exist about the time RR and the moral majority came about.

I live in the South as well and your still full of shit and a biased idiot to boot.
So because the drug addled racist piece of shit mass murderer visited a conservative web site it means he's a conservative according to the whacked out liberals at USMB.

Okey dokey. Following this type of insane progressive logic I can now claim that without a doubt that everyone that attends Gold's Gym is a drug addled racist piece of shit who wants to commit a mass murder in a historical black southern church.


You libs are really showing your asshole stripes big time over this.


Yuppers. This racist creep loves Gold's Gym. So Gold's Gym must be loaded with racists.

I agree. Seems the lefty's on this board are more concerned with him being a conservative and a racist than they are with nine dead people.

The have their priorities in order. Yes Indeedy.
On that same note, it seems most conservatives are frozen in a dilemma if they should disown the southern confederate/racist element they count on come election time.
You're confusing Southern Democrats with Republicans.

The only fuckers in the South whistling Dixie are the Blue Blood Democrats who to this day still vote Democrat because everybody in their family has always voted Democrat.
I live down here in the south and you are full of shit. I know who's who and how they vote. The dixiecrat ceased to exist about the time RR and the moral majority came about.

I live in the South as well and your still full of shit and a biased idiot to boot.
I am biased against institutionalized hate and intolerance and I am not the least bit ashamed to admit it. If the republican party wants racists to cast their votes for them then it is their choice but they shouldn't act surprised at any blowback they get trying to protect racist institutions such as continuing to honor confederate symbolism and traditions.
He was no liberal. Liberals don't obsess themselves with Confederate icons. Racists and southern conservatives do!


Again... Comes the implication of Conservatism, minus a definition of what that means, except to imply that such is racist.

Within the Conservative ranks AS WE SPEAK, Conservative Candidates at the TOP of the Conservative field are: Latina, Black and Female Candidates...

Where in ANY of that is the potential for such to be affiliated with, on the slightest level with the delusional straw reasoning that Americans (Conservatives) are Racist?

Although he was photographed burning a US Flag, I have seen no clues as to why. I suspect he was just a rebellious boring dork looking for attention.


And this suspicion rests upon what? Your own experience as a Rebellious Dork looking for attention when you burned, stomped upon and otherwise disrespected the men and women who suffered and died to sustain your freedom, which such represents?


Now those who DO, are those who are expressing their opposition TO THE REPRESENTATION OF EVERYTHING AMERICA STANDS FOR... And because 'you will know them by their fruits', we can know that people who oppose what America Stands For, are OKA: Anti-Americans... and there is no better example of opposition for what America stands for, or... the Anti-American, than the adherent to Left-think, OKA: The Liberal, Progressive, Socialist... .

Now, given the Anti-Christian position of the Ideological Left... it follows that Roof was in the Church that day to murder Christians as much as he was in there to murder Blacks.

And his words with regard to his desire to start a race war are directly associated with the Ideological Left; specifically the Cloward and Piven Strategy, of which the obama cult is directly affiliated... and is clearly working as it has gone to extraordinary lengths to establish racial unrest and undermine the perceived authority of local law enforcement over the last 18 months.

So, there is absolutely NOTHING 'Conservative' about Roof... and there is no END to the traits and tendencies of the Ideological Left found throughout this kids pitiful life and the rampage that has closed out the potential for any hope with regard to such.
I am biased against institutionalized hate and intolerance and I am not the least bit ashamed to admit it. If the republican party wants racists to cast their votes for them then it is their choice but they shouldn't act surprised at any blowback they get trying to protect racist institutions such as continuing to honor confederate symbolism and traditions.

Please define the word "racist"...

And please understand, the reason I challenge you to do so, is so that you can prove to the Reader that your use of the word, is in no way affiliated with the actual definition of the word, but is instead a deceitful hijacking of such, to reflect "In opposition to the softly extended bigotry which invokes low expectations of people of color, due to the intrinsic belief that such people are otherwise incapable any sense of high expectations... as advanced by the Ideological Left.

So, please define "Racist" so that we can set your definition against the two sets of competing ideas and see which one your illicit use of the word fits.

(Reader, watch this would-be contributor closely, so you can witness them avoid defining the words they use. They can't do so because TO DO SO is to immediately expose their use of such as fraudulence, designed to influence the ignorant. They're intention is to deceive... as is always the intention of evil, as such is its ONLY STOCK ON TRADE!)
So because the drug addled racist piece of shit mass murderer visited a conservative web site it means he's a conservative according to the whacked out liberals at USMB.

Okey dokey. Following this type of insane progressive logic I can now claim that without a doubt that everyone that attends Gold's Gym is a drug addled racist piece of shit who wants to commit a mass murder in a historical black southern church.


You libs are really showing your asshole stripes big time over this.


Yuppers. This racist creep loves Gold's Gym. So Gold's Gym must be loaded with racists.

I agree. Seems the lefty's on this board are more concerned with him being a conservative and a racist than they are with nine dead people.

The have their priorities in order. Yes Indeedy.
On that same note, it seems most conservatives are frozen in a dilemma if they should disown the southern confederate/racist element they count on come election time.
You're confusing Southern Democrats with Republicans.

The only fuckers in the South whistling Dixie are the Blue Blood Democrats who to this day still vote Democrat because everybody in their family has always voted Democrat.
I live down here in the south and you are full of shit. I know who's who and how they vote. The dixiecrat ceased to exist about the time RR and the moral majority came about.
And you're a fucking liar.

They still live among us......they just aren't as vocal as they used to be. I work with some of them......conservative Democrats. The only issue that matters to them is that the GOP supposedly supports the rich....which gives them the only excuse they need to vote Democrat. Most people in the South have sense enough not to vote for Democrats that don't believe in borders, but there's still a lot of Conservative Democrats......and they 're usually the ones who wouldn't want their kids dating black folks.

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